How Does Coffee Make You Lose Weight?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 19, 2020 1:47 am

A new report indicates that enjoying our favorite beverage every morning might help us to lose weight.  Well isn’t that some great news?

How Coffee can help you lose weight

Brown Fat Facts

It’s all down to how coffee interacts with the fat deposits in the human body known as ‘brown fat.’ This type of fat – unlike other fat in the body – generates heat in response to the cold, by burning sugar and fat. This heat production has a stabilizing effect on blood sugar and burns calories.

Coffee Break(through)

The research team, led by Professor Michael Symonds, from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, wanted to see if coffee could have a similar effect.

Using stem cell and human test subjects, the team …

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5 Ways Water Affects Your Brain

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 17, 2020 1:38 am

The human body is made of water. It accounts for around two-thirds of our overall physiology. Every single cell needs it. Here’s another amazing fact: the human brain is around 75 – 78% water. So how does water affect your brain?

5 Ways Water Affects the Brain

1. Nutrients and Oxygen

Your brain needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood flow in order for it to function. Water is vital for the purpose of delivering essential elements and nutrients to your brain.

2. Dehydration and Cognitive Function

To put it plainly: when we don’t drink enough water, we cannot think clearly. Dehydration is bad news for your health. Among other things, it affects your skin, energy levels – and the brain.

When it’s …

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Losing Weight on a Traditional Diet

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 13, 2020 1:30 am

A traditional diet is kind of refreshing these days. It’s what our mothers – possibly our grandmothers – did to lose weight. In fact, it’s so old-school, that the out-of-fashion, traditional diet is starting to look a little… avant-garde.

But does it work as well as newer, shinier weight loss plans? Let’s find out!


What is a traditional diet?
What can I eat on a traditional diet?
How many carbs (or calories, etc.) can I have per day on a traditional diet?
What do doctors and experts say about a traditional diet?
What type of water or beverages are best to drink on a traditional diet?
What role does a Water Ionizer play in a traditional diet?

What is a

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The Low-Fat Diet and Hydrogen Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 11, 2020 4:35 pm

In these days of and the HCG Diet and Low-Carb everything, it’s kind of refreshing to see the words ‘low-fat diet.’ It sounds old-school, something our moms probably tried at some point.

But is it the ‘low-fat diet’ of old, does it work, and what about Hydrogen Water? How does a water ionizer help on a low-fat diet?

What is a low-fat diet?
What can I eat on a low-fat diet?
How many calories can I have per day on a low-fat diet?
What do doctors and experts say about a low-fat diet?
What type of water or beverages are best to drink on a low-fat diet?
What role does Hydrogen Water play in a low-fat diet?

What is

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The Keto Diet and Alkaline Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 6, 2020 2:29 am

The Keto Diet has been popular for years now and many weight loss fans rave about it. But what is it? Most importantly, does it work? And how does hydrogen-rich alkaline water help your Keto Diet to succeed?

What is the Keto diet?
What can I eat on the Keto diet?
How many carbs can I have per day on the Keto diet?
What do doctors and experts say about the Keto diet?
What type of water or beverages are best to drink on the Keto diet?
What role does a Water Ionizer play in the Keto diet?

What is the Keto diet?

Developed in the 1920s as a possible treatment for childhood epilepsy, the Keto Diet is another variation …

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9 Hacks to Increase Your Energy Naturally

Posted by: Rhona Reid On March 4, 2020 2:49 pm

Forget dodgy-sounding energy drinks that are packed with chemicals and false promises: if you want to boost your energy levels, then it’s time to get smart about it.

Here are the top 9 hacks to increase your energy levels naturally!

9 Hacks to Increase Your Energy Naturally

1. Don’t smoke – it can affect the quality of your sleep, leaving you sapped of energy.

If you smoke, do everything in your power to quit. It negatively affects virtually every part of your physiology, including your energy levels. Impaired sleep, breathlessness and an amplified toxic load, all make you feel sluggish.

2. Eat whole, iron-rich and low-GI foods for slower energy release.

Iron-rich foods help us to feel more energetic. Foods with a low-GI (glycemic index) count will …

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5 Reasons Why Drinking Water May Help You Lose Weight

Posted by: Rhona Reid On February 27, 2020 12:58 am

Dr. Lori Shemek is BACK AGAIN to discuss her top 5 reasons why drinking water may help you lose weight!



1.  Water Helps Metabolize Fat

Without drinking water, the body is challenged to properly metabolize fat and stored glycogen or carbohydrates. This process is called ‘Lipolysis’ and needs water for the first step called ‘Hydrolysis.’ Animal studies have shown that drinking water increases this fat burn process.

2.  Drinking Water Helps Suppress Appetite

Drinking water can help stave off those pesky urges to snack and help stop mealtime overeating.  In fact, research shows that people who drink two glasses of water immediately before a meal eat 22% less than those who don’t drink any water.



3.  Blame

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The Paleo Diet and Alkaline Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On February 27, 2020 12:33 am

Also known as the Caveman Diet, the Hunter-Gatherer Diet or the Stone Age Diet, the Paleo Diet deserves kudos for taking its inspiration from the furthest possible point in human history. But what is it and does it work? Should we really try to imitate our ancestors or leave ancient nutrition firmly in the past?  And what role does alkaline water play in the Paleo Diet?



What is a Paleo diet?
What can I eat on a Paleo diet?
How many carbs or calories can I have per day on a Paleo diet?
What do doctors and experts say about a Paleo diet?
What type of water or beverages are best to drink on a Paleo diet?
What role

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Molecular Hydrogen and 1000 Clinical Studies

Posted by: Rhona Reid On February 25, 2020 2:42 pm

1000 studies on molecular hydrogen? Wow. That’s a lot to get through so let’s get cracking…

Don’t worry, we’re joking. We’re not actually going to list all 1000 + studies here. We just want to make the point that the power and potential of hydrogen water is an endlessly fascinating subject for the scientific research community.

Also, listing them all is a tricky task anyway – there are new molecular hydrogen breakthroughs coming out of the labs with such frequency that an up-to-date inventory is out of date pretty fast!


Is Hydrogen Water the scientific breakthrough of the century?
Is Hydrogen Water the scientific breakthrough of the century?


The Incredible Potential of Molecular Hydrogen

But let’s look at the facts right now. To date, there are over …

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The HCG Diet and Molecular Hydrogen

Posted by: Rhona Reid On February 20, 2020 2:54 am

Extreme and controversial, yet successful, say fans of the HCG diet. Its M.O. is extreme calorie restriction – followers eat only 500 -750 calories per day – and self-administered drops or injections of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG).

Let’s take a closer look at the least fun-sounding – but apparently effective – diet plan on the market, and learn how a water ionizer that produces molecular hydrogen can boost the success of the HCG diet.


A Water Ionizer can boost the success of a HCG Diet!
A Water Ionizer can boost the success of a HCG Diet!



What is an HCG diet??
What can I eat on an HCG diet??
How many carbs (or calories, etc.) can I have per day on an HCG diet?
What do doctors

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