How to Improve Water Quality at Home: Everything you Need to Know [2025]

Key Takeaways:

  • Various factors can affect your home’s water quality, including agricultural and urban runoff, aging treatment systems, and extreme weather.
  • Poor water quality increases your exposure to contaminants like bacteria, heavy metals, and chemicals that can make you sick.
  • How to improve water quality at home starts with requesting a free water report from Tyent so you know what contaminants are in your water supply.
  • The most effective way to improve your home’s water quality is installing a water filtration system, like the one found in Tyent’s line of cutting-edge water ionizers.

The average American family uses over 300 gallons of water per day at home, for everything from doing laundry to cooking dinner to staying hydrated. Just turn

Constipation In Children: 11 Alkaline Foods To Relieve It

Here are alkaline foods to help provide relief for constipation in children.

RELATED: Constipation Natural Remedy With Alkaline Water – HOW IT WORKS [INFOGRAPHIC]

How to Treat Constipation in Children | 11 Foods for Relief

1. Apples

An apple a day, apparently, may keep constipation away.

Did you know that one medium-sized apple with skin on has 4.4 g. of fiber? Now if we’ll look at the recommended fiber intake for kids, 4.4 g. is actually quite a great number.

Fiber Intake Recommendation For Kids:

  • Kids (4-8 yrs. old) – 25 g./day
  • Older girls (9-13 yrs. old) and teen girls (14-18 yrs. old) – 26 g./day
  • Older boys (9-13 yrs. old) – 31 g./day
  • Teen boys (14-18 yrs. old) –

Why Alkaline Water?

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share her tips for Why Alkaline Water. Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation. 

Why Alkaline Water


Water is essential for our body’s survival and optimal functioning. It keeps us hydrated, aids digestion, regulates body temperature, and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells. However, not all water is created equal. Alkaline water, which has a higher pH level than regular tap water, has been gaining popularity in recent years. Advocates claim that drinking alkaline water can …

Sorry Soda.  It’s Not You.  It’s Us. 

On the 2nd August, published a report stating that bottled water is poised to outstrip soda sales, a new phenomenon which industry experts believe owes as much to the highly publicized water crisis which began (publicly at any rate) in Flint, MI., as it does to any real sea change in our health habits.

Sorry soda.  It’s all over between us.
Sorry soda.  It’s all over between us.

Just How Bad is Soda?

Even fans of soda know that there’s little to recommend it, in terms of what it contains; and in fact there’s mounting evidence that soda is actively harmful to our health.

Soft drink consumers are being exposed to an avoidable and unnecessary cancer risk from an ingredient that is

What Are the Benefits of Hydrogen Water? [2024]

Since the discovery of the benefits of molecular hydrogen in the early 2000s, plenty of studies have demonstrated its positive effects on various diseases, including cancer and heart disease. 

Growing interest in the topic has fueled trends on social media platforms featuring the benefits of hydrogen water. But what exactly is it, and what does it contain?

Here’s everything you need to know about hydrogen water and some of its many benefits.


What Is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water, also referred to as hydrogen-infused or hydrogen-rich water, is regular water enhanced with extra hydrogen molecules (H2). Water molecules have two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule, hence its chemical name H2O. However, the body can’t absorb hydrogen in

5 Reasons to Love Tyent’s Ultra Filters

We’re all worried about what’s in our water. We read about lead in our tap water at home, and in school water. Even Hollywood is buzzing with how toxic our tap water is.

But drinking enough water and maintaining healthy levels of hydration is vital. So what can we do to make sure that we’re drinking safe water all the time?

5 Reasons to Love Tyent’s Ultra Filters

Safety First With a Water Ionizer

A water ionizer is a perfect solution. It’s plumbed into your water supply so that your tap water runs through the water ionizer unit, where it is filtered, ionized and infused with therapeutic molecular hydrogen.

Filtering out toxins and contaminants from tap water is a challenge for lesser machines. …

Just What Else is in America’s Water? Another Horror Story Hits the Headlines

With the news that the federal state of emergency in Flint, Michigan had ended, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the horror stories about America’s water had started to abate.

America’s Water Crisis Just Got Worse.
America’s Water Crisis Just Got Worse.

6 Million Americans at Risk

However, just a few short days before the government started to shut up shop in Flint, a report was published on August 9, 2016, with the horrifying claim that the water supplied to 6 million American homes across 33 states was contaminated with excessive levels of industrial chemicals linked to cancer, hormone imbalances and other health issues.

The research, from Harvard, analyzed more than 36,000 samples, finding the highest levels of contamination, “were detected in watersheds near …

Give Thanks for Alkaline Water!

After 65 days at sea, surrounded by salt water, without a drop of land or fresh water in sight, I bet the pilgrims could’ve used a tall glass of alkaline water. The hydrogen and antioxidant-rich alkaline water would’ve given them an ultra boost of hydration as they set foot in the New World.

Mayflower II

Unfortunately for the first pilgrims, alkaline water ionizers didn’t exist in 1620, but, thankfully, they do exist today. This Thanksgiving, as we consider the things that are most important to us, make sure to give thanks for alkaline water!

Alkaline Water Has Antioxidant Benefits

Water ionizers are wonderful machines that take normal tap water and turn it into delicious, healthy alkaline water. By siphoning water through …

Top 5 Anti-Aging Foods

Top 5 Anti-Aging Foods

Exercise and a healthy diet are both important steps in gracefully aging.  Did you know that certain foods are also good at preventing or reducing the effects of age-related disease?  Here is a list of the top 5 anti-aging foods.

1.  Berries:  Berries are rich in flavonols, anthocyanins and antioxidants.  Darker berries provide the best anti-aging benefits because they have the highest amount of antioxidants.

Top 5 anti-aging foods -


2.  Red Wine:  Drinking one glass of red wine daily is good for you!  Red wine is full of antioxidants, including resveratrol.  Resveratrol may help prevent blood clots, reduce cancer risk and lower bad cholesterol.  Moderation is key, so limit yourself to only 1 glass per day.

Top 5 anti-aging foods -


How to Increase Your Longevity!

Enjoy this FREE healthy aging and longevity advice from top-selling author Dr. Lori Shemek…

Healthy aging and longevity depend both on genetic and non-genetic factors.

While some of these factors are outside of one’s control – there are other factors that are determined by our lifestyle choices, emotions, and attitudes that have a strong correlation to our quality of life, long-term health, and lifespan.

To help give you a handle on what you can do to boost your longevity and promote healthy aging – here are a few of my favorite science-based longevity tips that you can implement into your life right now!

Tips to Live Longer

Stop Inflammation


Keeping inflammation low is a core component to bio-hacking your biology …