Just Add Salt?  The New Way that Salt is Harming Our Health

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 23, 2018 7:00 am

Something else has been identified as a potential health hazard in our water.  To add to the cocktail of potential contaminants that flow out of taps across America, salt has recently been identified as the latest water worry.  

Do you really need more salt?
How Our Soil Gets Salty

Increased use of road salt is a major cause, as is mining, fossil-fuel production and the use of some fertilizers.  The salt seeps into the ground where excessive sodium dislodges the stable soil minerals such as calcium and potassium, changing the composition of the soil itself.

Of course, whatever is in the soil will end up seeping through to our water supply.  The salty water eventually trickles through the layers of

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A Raw Deal?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 18, 2018 12:00 pm

The latest trend that seems to be gathering attention in 2018 is the craze for drinking so-called “raw water.”

Raw Water is not necessarily pure water.

When a small, Oregon-based start-up company started selling “pristine mountain spring water” to people in the San Francisco area, they tapped into the fashionable notion that the more “natural” something is, then the better for you it will be.

What is “Raw Water”?

Raw water is, quite simply, water that springs from the earth; or in this particular case, from “an ancient aquifer.” It is completely untreated and unfiltered.

One of several companies selling raw water around the country says that filtering and treating water to remove contaminants “disrupts healthy bacterias” that would otherwise

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Your New Year Fitness Plan Starts Here!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 11, 2018 12:00 pm

Let’s start by saying that if you already pull on your running shoes as soon as the alarm goes off, or if you cycle to your Bodypump class three times a week, you can safely skip this blog and go and enjoy a chilled glass of Tyent water and pat yourself on the back!

We’ve all got to start somewhere.

However, if, like many of us, your sports gear has gathered a little dust lately, and your gym subscription is starting to feel more like a charitable donation you make every month, then maybe you could use a little motivation to improve your fitness levels in 2018!

  • Take One Day At a Time.  

It’s great to have long and medium

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Don’t Start Your New Year Detox Until You Read This!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 9, 2018 7:00 am

It’s here…that time of year when we look to our less healthy habits and try to quit them, or at least improve them where possible!

Eating whole, fresh foods is a great way to detox.
Let’s Get This Detox Started!

One popular way of kick-starting a new, healthy approach is by detoxing. For some, detoxing is giving up one or two things – alcohol for example – and for others, it’s about cleansing your system and heading into the New Year feeling refreshed and healthier.

Extreme Clean?

While a few people favor an extreme approach to detoxing, for most of us, that’s not practical or desirable.   Much more realistic is our simple, 3-point version that will enable you to carry

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Why Your Dentist Dreads Christmas!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 29, 2017 12:00 pm

Okay, maybe not dreads Christmas.  But dentists are hyper aware of the damage that sweet things such as candy and soda do to our teeth.  

Therefore Christmas, arriving as it does, on a fresh wave of sweetness in the wake of that great testament to candy itself, Halloween, poses all kinds of threats to our teeth unless we take extra good care of them.

This is the stuff of nightmares for your dentist!
The Usual Suspects

As well as sugar, many people often consume more alcohol than usual around the holidays.  Alcohol attacks teeth in two ways: firstly with the sugar it contains and secondly with acid, which damages enamel.  

So you clean your teeth and visit your dentist.  

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Are the Holidays Stealing Your Energy?  

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 26, 2017 6:06 pm

Forget The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.  This is far more serious, (and erm… real). The Christmas That Stole Your Energy needs fixing, and fast!

Have the holidays stolen your sparkle?
Partied Too Hearty?

It’s all too easy to run out of energy over the holidays.  Social engagements, parties, excited kids (everywhere, more every time you look up, it seems), rich food and maybe a few glasses of wine more than you usually drink?  It’s hard work having fun!   

All of these things are energy thieves.  And when you’re tired, it’s pretty easy to just throw yourself into the nearest armchair and watch It’s a Wonderful Life again/snooze it off/wait for the kids to grow up.

Tempting, but if you want

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Sandbranch: The Town Without Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 7, 2017 12:00 pm

There has never been running water here.  Some of the dwindling number of residents, all of whom live in poverty, recall that there were wells up until around 30 years ago, where locals could draw water. Those wells are now dry or contaminated.  People who live here have to make a seven-mile journey to buy water or depend on donations made to the local Baptist church.

Welcome to Sandbranch, just 14 miles southeast of Dallas, the fifth wealthiest city in America.  

Welcome to Sandbranch.
Forgotten Community?

There hasn’t been any investment here for a long time.  The community doesn’t have trash collections, proper sewerage or street lighting – yet most of the residents don’t want move, or lack the

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Want to Know the Secret to the Best Thanksgiving Turkey Ever?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 16, 2017 12:00 pm

Sure you do!  As we approach the holiday season, our thoughts turn to the wonderful dishes that we traditionally serve as part of the feast.  Of course, the centerpiece of most tables is the turkey!

Even better when brined!
Just add Tyent Alkaline Water…

Now a roast turkey with all the trimmings is a thing of joy, but there’s a super easy chef’s trick that can make your turkey even more flavorsome and moist than ever before.  You might even have heard about it – brining!  That’s right, simply leaving your turkey to marinade in a solution of salt water can make a good turkey into a truly great one!

Bring Out the Best Flavor!

The simple process of adding …

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Can an 11-Year-Old Really Change How Lead in Water is Identified? 

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 14, 2017 7:00 am

America’s water system is undeniably in crisis.  The projected cost of fixing the miles of pipeline that criss-cross the country runs to $1 trillion, according to some estimates.  There’s no quick fix.

Our infrastructure won’t be updated any time soon…
Next Generation – New Hope

But where there is a future, there is always hope.  And where there is hope, there is a future.  Maybe the next generation will come up with some answers, determined to put right what is broken and unsustainable.  This possibility has been highlighted by eleven-year-old Gitanjali Rao, winner of America’s top young scientist award.

Mythical Inspiration

Horrified by the news of lead contamination in the water of Flint, Michigan, Gitanjali quickly realized the issue …

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Drowning in Plastic – The Ocean Story

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 9, 2017 12:00 pm

The Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean is almost 7 miles deep.  Its perpetually black depths are commonly referred to as the most remote place on the entire planet.  Extraordinary creatures survive in the dark with water pressure of eight tons per square inch.  But something else has been discovered in this inaccessible ocean trench.  Astonishing levels of man-made pollution, along with plastic bags and soda cans.  

There’s nowhere left on earth that’s safe from pollution.
Plastics on the Menu

We’re steadily choking our planet with plastic, according to recent research.  Up to 13 million tons of plastic finds it way into our oceans every single year, where it can then be ingested by wildlife.  Of course, lovers

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