5 Tips to Boost Your Black Friday

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 4, 2020 12:00 pm

Black Friday is almost here! Have you already got a plan of what bargains you’ll be hoping to unearth? Want to increase your chances of grabbing the deal of the year? Read on for our awesome tips to boost YOUR Black Friday!


5 Tips to Boost Your Black Friday


1. Find Early Sales! We all know that it’s the early bird that catches the worm! Buy your Black Friday bargain before the crowds descend and miss out on the sale day madness!

2. Be an Online Bargain Hunter and forget waiting outside for hours in a socially distanced queue in whatever weather happens along that day.

3. Can’t Avoid the Crowds? Take a Healthy Snack! Sometimes, a trip to the actual store is necessary in …

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Hydrogen Water Can Help Prevent and Reduce Hangovers

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 27, 2019 4:52 pm

We all know that the best way to avoid a hangover is to not drink alcohol in the first place. However, it’s the holiday season and the reality is that many people are tempted into drinking a little more of the hard stuff than usual.

hydrogen water
Hydrogen Water can fix your hangover before it even starts!

The Three Greatest Hangover-Busting Tips Ever!

But what about the morning after?

There’s so much to celebrate at this time of year and no one wants to miss a moment of the fun by suffering from the dreaded hangover!

We’ve rounded up the three all-time greatest tips to sensibly enjoying alcohol over the holidays while hopefully avoiding feeling full-on Grinch the following day!


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