Where to Buy Hydrogen Water [2024]

If you’re wondering where to buy hydrogen water, you’ve come to the right place. Hydrogen water is becoming increasingly popular due to many studies revealing benefits like anti-cancer properties, improved mood and anxiety, and increased energy levels. That being said, we understand it can be confusing to figure out how to incorporate this into your life.

Well, don’t worry, because we’re about to guide you through everything you need to know about hydrogen water, including the best places to buy it, and clear up any misconceptions along the way.


What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water is basically just regular water with added hydrogen gas molecules (H2). This can be achieved using a hydrogen water machine, like Tyent’s UCE-13 Plus.

Standard diets can lead to an imbalance of unstable atoms called free radicals in the body, which can damage cells. Hydrogen molecules act as potent antioxidants, neutralizing these harmful free radicals and reducing oxidative stress. Reduced oxidative stress promotes better cellular health and overall well-being, combating illness and aging.

Alkaline Water vs Hydrogen Water

Both alkaline water and hydrogen water enhance overall health but serve different purposes. Alkaline water has a higher pH level, typically between 8 and 9, which can help neutralize acidity in the body and improve hydration. It’s often enriched with minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. 

Hydrogen water, on the other hand, focuses more on cellular health and reducing oxidative damage. For those looking to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, hydrogen water may be the better choice due to its superior antioxidant properties.


Where to Buy Hydrogen Water

Depending on your lifestyle and preferences, you may want to opt for different ways of getting your hydrogen water. Some methods are better for on-the-go use, while others are ideal for home use. Let’s look at the different ways of getting your hydrogen water.

Hydrogen Water Machines

Hydrogen water machines, like water ionizers, are designed for home use and provide a readily-available source of hydrogen water. These machines use electrolysis to infuse the existing water source with hydrogen gas. 

Here’s how they work:

  1. Install the machine under your sink by connecting it to your water lines.
  2. Let the machine fill with water.
  3. The machine uses electrolysis to split water molecules and infuse hydrogen gas into the water, leaving you with a consistent, high concentration of hydrogen in your water.

Many machines also come with built-in filters to ensure the water is clean and safe to drink before it starts the electrolysis process.

Hydrogen Water Bottles 

Hydrogen water bottles are designed for those who need a portable solution. These bottles typically have a built-in electrolysis system to infuse the water with hydrogen gas. While they offer convenience, it’s important to note that the hydrogen concentration in these bottles might not be as high or consistent as what you would get from a dedicated machine at home. 

Here’s how they work:

  1. Fill the bottle with water.
  2. Activate the built-in electrolysis system.
  3. The bottle infuses hydrogen gas into the water.

In short, while these bottles are useful for portability, they may not match the performance and benefits of a full-scale machine.

Make Your Own Hydrogen Water 

Now you might be wondering “How do I make hydrogen water myself?” The best way is with a dedicated hydrogen water machine.

However, if you’re looking for a more portable option, you can also try hydrogen tablets. These dissolvable tablets contain hydrogen and can be added to water to create hydrogen water.

Here’s how:

  1. Fill a glass with water.
  2. Drop a hydrogen tablet into the glass.
  3. Wait for the tablet to dissolve completely.

This method can be easy to use, although it might not provide the same consistency and concentration as a hydrogen water machine. 


Benefits of Buying Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen water can make a noticeable difference in your daily life. Here are some real-world examples of the benefits you may experience:

Increased Energy 

The hydrogen molecules help reduce oxidative stress in your cells, allowing your body to use energy more efficiently. This means you feel more alert and energized without the typical caffeine crash from a cup of coffee. This makes it easier to increase focus and concentration naturally and feel more productive throughout the day.


After an intense workout, you might experience muscle soreness and inflammation. Drinking hydrogen water can help reduce this inflammation faster than regular water. The anti-inflammatory properties of hydrogen water can soothe your muscles, helping you recover faster and get back to your exercise routine without prolonged discomfort.

Antioxidant Properties

Your body faces oxidative stress from pollution, UV rays, and unhealthy foods every day. Hydrogen water acts as a powerful antioxidant to combat the stress, neutralizing harmful free radicals. This can manifest as healthier skin with fewer signs of aging like wrinkles and dark spots, as well as a lower risk of chronic diseases caused by oxidative damage.

Better Hydration 

You might notice that drinking hydrogen water improves your overall water intake experience, leading you to drink more water. This enhanced hydration can make you feel more refreshed, improve your physical performance, and contribute to better overall well-being, even after spending hours in the sun or during intense physical activities.


Where to Buy Hydrogen Water Machines

Hydrogen water machines provide a consistent and high concentration of hydrogen, ensuring you get the maximum health benefits. Here are some top options for buying hydrogen water machines:


tyent logo

Tyent offers the most advanced ionizers crafted from high quality medical-grade materials. The use of solid/mesh hybrid titanium plates leads to better conduction of electricity. Other brands use purely solid or purely mesh plates, which can result in lower quality electrolysis. 

Tyent’s machines come ready to install, making it easy for anyone to incorporate hydrogen water into their lives. Tyent is also known for its abundance of positive reviews with a 4.69/5 rating on the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and even glowing testimonials from high-profile athletes, celebrities, and fitness experts.

tyent hybrid

Hydrogen water products:

  • H2 HYBRID: A combination of an alkaline water ionizer & a hydrogen water generator.
  • UCE-13 PLUS: Tyent’s most powerful under-counter water ionizer.
  • ACE-13: The #1 rated above-counter water ionizer on dozens of trusted websites.
  • EDGE-9 Turbo: A convenient one-touch above-counter ionizer system.

Explore Tyent today!

Enagic (Kangen)


Enagic, producer of the Kangen Water machines, has been in the hydrogen water industry for over 50 years. This Japan-based company offers above-counter water ionizers for home use. While they have a long history, it’s important to consider their products in the context of your specific needs and the features offered by other brands.

Any cons?

  • There are numerous BBB complaints about poor customer support.

Their warranty only lasts 3-5 years and comes with many stipulations in the fine print.

  • The Kangen filters focus on chlorine alone and don’t remove heavy metals or  pharmaceuticals.
  • The short 7-day trial period may not give enough time to truly test the system.
  • The 30-day trial period is only valid on unused machines.

Life Ionizer

Life Ionizer

Life Ionizer produces hydrogen water machines to create hydrogen-rich water at home. They offer under-counter systems, whole house systems, commercial ionizers, and multiple under-counter filters to clean the water supply. 

Things to consider:

  • Once you sign an agreement with Life Ionizer, you can not return your machine under any circumstances.
  • Their UV lighting technology to kill bacteria has yet to prove any useful merit to the system.
  • They previously held the worst BBB rating (F) in the industry numerous due to complaints for deception, false advertising, and customer issues. 
  • Does not have any certifications.


Where to Buy Hydrogen Water Bottles 

We recommend going with an at-home ionizer to reap all the full benefits of hydrogen water. However, if you still want to start with hydrogen water bottles, here are a few places you can get them:



HydroPures offers hydrogen water bottles designed for on-the-go use. While they provide convenience, these bottles are not the ideal way to get hydrogen. They may not infuse as much hydrogen as dedicated machines, like Tyent, potentially limiting the health benefits. 

Any cons?

  • Limited hydrogen infusion compared to dedicated machines.
  • May not provide significant health benefits.
  • The reduced benefits may feel like a waste of time since you are not experiencing the full potential of hydrogen water.



PIURIFY offers a hydrogen water bottle with a screen that displays a timer and the concentration of hydrogen in parts per billion. These bottles are designed for convenience but might not be the best long-term solution for those seeking maximum health benefits.

Any cons?

  • Higher cost per use when compared to home machines.
  • Lower hydrogen concentration compared to machines.


More on Hydrogen Water 

We understand that committing to hydrogen water is more than just discovering where to buy it. So, let’s look at some frequently asked questions on hydrogen water.

How can I get hydrogen water?

The best way to get hydrogen water is through a dedicated hydrogen water machine, like those offered by Tyent. These machines use electrolysis to infuse water with hydrogen gas, providing a consistent and high concentration of hydrogen right at home.

For those who need a portable solution, hydrogen water bottles with built-in electrolysis systems are available, though they may not offer the same level of concentration. Hydrogen tablets are another option, allowing you to create hydrogen water by dissolving them in regular water, but they are less consistent compared to machines.

For maximum benefits and convenience, a Tyent hydrogen water machine is the best choice.

Is hydrogen water expensive?

The cost of hydrogen water can vary depending on the method you choose. A hydrogen water machine has higher upfront costs but is cost-effective over time. And companies like Tyent offer lifetime warranties that ensure your investment is protected. 

Hydrogen water bottles and tablets have a lower initial cost but may not provide as consistent results and benefits as machines.

What are the best hydrogen water bottles?

The best way of making hydrogen water is at home using a machine, but if you prefer a portable solution, consider bottles from brands like HydroPures and PIURIFY. These bottles may be convenient in the moment, but will not give you the same hydrogen concentration as a dedicated machine.

How long does hydrogen water last? 

Hydrogen water should be consumed soon after production for maximum benefits, as hydrogen gas can dissipate over time. Typically, hydrogen water loses its properties within 18-24 hours, but it’s best to drink it as fresh as possible to ensure you receive the full health benefits.


Discover Where to Buy the Best Hydrogen Water

Now that you know all about the different ways of obtaining hydrogen water, it’s clear that the choice of how you get your hydrogen water matters. While portable options may be convenient for on-the-go use, you do need to consider the sacrifice of hydrogen potency and consistency with hydrogen water bottles and tablets. 

Ready to reap the full benefits of hydrogen water? Tyent offers advanced ionizers that provide a reliable and efficient way to produce high-quality hydrogen water at home. Crafted from the highest quality materials, Tyent’s machines ensure durability and superior performance. 

With a lifetime warranty and easy installation, Tyent offers peace of mind and long-term support. Plus, you won’t need to send in your unit for cleaning, simply use the citric acid cleaning cartridges conveniently at home.

Experience the benefits of Tyent’s hydrogen water today!

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