Tyent’s Free Water Reports: How Safe is Your Water?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 8, 2016 12:00 pm

Following on from our own reports into the deepening crisis surrounding America’s water supply, comes a sobering and informative article from the Scientific American.   The author, Robert Glennon, is Regents’ Professor at the University of Arizona 

Cost to fix this?  Nearly $1 trillion.
Cost to fix this?  Nearly $1 trillion.

Prophecy in the Water

Glennon also authored a book, “Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What To Do About It,” back in 2009, long before we were horrified by the events unfolding in Flint.  The book seems eerily prophetic now; referring to the ‘looming catastrophe’ of how the government diverts and maintains water supplies; while elsewhere, millions of gallons of water are wasted.

A Corrosion of Trust

Going back to the Scientific American article, the …

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Sorry Soda.  It’s Not You.  It’s Us. 

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 1, 2016 12:00 pm

On the 2nd August, Bloomberg.com published a report stating that bottled water is poised to outstrip soda sales, a new phenomenon which industry experts believe owes as much to the highly publicized water crisis which began (publicly at any rate) in Flint, MI., as it does to any real sea change in our health habits.

Sorry soda.  It’s all over between us.
Sorry soda.  It’s all over between us.

Just How Bad is Soda?

Even fans of soda know that there’s little to recommend it, in terms of what it contains; and in fact there’s mounting evidence that soda is actively harmful to our health.

Soft drink consumers are being exposed to an avoidable and unnecessary cancer risk from an ingredient that is

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101 Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers, Part 9: Tyent Alkaline Water Is The Healthiest Water In The World. Dare To Compare!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 14, 2016 12:00 pm

What is the healthiest water to drink? Find out how Tyent Water ionizers can give you the best drinking option here!

Tyent Water Provides the Healthiest Water to Drink


Get Healthier with Alkaline Ionized Water from Tyent Filters

researcher testing the water quality | Reasons to Love Tyent Water Ionizers, Part 9: Tyent Alkaline Water Is The Healthiest Water In The World. Dare To Compare!
Aside from providing the healthiest water to drink, there are other reasons to love Tyent Water ionizers! Check out the first 83 reasons starting here!

How can Tyent Water give you the healthiest water to drink every time? By making sure the water you get goes through the best filtration process!

Then again, filters can get clogged, too. So pre-filters become quite useful for your water ionizer!

Before we break down and compare each water type to Tyent Water, I …

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America’s Water – The Crisis Deepens

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 12, 2016 7:00 am

Following hot on the heels of a damning report by a British newspaper about the state of water regulation in America, comes the latest in increasingly worrying reportage on the crisis.

An astonishing 5,300 water systems in America have violated the EPA guidelines on lead and copper, putting 18 million Americans unknowingly at risk.

How Did it Get This Serious?

The creaking, aging infrastructure that supplies the water is a known problem.  The cost of replacing it is too high, and so repairs are carried out piecemeal, when a localized problem becomes serious enough.  To safeguard the millions of people drinking the water, tests must be carried out to check for unsafe levels of dangerous contaminants, and this is …

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Is Buying A Water Ionizer Worth It? 

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 26, 2016 9:00 am

Buying a water ionizer is a fairly major purchase for most people.  Although the cost-per-glass comes in at around a tiny 6 cents, the initial cost is significant enough for you to need a bit of reassurance that you really need this in your life.

Investing in your health is the greatest investment you can make.
Investing in your health is the greatest investment you can make.

Without wanting to sound trite, your health is something that you’re unlikely to regret investing in.  Ionized alkaline water is feted the world over by people who have experienced the benefits of drinking it, and their testimonials make persuasive reading.

“Since drinking Tyent Water™, we have had no allergies, no colds, and everybody has more energy. Pretty amazing!”  

~ Dr.Christopher Fiordaliso

 How Ionized

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Why Alkaline Water Beats Bottled Water Hands Down!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 3, 2016 9:00 am

In data recently released by the Beverage Marketing Corporation, it was apparent that one area of growth exceeded it’s projected performance.  Sales of bottled water are over and above the industry forecast, and it begs the question why that might be.

Millions of these end up in landfill every year.
Millions of these end up in landfill every year.

Damage Limitation?

A desire to be a bit healthier?  Certainly water is a better option than soda.  An inevitable reaction to the frightening stories about exactly what the water that comes out of your taps might contain?  After Flint came Bruni, and if recent reports are to be believed, there’s more trouble brewing in the pipelines of America.

Disposable Dilemma

But bottled water is a bit of …

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Five Reasons to Never Drink Unfiltered Water

Posted by: William Poole On March 25, 2016 9:00 am

Plumbing is one of the great innovations of modern society and a sufficient public water supply should not be taken for granted. However, most water that flows from the tap in the USA is not safe for long-term consumption because of the chemicals and hard metals it contains.

Think about where your tap water comes from...
Think about where your tap water comes from…

As such, tap water should always be filtered through a water ionizer before it is consumed and Tyent alkaline water ionizers are the perfect appliance to filter and alkalize your tap water.

Five Reasons to NEVER Drink Unfiltered Water

  1. Water Treatment Is Not Sufficient

The same practices that were used to treat public water decades ago are still in use today. Basically, water …

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Your Health…What’s it Really Worth?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 10, 2015 4:43 pm

Few things are sweeter than having a bit of money saved up for a rainy day. Yes, there are many ways a little extra money can be spent of course, but have you considered investing that money into a product that will pay you and your family healthy dividends for a lifetime?  Perhaps you haven’t, but you may want to consider it.

April showers bring may flowers but also an incredible opportunity to enjoy better health.
April showers bring may flowers but also an incredible opportunity to enjoy better health.

I’m talking about investing in an ionized alkaline water purifier from Tyent for your home or place of business. The advantages to your health from drinking ionized alkaline water are undeniable and supportable.  Just drinking water that is much cleaner than you are

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Happy and Grateful Customers Want People to Know Why You Can’t Beat a Tyent Alkaline Water Machine (Updated)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 1, 2015 6:12 pm

It seems the more people who purchase a water ionizer from Tyent, the more they want to share their experience with others who may be hesitant to spend money on something they fear may not deliver on what it promises. 

man thinking over gray background

Their willingness to share with those holding concerns is not surprising however.  Many themselves, had reservations about investing in an alkaline water ionizer before they decided to make their purchase a Tyent ionzier.

However, once they experienced the quality of their machine, the great water it produced and the health benefits they recognized, they were convinced they had made the right decision and just as importantly, had chosen the right company from which to buy. 

Tyent…a Name People Trust

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Here Comes the Sun and the Tyent Alkaline Water Company! (Version 2)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 31, 2015 6:56 pm

There is nothing like a little warmth and sunshine (vitamin D) to lift the spirits and reignite that sense of “Life is good.”

Joy, sunlight, wheat.

In that vein, when the sun is out, that means more outdoor activities on the menu.  You’ll want to look and feel your best and a great way to help achieve that more easily is by drinking ionized alkaline water from The Tyent Alkaline Water Company.

Tyent’s high pH water helps stimulate the pyloric valve to open sooner, allowing for super hydration at the cellular level. Tyent Water also flushes fat cells so you can effectively lose weight by drinking ionized alkaline water.

Which leads ever so smoothly into an important question.

 How Can Ionized

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