Tyent USA Breaks down some popular diets

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 14, 2014 4:29 pm




Extra! Extra!   The Whole World Is On A Diet!    



Tape around scale  Diets.  These days, it seems nearly everyone gets on a diet at one time or another.   


It is little wonder that with all the sugar, fat, artificial flavors and chemicals found in processed food today, along with an increased consumption of sugar-charged soft drinks, that more people are overweight than ever before.  And more and more people are dieting.   

 I have often wondered when I heard someone say, “I’m starting a new diet”, what happened with the old one?  If it made sense at the time and proven to work, why didn’t it?  Mainly, I have discovered, the reasons are two-fold, diets are very hard to

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Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water for Life

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 17, 2014 2:17 pm


                                         Water at Work in Our Bodies


 Water cogs  Undeniably, we cannot live without two nutrients. Food and water. Three, if you count chocolate.

Food, you can last nearly a month without eating. Water, only about a week if you are lucky. But why is water so important to us? What does water do to and for our bodies to keep us alive?  I want to try to answer those questions in non-technical language.

How important is water to our system?  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a mere two percent decrease of water in our bodies can cause fatigue and a reduction in brain function.  This makes me think I’m low on water most days.  Our connection to water and

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Stay Healthy-Stay Home-With Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 28, 2014 4:45 pm



                              Good Health Begins at Home

The first rule of being a good lawyer is “never to ask a question that you don’t already know the answer to.”  I’m no attorney but I’m going to exercise that rule right now.

people-outdoors-with-tree-vector-background  How would you like to look younger, feel healthier, and have more energy by merely enjoying a glass of pure drinking water?  That is one heck of a question and of course, I already know the answer.  A resounding “Yes, I would!”  That’s good, because now you can with a Tyent ionized alkaline water system in your home or office.


Ionized alkaline water is all the rage.  People the world over have recognized the

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Why Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water Is The Leader

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 30, 2014 4:48 pm



Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water…Seeing is believing


Movie-Audience-2   Everyday at Tyent USA we are changing people’s lives for the better by introducing them and their bodies to Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water. The gains in improved health some people experience is sometimes immediate and always impressive.

I spent this morning watching video-testimonials of people who experienced remarkable results from drinking ionized water from Tyent. These testimonials were from doctors, fitness experts, and people of all occupations.

 The first video I would like to share with you is of Doctor Gus Spatharakas who is head of the Advanced Health and Wellness Clinics in Illinois where they treat people with chronic health conditions. Doctor Gus is a strong believer in ionized alkaline

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Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water Systems

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 29, 2014 2:44 pm



What do Tyent Ionizer machines actually do?

With 11 Plates

               Tyent’s 11-Plate Residential Ionizer


What Tyent alkaline water ionizers do is transform ordinary tap water into ionized alkaline water, raising its pH level to a reading of above seven on the pH scale.  People have become more aware in recent years of the benefits of drinking water with a higher pH level (alkaline) rather than acidic, and are turning more and more to ionized alkaline water for better health. As we all know, any water with a pH of seven or above is alkaline.  The process known as ionization is what creates ionized alkaline water.  The trail-blazing water ionizers by Tyent are made of the finest materials available to ensure

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Ionized Alkaline Water & a Few Others

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 17, 2014 5:45 am

          Alkaline, Bottled, Tap, Ionized, Reverse Osmosis…  

                               Water You Talking About?


21646253_s  When I was growing up there were two kinds of water to choose from at my house, tap and hose. Hardly the case today. Nowadays, there is flavored water, infused water, reverse osmosis water, spring water, bottled water, alkaline water, ionized alkaline water, yada yada yada. Sheesh!


It’s enough to blow your mind trying to figure out what they all are. 17579117_s (1)


I thought I would go over a few of them and try to shed a little light.

Tap water.  Whoa, it is known that tap water has a ton of bad chemicals in it and can even be recycled toilet water.  Fish cannot live in

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Special Ionized Alkaline Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 10, 2014 3:45 pm

                      What is so Special About Ionized Alkaline Water?

                                         I thought you’d never ask!

I thought you'd never ask    Before learning about ionized alkaline water, I had only heard of it (I think) but really didn’t know what it was or how it differed from other waters that you buy. I thought it sounded like atom-zapped Alka-Seltzer and I really didn’t know if it was good or bad for you. Therefore, I started researching the subject and learned quite a bit.


Since beginning, I have discovered a fascinating new world where lives a water some would claim possesses healing powers that border on the miraculous. I refer of course, to ionized alkaline water.  When you look at the evidence…the scientific evidence, the various and sundry

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Tyent Alkaline Water – Helping People Naturally

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 2, 2014 3:12 pm


Alkaline Water, Good for What Ails You


By now, many of you have heard of alkaline water and the claims made of its almost miraculous healing properties covering a broad range of illnesses and conditions. It seems the list grows longer with each passing day. I wanted to look at two of the more common ones that have affected people in my own life.

Below is a bulleted short list that I would like to look at a little more closely.

Two Common conditions that drinking alkaline water can help 


• Acid Reflux Syndrome



Eczema is a general term for a set of chronic skin conditions caused by inflammation, the most common type of Eczema being

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Lose Weight With Ionized Alkaline Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 1, 2014 1:08 pm


                                   Alkaline Water & Weight Loss

                          Can one actually lose weight by drinking water?

 12396973_m     Shockingly Yes!    5438773_m  


Yes, you can lose weight by drinking water but you need to make sure it is the right water.  Tyent alkaline water systems produce some of the cleanest, healthiest water you can drink and can help you in shedding some of those unwanted pounds.  In addition to the many natural benefits attained from drinking ionized alkaline water, weight loss is almost a pleasant side effect.

5 check list doctor



Five facts about acidity, your body and Alkaline Water

• Fat is a natural defense that stores acid thus keeping it from vital organs

• Alkaline water helps to flush fat cells, reducing the acidity from your

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Healthy Alkaline Water, Fact or Fiction?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 31, 2014 11:19 am

                                                     Ionized Alkaline Water…Fact or Fiction?       26065349-lies-truth-buttons-showing-untrue-or-correct 

 “Tell the truth…or someone will tell it for you.

That is a great quote from author, Stephanie Klein.

Since I began researching and writing about Tyent ionized alkaline water, I have learned a considerable amount about it.  I have read testimony after testimony of the remarkable health benefits derived from drinking alkaline water by its legions of believers.  I also have read about the way it improved the health of so many people with certain illnesses and afflictions.  Admittedly, what I learned was impressive.  However, I also heard some negative things about ionized alkaline water, such as; it’s snake oil…merely a placebo, Voodoo science and so on.  With so much information

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