13 Reasons to Love Tyent’s ACE 13

We’ll come clean with you – there are more than 13 reasons to LOVE the ACE 13 Water Ionizer, but we like a bit of numerical alliteration, so let’s go!

13 Reasons to Love Tyent's ACE-13 Infographic


1. Sure, style isn’t everything, but the way that a gadget looks in your kitchen DOES matter. After all, with a Tyent Lifetime Guarantee, the ACE-13 will be around for a long time! With a beautifully sleek, slimline design in genuine stainless steel, the ACE-13 will enhance any kitchen!

2. Along with those fabulous looks, the ACE-13 also boasts a vivid color, LCD smartphone-style touchscreen that comes with its own impressive features. The largest display screen in the industry is also the first that can be customized …

Alkaline Water for Pregnant Women: What to Know [2025]

One of the most common concerns for pregnant women is whether what they’re eating or drinking could harm their baby. It’s not uncommon for an expectant mother to worry that they’ve exceeded their daily caffeine limit or accidentally consumed a sandwich with cold cuts. With so many foods and drinks to consider, the last thing they need is the added stress of wondering if the water they’re drinking is safe. So, is alkaline water safe for pregnant women?

Expectant mothers can rest easy—alkaline water is safe during pregnancy. Let’s explore why a pregnant woman might want to incorporate alkaline water into their daily routine.


What is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water is specially treated water that has a pH level

Is Ionized Alkaline Water the Best to Drink? (Version 2)

It is only Monday and the Mail Bag is full.  Over the weekend we received question after question from people all over the world wanting to know more about water ionizers, with many wanting to know how Tyent Water stacks up against bottled water.  

How is Tyent Water better? Let us count the ways...
How is Tyent Water better? Let us count the ways…

The first question is this one:

Is Alkaline Water from a Water Ionizer the Best to Drink?

Actually, many people asked a similar question and the answer to them all is yes…ionized alkaline water is the best to drink.  Let’s do a little comparing and some comparison-shopping.

We can start with the most obvious water vs. water match-up, which is ionized alkaline water versus

Beauty and the Brains: The True Story of Tyent Water Ionizers

The classic story of guy meets girl played out in one minute and fifteen seconds. She’s a beautiful and successful woman, he’s a scrawny, nerdy, polite, man with masking tape on the bridge of his glasses.

Watch the Tyent Original Picture: https://www.tyentusa.wistia.com/medias/wx5hw5doew.


It was love at first sight. She sweeps him off his feet, he proposes, and they live happily ever after. Does it sound too good to be true? Maybe it is, but a guy can dream right?


That’s the plot line of this clever video from The Tyent Water Ionizer Company. On the surface it’s cute and entertaining, but the video has a certain depth too. That’s because the video is an analogy for the combination …

Better For Your Body, Easy on Your Wallet: Tyent Alkaline Water

The old idiom is, “Time is money.” In the fast-paced, modern day world that couldn’t be truer.

Do you know who first said, “Time is money”? This picture provides a hint.

I found myself overpaying for products and beverages in the name of convenience, hoping to save a few minutes of my day. Then, I started exploring the possible uses of my Tyent water ionizer and realized how much money I was throwing away by not taking full advantage of my machine.

Making Alkaline Water Couldn’t Be Easier


Technology has made human life excessively simple. With the press of a button, we can send information across the world, make a phone call, or turn on a car. Did you …

Beat the Summer Heat With Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water


                                         The Heat is on!


Thermometer-in-summer-3 DSummer is just around the corner but in many places throughout the land, the heat is already here.

Doctors and health professionals everywhere recognize the need for good hydration on a regular basis but especially, when the temperature rises above eighty degrees.

Interestingly, when the temperature is up it doesn’t matter if you are working out in the sun, exercising or just trying to get a little tan, your body needs to stay hydrated.  Dehydration is a serious medical condition that can occur before you actually realize it.  According to Doctor John Batson, of Hilton Head, South Carolina, a specialist in sports medicine, “Thirst is not always the best indicator of dehydration, if you’re

Start an Alkaline Diet this Winter by Using a Water Ionizer

From Paleo to Keto and Atkins to The Zone… there certainly is no end to the amount and variety of diets for you to choose from. But, have you ever thought about starting an alkaline diet?

alkaline diet
These fruits are perfect for an alkaline diet!

Maintaining optimal health has a lot to do with keeping your diet balanced while also staying hydrated. You can accomplish both by:

  • Drinking hydrogen-rich alkaline water made using a water ionizer
  • Eating an alkaline diet

Jump start your alkaline diet today by grabbing this FREE Water Ionizer Report!

What is an Alkaline Diet?

The alkaline diet emphasizes replacing acidic foods with alkaline foods to make your body’s pH more alkaline while enhancing your overall health.…

Christmas in July Sale… Our BIGGEST Sale Ever!

It’s that time of year again! Time for our annual Christmas in July sale! Are you ready for one of our biggest sales of the year?

Christmas in July Sale… Our BIGGEST Sale Ever!

The biggest and best feature of this sale is the FREE IONIZER UPGRADE! Have you been thinking about getting a UCE 11 water ionizer but can only afford the UCE 9 water ionizer? Well now you can get the ionizer you’ve always dreamed of with our Free Ionizer Upgrade promotion!

But wait… There’s more!  Check out all of these awesome bonuses included with your water ionizer purchase!

  1. 1-GoodLife Bottle ($26.95 Value)
  2. 1-Shower Filter ($48.95 Value)
  3. Solid/Mesh Hybrid included ($200 Value)
  4. Free Lifestyle Kit ($59.95 Value)
  5. Free Water Test Kit ($12 Value)
  6. Free Ultra Filters

The Best Way to Quench Your Thirst on the Whole30 Diet

The success of the Whole30 diet might be attributable to the fact that it has its roots in common sense.

But, there’s a catch to doing the Whole30 diet – so keep reading to find out:

What is the Whole30 Diet?
What Can I Eat on the Whole30 Diet?
How Does the Whole30 Diet Affect Your Body?
What’s the Best Way to Stay Hydrated on the Whole30 Diet?
Why is Hydrogen Water the Best Way to Stay Hydrated on the Whole30 Diet?

Whole30 Diet
How to Stay Hydrated on the Whole30 Diet

What is the Whole30 Diet?

Although the 30-day eating plan has attracted criticism for restricting food groups (no beans or legumes are permitted, for example), it’s true that the diet …

Give Thanks for Alkaline Water!

After 65 days at sea, surrounded by salt water, without a drop of land or fresh water in sight, I bet the pilgrims could’ve used a tall glass of alkaline water. The hydrogen and antioxidant-rich alkaline water would’ve given them an ultra boost of hydration as they set foot in the New World.

Mayflower II

Unfortunately for the first pilgrims, alkaline water ionizers didn’t exist in 1620, but, thankfully, they do exist today. This Thanksgiving, as we consider the things that are most important to us, make sure to give thanks for alkaline water!

Alkaline Water Has Antioxidant Benefits

Water ionizers are wonderful machines that take normal tap water and turn it into delicious, healthy alkaline water. By siphoning water through …