EPA Drinking Water Quality Standards: Everything You Need to Know [2025]

Key Takeaways: 

  • The EPA sets standards to ensure safe drinking water and protect public health in the United States.
  • EPA drinking water standards help protect humans from diseases like cholera or dysentery and preserve our planet’s aquatic ecosystems.
  • The Safe Drinking Water Act and National Primary Drinking Water Regulations set legal regulations and maximum levels of contaminants for safe drinking water.
  • You can test your home water source and use a Tyent water ionizer to ensure your drinking water always meets EPA standards.

Safe and clean drinking water is essential for good public health, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plays a major role in setting and maintaining water quality standards. 

It’s important to understand how your local water quality

7 Reasons Why Acidic Water Is Bad For You

Acidic water can be bad for your body. Find out why and how below.

The Negative Effects of Drinking Acidic Water

Acidic Water Definition: Any water with pH levels below 7. Anything above 7 is considered to be alkaline, and exactly 7 is deemed neutral.


What Causes the Acidity in Water?

Water treatment plant | Reasons Why Acidic Water Is Bad For You
It can have a number of natural causes. One of them could be caused by rain, which is mildly acidic, as well as trees and roots, and soil microbes that emit carbon dioxide and produce acids.

Other causes could be acidic mine drainage and spills, as well as chemical dumps that can further pull down the pH in water.

But, sediments in the soil, as well as sedimentary …

Is Bottled Water DOUBLING the Amount of Microplastics in Your Body?

In October last year, research scientists in Italy made the shocking discovery that microplastics are passed from mother to baby in breastmilk. The same team found microplastics in human placentas during research in 2020.

34 test subjects were monitored and microplastics were identified in 75% of the breastfeeding mothers’ milk.


Is Bottled Water DOUBLING the Amount of Microplastics in Your Body


Microplastics & Your Body

We should perhaps not be surprised, as gloomy as the news is. After all, microplastics are everywhere – in the air, our food and packaged drinks. In separate research, microplastics were found in human blood, which means that they are being transported around the human body and organs 24/7.

Your body does not expel all microplastics. It’s too soon to be able to …

15 Most Nutritious Foods to Add to Your Diet

Add these nutritious foods to your diet and kickstart a healthy lifestyle.

RELATED: 25 Healthiest Foods To Eat

In this article:

  1. Fruits
  2. Meat
  3. Veggies
  4. Seafood

Nutritious Foods | What You Need in Your Diet


1. Strawberries

Strawberries fruit delicious food | Most Nutritious Foods to Add to Your Diet

Strawberries are packed with manganese which fights free radicals, fiber which boosts digestive function, and vitamin C which supports iron absorption, immune system, and collagen formation. The fruit is also low in calories and carbs, so it does not contribute to weight gain.

2. Bananas

Fruit grocery Bananas market | Most Nutritious Foods to Add to Your Diet

Bananas are one of the richest sources of potassium. This micromineral helps stabilize blood pressure and improve cardiovascular, muscle, and bone health.

The fruit is also rich in vitamin B6 that is known to help enhance mood, reduce

Parents’ Guide to Alkaline Water

As parents, we all want the best for our kids. What can you do to make sure that the water they drink is safe, clean and helps to support good health?

Giving your kids alkaline water straight from a Tyent water ionizer is great for them in so many ways!


Parents' Guide to Alkaline Water


Clean Water, Happy Kids

Smile! Alkaline Water is Great for Teeth!

Energize Your Little Ones with Alkaline Water

Hydration for Hot Days

Alkaline Water for Mental Focus!


Clean Water, Happy Kids

One of the most poignant aspects of the Flint Water Crisis – and all the other water crisis situations across the country – is how badly kids are affected.

Lead can be catastrophic to children’s health. It …

Water Pitchers Are a Total Waste of Money!

Water pitchers. Easy to purchase. Easy to store. Cheap as chips. What’s not to love? The fact that they don’t work too well, maybe?

Harsh but true. Here’s why water pitchers are a complete waste of money:


Water Pitchers are a Waste of Money 1



  1. Water pitchers don’t filter out the most dangerous contaminants
  2. Water pitcher filters can be a breeding ground for bacteria
  3. Water pitchers don’t always tell you when the filter needs replacing
  4. Water pitchers have limited capacity and can be too slow for practical purposes
  5. Water ionizers are better than water pitchers



Water pitchers don’t filter out the most dangerous contaminants

There are lots of different types of water pitchers. Filters vary from model to model, but the one constant …

5 Frightening Facts About Tap & Bottled Water That Make You Want to Hug a Water Ionizer!

Think you don’t scare easily?  Fearless about drinking water out of plastic bottles or the tap?  Well, prepare to be afraid… we have some shockingly true stories about tap and bottled water that are the stuff of nightmares!

bottled water
The facts about tap and bottled water are THIS scary – but NOT water ionizers!

Frightening Fact #1: The Terrifying Truth About Tap Water

Who needs “made-up” spooky stories when you can open a newspaper or switch on the TV to hear about the cities, towns, and schools that have some seriously scary stuff lurking in the water?

Frightening Fact #2: The Petrifying Plastic Horror

It wasn’t until EU countries tried to get rid of plastic that they realized that plastic was …

Complete Tyent Water Ionizer Review [2025]

By now, you’ve probably noticed that enhanced waters are having a moment. The functional water market was valued at $4.2 billion in 2022 and is estimated to hit $12 billion by 2032. Hydrogen water (water that’s infused with molecular hydrogen) and alkaline water (water with a higher pH) are two of the more prominent enhanced waters in the spotlight.

Besides the potential health benefits of hydrogen water and alkaline water (more on those later), one of the best things about adding them to your health regimen is how convenient and eco-friendly they are to produce. All you need is a Tyent water ionizer. Read on to learn more about each model available with our complete Tyent water ionizer review.

Do It Yourself Alkaline Water

There are some things that you should definitely try making yourself: compost, bread, a birthday cake for someone you love, or even knitting a pair of fluffy socks! DIY is a good thing, and we’re right behind anyone having a go at doing things for themselves.

That said, there are a few things that you should probably leave to the experts and Do It Yourself Alkaline Water is one of them!

The internet is rich with ideas about the possibilities of Do It Yourself Alkaline Water. We’re going to highlight the most common ones and explain why you should NOT attempt to drink Do It Yourself Alkaline Water!


Do It Yourself Alkaline Water

What’s in Your Tap Water?

What’s in your tap water? …

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Drink Vitaminwater

Vitamins. Water. Both are essential for health. So, it follows that Vitaminwater must be amazing for you, right?

Wrong. Read on to learn why you should avoid Vitaminwater at all costs!

4 Reasons Why You Shouldnt Drink Vitamin water


In this article:

Can You Count on Vitaminwater?

What Is Vitaminwater?

Why You Should Avoid Consuming Vitaminwater

Most Versions Contain Sugars and Other Fillers

It Doesn’t Aid Your Diet Goals

You’re Not Getting Any Extra Nutrients

It’s Not Good for Your Body

Why Water Is Still the Healthiest Drink Option


Can You Count on Vitaminwater?

You want to be healthier, so you try to avoid consuming unhealthy food and drink. In their place, you turn to ‘healthy’ products. You might start considering well-being-focused alternatives like Vitaminwater. After