Need Industrial Grade Sanitation?

Check out the Tyent SHG-1

  • 100% Natural ingredients
  • 99.9% Sterilization power
  • Sterilization Ingredients of FDA GRAS Class
  • *GRAS(Generally Recognized As Safe, CITE: 21CFR178.1010)
  • KFDA Approved for Food Safety
  • Novel Coronavirus(COVID-19) disinfectant suggested by WHO

01 The Generative Principle

Tyent SHG-1

Is a device that electrolyzes water and small quantities of salt to produce an environmentally friendly sterilizing water solution (Sodium Hypochlorite)

The solution produced is commonly used in areas that require sterilization and disinfection as it has strong sterilizing power especially against germs and viruses, including resistant bacteria and COVID19. This is an innovative HACCP product that provides both sanitation and safety as well as solves the problem of handling harsh, toxic chemicals that are bad for our skin as well as our environment.

How to prevent food poisoning

Disinfect and sterilize to kill food poisoning causing bacteria.

The average amount of microorganisms found in raw vegetables is 103~109CFU/g. Common bacteria and colon bacillus that live on the surfaces of fruits and vegetables cannot be completely removed by tap water. Harmful microorganisms such as these can still live on surfaces and utensils after preparing raw fruits and vegetables unless properly sterilized. Disinfection and sterilization is not a choice, but a must!

Category Active Concentration
Fruits, Vegetables, Fresh Foods Below 100ppm
Cooking Utensils and Facilities Below 200ppm
Sterilization/Removal of Strong Contamination Below 1,000ppm
  • Escherichia coli (E.coli)

    The strain of bacteria used as an indicator of contamination in areas requiring sanitation.

    Can cause Food poisoning, Sepsis, Pyelitis, Diarrhea, Abdominal pain and Peritonitis

  • Staphylococcus aureus

    Pathogenic bacteria that attacks the human body. It is a usual member of the microbiota of the body.

    Can cause Food poisoning, Purulent inflammation, Pneumonia, and Enteritis

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a multidrug resistant pathogen recognized for its association with serious illnesses.

  • MRSA

    Super Bacteria

    Can cause Food Poisoning, Sepsis, Pyelitis, Diarrhea, Abdominal pain and Peritonitis

  • Streptococcus pneumoniae

    Spreads by direct person-to-person contact via respiratory droplets and by autoinoculation in persons carrying the bacteria in their upper respiratory tracts.

    Can caused Pneumonia, Tympanitis, Bacteremia, Meningitis

  • Streptococcus

    Streptococcus is found in soil, water, skin flora, and most man-made environments.

    Can Cause respiratory disease and digestive problems

  • Candida

    Candida is the most common cause of fungal infections in humans.

    Symptoms include skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, hives, and rashes

  • Bacillus

    Anaerobic bacteria widely found in soil and water.

    Can cause vomiting, Diarrhea, and food poisoning

Useful for disinfecting Places exposed to patients with Coronavirus(COVID-19)

Quickly and effectively disinfect public facilities and living areas exposed to patients with Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Schools, Offices, Factories, Hospitals, Daycare centers, Restaurants, cafeterias, etc.

How to Disinfect Sodium Hypochlorite use 500 / 1000ppm !

Contact times for different uses

  • Disinfect by wiping of nonporous surfaces: a contact time of ≥ 10 minutes is recommended.
  • Disinfect by immersion of items: a contact time of 30 minutes is recommended.

Infection prevention and control during health care when novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection is suspected

Interim guidance
25 January 2020

  • ONE TOUCH automatic flush

    The touch sense system allows you to easily get the water going or stop. You can see the status of the button you chose.

    Individual button & live status display

    You can easily identify the different functions and see the live status.

  • Production of different concentrations of active chlorine

    The product automatically produces the sterilized water based on its use (100/200/1000ppm)

  • Safe self check function

    The safety function has improved by displaying and alerting the unmet condition of the electrolytes (salt) and flow.

  • Automatic circulation of the saline solution

    The inner circulation system of the salt tank keeps a steady concentration of sodium solution

    Multistage electrolysis system

    The two stage electrolysis system decreases the salinity of the residue and consumption of salt.

  • SMPS Power method

    SMPS [Switching Mode Power Supply] power supply method provides steady power.

    Inner cleansing function

    When not used for a long time, the inner part of the product can be washed by water

  • Solution of Salt solidification problem

    A salt solidification phenomenon was solved by the structure of the salt tank which strengthened the circulation function.

  • Wall-mounted product for effective use of space

    The wall-mounted design provides effective use of space.

04 Product Installation

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For purchase inquiries or any other questions pertaining to our Industrial products, please fill out the form below.

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