Presidents’ Day Premiere Sales Event!

George Washington couldn’t tell a lie and Abraham Lincoln was nicknamed ‘Honest Abe.’ Some of our finest Presidents were men of integrity and class, just like Tyent water ionizers.

text happy presidents day in a chalkboard and the flag of the US

In honor of Presidents’ Day, which is coming up this February 15th, Tyent has marked down its full line of water ionizers to give everyone a chance to drink alkaline water fit for a Commander in Chief.

Presidents Cut Taxes, Tyent Cuts Prices

Tyent is happily trimming the prices on all water ionizers!
Tyent is happily trimming the prices on all water ionizers!

All of Tyent’s award-winning alkaline water ionizers are priced to sell this week. For a taste of the dramatic price breaks available on the country’s best water ionizers, take a look at the stats below:…

101 Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers, Part 5: Press Recognition

Customers aren’t the only ones satisfied with Tyent Water Ionizers! See what the press, journalists, and magazines think of our products here!

What the Press and Award-Winning Bodies Think of Tyent

You’ve heard what customers said about Tyent water ionizers in the previous post, now it’s time to find out how much press coverage these products actually get here.

Is this your first time tuning in? Don’t forget to read Part I and II, Part III and Part IV of reason on why you’ll love Tyent water ionizers!

41. It’s Official! Tyent USA Won Water Ionizer of the Year Again

Beautiful woman holding bottles drinking water | Reasons to Love Tyent Water Ionizers | press
It’s great to be recognized for doing well, and Tyent is no different. To win Water Ionizer Of The …

5+ Reasons to Drink Tyent Alkaline Water from a Water Ionizer (updated)

While the terms ionized alkaline water is becoming more widespread in the world, the definition or certainty about what that water actually is…is not so common. Today is a good day to learn some facts about alkaline water from a water ionizer and the benefits it offers over traditional tap water, bottled water, and just about every other type of water you can think of.

Settle in for a lesson on water ionizers.
Okay- in Layman’s Terms, What is Ionized Alkaline Water?

Let’s start with the basics about alkalinity and pH levels.  The pH level is the measure of the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution.  The pH scale runs from zero to 14 with 7 being neutral.  Alkaline

Ionized Alkaline Water & a Few Others

          Alkaline, Bottled, Tap, Ionized, Reverse Osmosis…  

                               Water You Talking About?


21646253_s  When I was growing up there were two kinds of water to choose from at my house, tap and hose. Hardly the case today. Nowadays, there is flavored water, infused water, reverse osmosis water, spring water, bottled water, alkaline water, ionized alkaline water, yada yada yada. Sheesh!


It’s enough to blow your mind trying to figure out what they all are. 17579117_s (1)


I thought I would go over a few of them and try to shed a little light.

Tap water.  Whoa, it is known that tap water has a ton of bad chemicals in it and can even be recycled toilet water.  Fish cannot live in

September Savings is Here AT Tyent USA



                               Tyent’s September Super Sale is on Now



 Big star sale    September kicks-off the NFL football season and Tyent USA is kicking off September with an incredible sale that is guaranteed to be a game changer.


We have a winning game plan designed to save you big bucks and provide you with superior products and unmatched customer service. 


With tremendous discounts on our top models of ionized alkaline water purifiers, this is one sale that you don’t want to drop the ball on.


These fantastic discounts are being offered on our best and most popular models of water purifiers like our top-of-the-line MMP-11.  You can save well over one thousand dollars off our regular price if you act now.



 Regularly $4,795.00

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Millions of people aren’t drinking enough water.  According to a recent CivicScience poll, around 47% of adults in the US regularly drink less than three 16-oz servings of water every day. A slightly smaller percentage of adults – almost 40% – said that they drank “between four to seven glasses” of water per day. Only 13% of respondents hit the recommended amount of water for a healthy adult, drinking eight 16-oz glasses of water each day.


Are You Drinking Enough Water


Why You Need Water

Most people know that you need to drink 6 – 8 glasses of water every day to stay healthy. Your biological systems and organs need it. Your muscles, bones, eyes, brain… every bit of you needs water …

Alkaline Water Deals for Smart People. Christmas is HERE!

Deck your halls and jingle your bells, Christmas is here!

As we all know, for better or for worse, a huge part of the whole build-up to Christmas is… shopping. On that subject, how did Black Friday work out for you? If you didn’t manage to grab the water ionizer of your dreams, then we’ve got your back!


Alkaline Water Deals for Smart People


The Smart People’s Guide to the BEST Alkaline Water Deals!

We don’t want anyone to miss out on drinking ionized alkaline water AND getting the very best alkaline water deals at the same time! So, go pat yourself on the back for finding the Smart People’s Guide to the hottest water ionizer deals right now!

Imagine starting out 2022 drinking …

Friends and Family Super Sale…Lowest Prices on Water Ionizers Ever!

T’was Tyent’s night before Christmas when all through the house, no water ionizer was stirring, not even for a douse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that a Super Sale soon would be there.

Empty Stockings Hung On Fireplace On Christmas Eve

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but the Promo Code: WowDeal, and I let out a cheer. For no other brand has the alkaline clout, as the leader in water ionizers, that’s Tyent, no doubt.

Friends and Family Super Sale

Tyent is having one last blowout sale to end 2015 by offering the lowest prices ever seen! All water ionizers are marked down by thousands of dollars including the industry leading 11-plate models, the UCE-11 and MMP-11.…

What is a Water Ionizer? (New + Improved)

It is somewhat amazing the number of people from all over the world who are contacting Tyent each day wanting to learn more about alkaline ionized water, water ionizers, and how Tyent’s machines work.  Many people had essentially the same question but some first wanted to know what exactly a water ionizer is.

Tyent water ionizers are in a class by themselves.

First question up.

What is a Water Ionizer?

At its core, a water ionizer is a machine.  Only this machine is specially designed to filter, ionize and alkalize ordinary tap water.  A transubstantiation of sorts: changing one thing into something entirely different.  It’s important to note that the water created by Tyent water ionizers is  filled with …

3 Astounding Water Ionizer Reviews

What do you get when you combine exceptional customer service, superior products, and potentially life changing results? Why, Tyent USA water ionizers of course!

At Tyent, 5 star reviews are an expectation.

But don’t just take my word for it. Take the word of the thousands of satisfied customers who currently use their Tyent water ionizer every day. Here are just three of the many impressive water ionizer reviews that Tyent has received online:

1) on September 2, 2014

Regarding the Tyent MMP 11 Plate Turbo water ionizer, an owner with the screen name Constant Reader said,

“I’ve done all the other options for getting healthier water, but this turbo water ionizer has made a profound difference…Firstly, it hydrates