Alkaline Water and Sleep

A good night’s sleep is vital to good health. Once you realize just how important sleep is and how much it contributes to your overall wellbeing, you’ll be grabbing all the early nights you can.

Plus: how alkaline water can help you to get an even better night’s sleep!


Alkaline water and sleep


What happens when you sleep?

How do you get a good night’s sleep?

How much sleep do you REALLY need?

What happens if you don’t get enough sleep?

How does alkaline water help you get more sleep?


What happens when you sleep?

Far from just needing to rest your eyes, your whole body relies on a regular sleep cycle to restore itself. The organs within your body carry out essential ‘maintenance’ jobs during the wee hours that help to support good health.

One of the key ‘housekeeping’ jobs that are carried out is an increase in the rate that cerebral spinal fluid is pumped around your brain cells. This sluices out toxins and any waste metabolic material that has accumulated during the day.

How do you get a good night’s sleep?

Make sure the room is dark – fit blackout blinds or wear an eye mask to reduce any light that you cannot eliminate. If you don’t like to sleep with an open window, then make sure that your bedroom is well aired during the day, so that the air in the room isn’t stale at bedtime. Try to keep the temperature of your bedroom set between 15.6 to 19.4 degrees Celsius.

Add touches of luxury to make your bedroom feel like a beautiful, welcoming sanctuary. Fresh bed linen, a scented candle (in a secure holder, and never leave one burning when you’re tired) and a calm, relaxing ambiance creates the perfect atmosphere within which to slip into a good night’s sleep.

How much sleep do you REALLY need?

Adults need around 7 – 8 hours of good-quality sleep every night. Using a sleep calculator is a brilliant idea – simply set the time you need to get up the following morning, and the calculator will tell you what time you need to go to bed!

What happens if you don’t get enough sleep?

Most of us can cope with the odd late night or occasional interrupted sleep cycle without too many difficulties. However, if you persistently go without adequate amounts of sleep, and slip into a state of sleep deprivation, then more serious ill-health markers can begin to appear, including:

  • Hormone-induced weight gain – lack of sleep triggers an increase in hunger hormones while suppressing leptin, a satiety hormone, which creates the perfect environment for craving high sugar foods and snacking.
  • Low mood and irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Increased clumsiness
  • Memory problems
  • Suppressed immune system – lack of sleep can impact your ability to fight off infectious diseases

How does alkaline water help you get more sleep?

Install a water ionizer at home and every single day, you can enjoy alkaline water that is:

Drinking alkaline water can help to support a good night’s sleep.  Maintaining healthy hydration levels throughout the day means that you don’t need to load up on fluids at night – the very thing that has people running for the bathroom when they should be sleeping!

Unlike tap or bottled water, you can be sure that alkaline water from a Tyent Water Ionizer is free from potentially harmful contaminants. That means that your liver does not need to work overtime filtering out additional toxins during the night.

Every glass of Tyent alkaline water contains vital minerals that support good health and help to maintain the perfect pH balance – the foundation of your body operating in an optimal state.

Which Water Ionizer is Perfect for You?

Ready for the best night’s sleep you’ve had in years? Call up our friendly team at and ask about the incredible deals we have on our entire range of award-winning water ionizers!

⚠ Safe drinking water is becoming scarcer, so people want healthy alternatives to chemical-filled tap water and…

Posted by TyentUSA on Wednesday, November 18, 2020

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