Drowning in Plastic – The Ocean Story

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 9, 2017 12:00 pm

The Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean is almost 7 miles deep.  Its perpetually black depths are commonly referred to as the most remote place on the entire planet.  Extraordinary creatures survive in the dark with water pressure of eight tons per square inch.  But something else has been discovered in this inaccessible ocean trench.  Astonishing levels of man-made pollution, along with plastic bags and soda cans.  

There’s nowhere left on earth that’s safe from pollution.
Plastics on the Menu

We’re steadily choking our planet with plastic, according to recent research.  Up to 13 million tons of plastic finds it way into our oceans every single year, where it can then be ingested by wildlife.  Of course, lovers

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Imagine a Day Without Water?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 26, 2017 12:00 pm

The third annual Imagine a Day Without Water took place on the 12th October.  Schools and workplaces participated with utilities and water organizations to look at how much we depend on water.  

Can you imagine a day without water?
The True Value of Water

The recent hurricanes that have seen thousands of people having their access to clean, safe water cut off, highlight just how vital water is to our health and well being.  

Some communities in America already know how impossible it is to try to go a day without our most precious resource: Water.  Imagine a Day Without Water 2017 is the third annual day to raise awareness and educate America about the value of water.


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Drinking Plastics – Why Our Water Infrastructure Just Can’t Cope (Plastics Series: Part III)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 19, 2017 12:00 pm

We recently looked at the plastics that we unknowingly drink when we crack open a fresh bottle of water or turn on the tap.  America is the world leader in plastic fiber contamination, with a horrifying 94% of nationwide samples testing positive.  India and Lebanon are the closest runners-up; but for now, the dubious honor of topping the plastic fiber contamination table belongs to us.  

Sometimes being first isn’t so great…
Plastic is Not Fantastic

Plastic fibers are expelled into the air and into our water supply all the time.  The problem is that our current methods of treating drinking water are inadequate.  That’s not a new fact; horror stories about the problems with America’s water infrastructure are

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Are You Drinking Plastic Chemicals From Your Tap? (Plastics Series: Part II)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 16, 2017 5:51 pm

Yet another unpalatable fact about America’s drinking water emerged upon publication of a report into the presence of microscopic plastic fibers in an astonishing 94 percent of samples tested.

Plastic is on the menu for nearly all of us.
Global Problem

It’s not just America that is swallowing untold quantities of plastics from industry, homes and manufacturing; around 80 percent of samples worldwide tested positive.  If it’s in our water, then it’s in our food.  If it’s our food, then our bodies are awash with plastic fibers of unknown origin.  

Plastic Forever

It gets worse.  Plastic doesn’t biodegrade.  Instead, it just gets smaller and smaller until it’s a tiny particle measured by nanometer (one nanometer is one-billionth of a

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Don’t Buy a Water Ionizer…

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 6, 2017 12:00 pm

…until you read this!

Why not?  I mean, what could go wrong?  Well, like most products these days, there are definitely water ionizers that you should avoid!

Read our checklist before buying!

A water ionizer is a fairly significant purchase for most households, and it’s worth spending a little time making sure you get the right one.  So what are the five key points that you must consider before handing over your credit card?

  1. Where is the Water Ionizer Made?

This matters so much.  Cheap exports from China and Taiwan are slipping past border controls with fake “lead free” certification stickers on the boxes.  Buy from a reputable, traceable company and don’t get blindsided by “bargains” that might put …

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The Only Water Ionizer Buying Guide You’ll Ever Need

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 13, 2017 7:00 am

Great – you’ve decided to jump in and make the best possible decision for your health and family.  You’re going to buy a water ionizer!  So, where to start?  As ever, we’re here to help.

Couple choosing a Tyent water ionizer
Choosing a Tyent Ionizer is a great decision!
What to Consider Before You Buy 
  1. Hydrogen. You need to find a water ionizer that naturally adds precious hydrogen to the ionized water.  Some don’t and it really matters.  Tyent Water is brimming with natural hydrogen, minerals and antioxidants in every single glass.
  1. Filters. We all know that America’s water network is in a pretty desperate state, or heading that way.  With an estimated repair bill of around $1 trillion, don’t hold your breath for
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Ditch the Soda – Water Ionizers are Naturally Good for You!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 4, 2017 12:00 pm

It hasn’t been a great couple of months to be in the soda industry.  On 20th April this year a report was published by the America Stroke Association that appeared to draw a link between the consumption of artificially sweetened “diet” soda and the risk of suffering a stroke or dementia.  A further report from Beverage Marketing Corps pointed to the fact that Americans now officially drink more bottled water than soda.

We’ve woken up and started ditching the sugar.
Bittersweet News

Coca-Cola responded by announcing job cuts and a new CEO who, it is believed, will try to steer the mighty company towards “healthier drinks” that have more appeal for today’s consumer.

It is, by and large, …

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Alkaline Water Ionizer Uses!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 17, 2017 7:00 am

So, did you make any New Year resolutions?  If you did, then the chances are that they were connected to health and well being, weight management or fitness and energy levels.  We’re not psychic; it’s just that you’re in good company, as nearly 38% of people make resolutions to create improvements in these areas of their lives.

Wow!  I didn’t realize alkaline water did all this!
Wow!  I didn’t realize alkaline water did all this!

Out of these popular resolutions, guess how many of them can become more achievable by drinking Tyent alkaline water?  Yep, all of them!  Let’s take a look at just a few of the amazing uses that alkaline water has.

  1. Lose Weight with Tyent Water!

Drinking alkaline water can help with weight management, and …

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Tyent Water Ionizers Versus the Competition, Part 9: Water Ionizer vs. Tap Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 13, 2016 7:00 am

We’re nearing the end of our series on how ionized water compares to other types of drinking water, and today we’re examining the most obvious one – tap water.

Contaminants on tap?
Contaminants on tap?

The issues surrounding municipal water have dominated the news in an unprecedented way over the last few years.

Tap Water is Cheap and Convenient

Let’s look at the good to start with.  It’s cheap.  It’s right there, flowing out of your taps with no fuss, just like it has for years.

Except for many people, the water isn’t so good to drink anymore.  America’s pipework is old and was built for the populations of major towns and cities as they were then, not now.

There’s a Crack in

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Tyent Water Ionizers Versus the Competition, Part 8: Water Ionizer vs. Well Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 8, 2016 12:00 pm

We’re nearing the end of our 10-part series on how ionizers compare to other types of drinking water, but we still have a few more options for you to think about!

Just how safe is well water?
Just how safe is well water?

Looking Well?

Today, we’re looking at the pros and cons of drinking water from your own well.  Firstly, the major plus is that you’re off grid; you have your own water supply and no more water bills.  You and your family can drink water that isn’t part of America’s beleaguered water network, and perhaps that’s looking more and more attractive?

But it’s wrong to think that well water is somehow inherently safer than it’s municipal counterpart.  Back in the day, maybe it …

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