Water Ionizers – The Foodie’s Best Friend!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On August 24, 2017 12:00 pm

Love nothing more than rustling up delicious food for friends and family?  Enjoy dicing, slicing and sautéing as much as some people love watching a good movie?  Can you spot the ripest tomato in the bowl at 20 paces?

Love to cook?  You’ll enjoy it even more with a Tyent Ionizer!

If you answered yes to any of these questions (and even if you didn’t!), did you know that a water ionizer in the kitchen is perfect for food lovers?

 A Raw Deal?

Let’s start with the raw ingredients.  Organic food is free of herbicides and pesticides, but it costs more to produce and so the price of buying organic tends to be higher.  So you buy regular produce …

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Summer Beauty Special with Ionized Water! 

Posted by: Rhona Reid On August 23, 2017 7:00 am

Holidays, weddings, backyard BBQs…there always seems to be something going on in the summer!

A Tyent Ionizer might be your best beauty buy yet!’

It’s fun to dress up and make more effort than usual to look our best, but what else can we do to give ourselves that extra je ne sais quoi?

Natural Radiance From Your Water Ionizer

Forget flattering filters…did you know that a water ionizer doesn’t only hydrate you, but it can be your best buddy when it comes to looking fantastic?  To help us all shine in the sun, we’ve rounded up five amazing ways that your water ionizer can help you get your glam on this summer!

  1. Super Shiny Hair! Using water from
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Keep Your Cool With a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On August 17, 2017 12:00 pm

We all need to drink around 2 liters of water every day to stay properly hydrated.  That still applies to anyone with a sedentary lifestyle or sitting at a desk job.  But sometimes, our bodies need more.

Whatever you do during the day, make sure you drink Tyent Water.
A Thirst for Fitness! 

If you play sports, take an exercise class, go hiking or enjoy any of the fantastic fitness opportunities available to most of us — you need to increase the amount of water you drink.

To be fair, that’s common knowledge.  After all, our bodies tell us that we’re thirsty, so we sip some water.  But why?  What happens inside our body that means we should drink more?  …

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Water Ionizers and the “Swiss Cheese” Scare Story

Posted by: Rhona Reid On August 10, 2017 12:00 pm

We learned a little more this week about how lead ended up flowing out the taps in Flint.  Researchers at the University of Michigan have released their forensic conclusions on how the crisis took shape.

Some of the Flint evidence has more holes in it than this.
The “Swiss Cheese” Evidence

Officials had put forward a claim that failure to add anti-corrosion chemicals hadn’t impacted on the eventual contamination of the water.  This assertion was undermined by the researchers’ discovery of “a Swiss cheese pattern” in the aging pipework cause by corrosion.

The research team goes on to emphasize the importance of ensuring that anti-corrosion chemicals are used in all of America’s aging water systems to prevent lead-laced water reaching …

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Help! My Friend Is Trying to Sell Me a Water Ionizer

Posted by: Rhona Reid On August 8, 2017 7:00 am

There’s a special kind of shadow that descends over even the most loving friendships once one party – I’ll call her “Jane” – discovers the wonders of Multi-Level Marketing, or “MLM.”  I’ve seen friends there before with candles and “natural” skincare products of dubious origin.  This time, it was the turn of Kangen and their money-spinning (but not saving!) modus operandi.  

What do you mean you don’t want to buy a Kangen Machine?
Friends with Vested Interests?

“Jane” started to talk about how her friends should buy a water ionizer.  Fine, you might think.  But we should only buy a Kangen Ionizer.  From her.  To be fair, I loved the idea of the health benefits of ionized water, but

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5 Water Ionizer Myths You Need to Know

Posted by: Rhona Reid On August 3, 2017 12:00 pm

We love busting myths.  Especially the ones that relate to water ionizers!  The wonder of all of the information flowing freely around the internet is that inevitably, myths and inaccuracies start to emerge.

Myth Busting: The Water Ionizer Edition

We’ve taken hold of 5 popular myths that seem to crop up regularly, in order to bust them!

  1. Ionized Water is Like Regular Water. Well, why not start with the Big One?  We know this myth inside out.  Every drop of ionized water from a Tyent Ionizer is rich in minerals, antioxidants and natural hydrogen.  Aside from the horror stories about what’s in our tap water, even regular water that doesn’t contain lead or other scary contaminants cannot hold a
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Did a Water Ionizer Save Terry Fator’s Career?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On August 1, 2017 7:00 am

Ventriloquist and entertainer Terry Fator likes to joke that overnight success following his appearance on America’s Got Talent in 2007 was only 25 years in the making.

After 25 years, Terry Fator finally became an overnight success.
Before the Big Time

On the fringes of the business for years, the lowest point, Fator recalls, came when he was already disheartened after plugging away in small town fetes and theaters for years.  Then one night, Fator opened a show in a 1000-seat auditorium, to an audience of just one person.

Never Stop Believing!

Despite the setbacks, Fator’s faith in himself somehow remained intact.  Famously, his appearance on America’s Got Talent changed everything.  Following his success on the show, Terry went on …

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Is a Water Ionizer Much Better than a Reverse Osmosis Unit?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 25, 2017 7:00 am

Reverse osmosis water units are important in survival situations or in war zones where the usual water infrastructure has broken down, for example.  The idea is that dirty water is pumped through a semi-permeable membrane, which removes salt, some bacteria and other contaminants.

Reverse Osmosis = dead water.
Want the Good News First? 

The good news?  It works.  Nearly everything is removed from the water.  The bad news?  That includes the good stuff — the elements we need our drinking water to contain.

That’s not a problem in the very short term.  However, drinking reverse osmosis water as our main source of hydration carries a real risk of denying our bodies the essential minerals we need to thrive.

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Is a Water Ionizer Really Much Better Than My Well Water?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 20, 2017 12:00 pm

We all know that there are serious problems with America’s water pipelines and infrastructure from coast to coast, so well water must be a better option, right?

What ends up in here is pretty horrifying.
Well, What’s the Truth?

Well water gives an impression of natural purity, untainted by miles of aging, contaminated pipework.  After all, people have drunk well water for hundreds of years.  Lots of us have grandparents who drank water from their own wells, and they all lived to a good old age, right?  Aside from that, some people don’t have a choice – not everyone is joined up to a municipal water source.

Times have Changed

True, but things are different now.  Fracking, construction and …

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2 Things I Hate About My Water Ionizer

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 18, 2017 7:00 am

Love isn’t – despite hundreds of songs and films suggesting otherwise – unconditional.  The flip side of real-life love is hate, a strong word, but who hasn’t been tempted to use it every now and again?  You can love someone, but still hate the fact that they stack the dishes in the sink instead of straight into the dishwasher.  You can adore your soulmate beyond reason, but still hate their “signature” risotto.

Love you, hate this.

So yes, love and hate can co-exist in an everyday way, without drama.  And it’s against this backdrop that I can breathe a sigh of relief and finally get it out there.

There are 2 things that I (used to) hate about my water …

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