Lazy Person Cleaning Hacks

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 27, 2021 10:41 am

If you love a clean house but just can’t be bothered with the actual cleaning part, then we’ve got your back. You want cleaning hacks, we’ve got ’em! Read on for our awesome, Lazy Person’s Guide to a sparkling home, no effort required!


Lazy Person Cleaning Hacks


1. Whatever the weather, open the windows. Nothing makes a room feel and smell fresher than fresh air!

2. Shine the taps in the bathroom. Taps are like shoes: a relatively small part of the whole effect but everyone notices if they’re not clean!

3. Keep a lidded tub of fabric squares soaked in Turbo Water to hand and use one to bring kitchen surfaces up to a shine in seconds.

4. The greatest cleaning …

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