Your Local Water Quality Affects Your Life (FREE Water Quality Report INSIDE)

What’s your local water quality like? Did you know that your water can have a direct effect on your health?

If you want to learn more about your local water quality and how it affects your life, then we’re here to help. We can start by offering you a FREE water quality report on your local water supply, and then following that up with solutions for any water contamination issues revealed by your report.


Your Local Water Quality Affects Your Life



What’s Your Water Quality REALLY Like?

Due to industrial practices, large-scale farming, aging and inadequate infrastructure, among myriad other reasons, most of the water that flows out of taps across the country is now contaminated in some way. Check out these statistics:

  • Almost half the water in America contains cancer-linked PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’
  • PFAS is detectable in 83% of waterways across America
  • 56% of the water in American homes contains deadly lead
  • The drinking water of 170 million people in America contains radioactive contamination
  • Highly toxic pesticide residues were found in 90% of stream water samples
  • Elevated levels of arsenic are present in US groundwater, with the potential to affect the private wells of 43 million people.

Honestly? These water quality statistics make shocking reading, but they’re only the tip of the iceberg.


Do YOU Need a Free Water Quality Report?

If you haven’t obtained one already, do you think you might need a Water Quality Report? In most cases, the answer is straightforward. If you drink or cook with municipal tap water, then yes, you do. Some of the most toxic chemicals and contaminants flowing into American homes, schools and businesses are impossible to detect with any of your senses. Lead, for example, cannot be seen, tasted or smelled.


What Can You Do About Your Water Quality?

As your Water Quality Report will show, where you live is important when it comes to what’s in your water. It can be shocking and upsetting to find out that the water you’ve been drinking, cooking with and bathing in is contaminated. The good news is that knowledge is power. You can do something about it!

If you feel anxious about your water quality and how it affects your life, then remember that from the moment you get your free Water Quality Report, you’re empowering yourself to change things for the better.


Tyent Water Ionizer Filters & Your Peace of Mind

From the moment you install a Tyent Water Ionizer in your home, you can relax, knowing that our world-class filters are engineered to do exactly what you need: remove the toxic contaminants from your source water.

Tyent filters have the same filtration capacity as hospital dialysis machines, for incredible performance and the ultimate peace of mind.


Any Questions? We’re Here to Help!

If you have any questions about your water quality and how it affects your life, just call our friendly team at 855-TYENT-US (). We’ll help you understand and make sense of your Water Quality Report and advise you on what to do next.



FREE Water Report. What's lurking in your water? Download My FREE Report!
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