8+ Best Ion Water Machines [2025]

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 15, 2024 6:19 am

Up to 75% of Americans suffer from dehydration, and water alone may not be enough to combat this growing trend. But what if you could have water that’s more hydrating and packed with added health benefits? That’s where an ion water machine comes in.

In this article, we’ll unpack how an ion water machine works and all the benefits of adding an ionizer to your household.


What Is an Ion Water Machine?

An ion water machine, also known as a water ionizer, is an appliance that produces alkaline water, which has a pH level of 7.0 or higher. This machine uses the process of electrolysis to create alkaline water, which offers several benefits, including reduced signs

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How Does Water Affect Your Metabolism?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 23, 2020 2:03 am

Determined to manage your weight this year? Did you know that drinking water can help make it a whole lot easier?

It’s true: drinking water positively affects our metabolism and makes it’s easier to help you achieve your goal weight. Let’s look at why this is:

  • What is Metabolism?
  • Does Water Intake Affect Metabolism?
  • Does Drinking Water in The Morning Help Your Metabolism?
  • What is the Best Water to Drink to Boost My Metabolism?
  • How Does a Water Ionizer Help Me to Drink More Water?

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the rate that your body processes the food you eat and converts it into energy. Although factors such as age and genetics influence your natural metabolic rate, there are things …

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How To Debloat For Spring In 5 Quick And Easy Ways [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 18, 2019 2:00 pm

Be more confident this spring with these tips on how to debloat.

In this article:

  1. What Is Bloat?
  2. 5 Tips on How to Debloat Fast

How to Debloat | 5 Tips How to Beat the Bloat and Be Body Ready This Spring

Click here to jump to the infographic.

What Is Bloat?

Portrait of the young beautiful smiling woman outdoors enjoying summer sun. Photo with instagram style filters | How To Debloat For Spring In Quick And Easy Ways
What is bloat? Tyent alkaline water is a sundress’ best friend.

When gases get trapped inside the body, they can become points of great discomfort. That’s the feeling of being bloated.

It occurs when there’s a buildup of gas in the digestive tract. When we eat, food moves through the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine or colon.

On the journey, the muscles and bacteria break down food …

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Coal Ash Ponds – Are They Contaminating Your Water?  

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 22, 2018 12:00 pm

Look, don’t shoot the messenger, but there’s something else to worry about in America’s water.  

Is there coal ash contamination near your town?

Bosses at coal-burning power plants country-wide are required to file reports with the Environmental Protection Agency this month, looking into the toxins that are being released into groundwater from vast, unlined “ponds” containing coal ash and debris.

“Coal ash ponds need to be addressed as potential environmental and human health issues.”

~ Avner Vengosh, Professor of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Duke University

Coal Ash Court Cases

130 million tons of coal ash is produced each year.  Arsenic, Chromium-6, mercury and radium are just a few of the dangerous substances potentially leaching into the water supply.  And

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Bottled Water – The Biggest Con of Them All?  

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 13, 2018 7:00 am

The PR job is a good one, to be fair.  When it comes to bottled water, people are prepared to throw a lot of money at it, regardless of the environmental price and the sky-high cost to their pocket.  

Tap Water: Now Available in Bottles
Water Check

Bottled water costs more than tap water.  A lot more.  In fact, a new report from The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) found that some people are paying an astonishing 10,000 times more per gallon for bottled water than they are for the water that comes out of the tap.

But here’s the next shocker: frequently the water that you buy in a bottle is…erm…tap water.  

“We don’t believe that consumers are confused

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Water, Water Everywhere…

Posted by: Rhona Reid On February 7, 2018 12:00 pm

It sounds obvious, but water is everywhere at the moment.  From Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water cleaning up during awards season; the reckless craze for so-called “Raw Water”; the fact that South Africa’s Cape Town is about to reach Day Zero when the water runs out, and closer to home, that America’s own water supply is barely out of the news these days.  

Water is making headlines every day.
What Do We Want From Water?

Water is big news.  Of course it is, it’s a massive part of our lives.  We depend on it for life itself and yet we’re all guilty of wasting it from time to time.  So how did we become so complacent about

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Half of All Americans Have Radiation in Their Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On February 1, 2018 12:00 pm

According to this report published in January by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), 173 million people – around half of all Americans – have been exposed to radiation in their drinking water.  That means an increase in the possibility of developing certain types of cancer and can also have a detrimental effect on fetal development.  

Radioactive elements enter our groundwater…and stay there.
The “Erin Brockovich” Chemical

By studying 50,000 water systems countrywide, the EWG found that millions of people across 50 states are drinking water that contains radioactive contaminants; including the most commonly-occurring radioactive element, radium.

In Texas – one of the worst affected states – up to 80% of homes are supplied with water containing potentially dangerous levels of

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Which Important Resolution Should You Make This Year?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 4, 2018 12:00 pm

It’s that time of year again!  The tinsel is packed away, the present buying frenzy is but a distant memory and our thoughts turn to New Year resolutions.

How many of us feel like exactly like this, post-Christmas?
What Do You Want to Change?

It’s easy to be blasé about making resolutions, and lots of people don’t bother on the basis that if we want to change something, then we should get on and do it, instead of waiting for the “right” date in the calendar.

But that’s ignoring the special lure of resolution making.  If you want to change something in your life and stick to it, then New Year is the perfect opportunity.  New broom, clean room, fresh …

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Why Your Dentist Dreads Christmas!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 29, 2017 12:00 pm

Okay, maybe not dreads Christmas.  But dentists are hyper aware of the damage that sweet things such as candy and soda do to our teeth.  

Therefore Christmas, arriving as it does, on a fresh wave of sweetness in the wake of that great testament to candy itself, Halloween, poses all kinds of threats to our teeth unless we take extra good care of them.

This is the stuff of nightmares for your dentist!
The Usual Suspects

As well as sugar, many people often consume more alcohol than usual around the holidays.  Alcohol attacks teeth in two ways: firstly with the sugar it contains and secondly with acid, which damages enamel.  

So you clean your teeth and visit your dentist.  

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Twelve Days of a Tyent Christmas – Part One

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 15, 2017 9:00 am

Clear your throat, take a sip of Tyent water, and join us in a rousing carol to celebrate the season and really get everyone feeling good and Christmassy!

Imagine Opening a Tyent Ionizer this Christmas!

We’ve chosen a well-known and popular carol, but you might notice that we made one or two small changes…

On the First Day of Christmas, My Water Ionizer Gave to Me…a Natural Boost to My Energy!

It’s one of the most tangible and immediate benefits of drinking hydrogen water; a boost to your natural energy levels that is especially welcome at this time of year!

On the Second Day of Christmas, My Water Ionizer Gave to Me… Great Hydration

Tyent water hydrates you faster than …

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