Why Reverse Osmosis Is NOT the Answer to Chromium-6

The cancer-causing contaminant Chromium-6, brought to the public gaze by Erin Brockovich, is at levels exceeding public health goals in 50 states.

Chromium-6 – Here to Stay?

Millions of people are trying to find a workable solution to protect themselves and their families and to avoid drinking contaminated water.  

What Reverse Osmosis Water Does to the Pipeline

A reverse osmosis water system is sometimes touted as a possible solution on both a domestic and municipal level.  After all, it removes contaminants and that’s the goal, right?

Unfortunately, reverse osmosis is not a solution on either front.  On a city-wide basis, aside from the prohibitive cost of building the plant, the stripped-back water – though admittedly free of contaminants –

Constipation In Children: 11 Alkaline Foods To Relieve It

Here are alkaline foods to help provide relief for constipation in children.

RELATED: Constipation Natural Remedy With Alkaline Water – HOW IT WORKS [INFOGRAPHIC]

How to Treat Constipation in Children | 11 Foods for Relief

1. Apples

An apple a day, apparently, may keep constipation away.

Did you know that one medium-sized apple with skin on has 4.4 g. of fiber? Now if we’ll look at the recommended fiber intake for kids, 4.4 g. is actually quite a great number.

Fiber Intake Recommendation For Kids:

  • Kids (4-8 yrs. old) – 25 g./day
  • Older girls (9-13 yrs. old) and teen girls (14-18 yrs. old) – 26 g./day
  • Older boys (9-13 yrs. old) – 31 g./day
  • Teen boys (14-18 yrs. old) –

Why Alkaline Water?

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share her tips for Why Alkaline Water. Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation. 

Why Alkaline Water


Water is essential for our body’s survival and optimal functioning. It keeps us hydrated, aids digestion, regulates body temperature, and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells. However, not all water is created equal. Alkaline water, which has a higher pH level than regular tap water, has been gaining popularity in recent years. Advocates claim that drinking alkaline water can …

Sorry Soda.  It’s Not You.  It’s Us. 

On the 2nd August, Bloomberg.com published a report stating that bottled water is poised to outstrip soda sales, a new phenomenon which industry experts believe owes as much to the highly publicized water crisis which began (publicly at any rate) in Flint, MI., as it does to any real sea change in our health habits.

Sorry soda.  It’s all over between us.
Sorry soda.  It’s all over between us.

Just How Bad is Soda?

Even fans of soda know that there’s little to recommend it, in terms of what it contains; and in fact there’s mounting evidence that soda is actively harmful to our health.

Soft drink consumers are being exposed to an avoidable and unnecessary cancer risk from an ingredient that is

9 Best Water Ionizers: 2024 Review

Not sure which type of water is best for your health? With so many options like distilled water, alkaline water, and hydrogen water, it can be a bit confusing. If you want the best health benefits from your daily drinking water, consider getting a water ionizer for your home. 

Having a water ionizer at home means you and your family will always have access to clean, high-quality water. It’s not just for drinking and health benefits; it also has settings for cleaning and sterilizing household items. 

The health benefits of ionized water and alkaline water are simply undeniable. In fact, many celebrities and professional athletes drink alkaline water to stay in shape, look their best, and perform at their

5 Reasons to Love Tyent’s Ultra Filters

We’re all worried about what’s in our water. We read about lead in our tap water at home, and in school water. Even Hollywood is buzzing with how toxic our tap water is.

But drinking enough water and maintaining healthy levels of hydration is vital. So what can we do to make sure that we’re drinking safe water all the time?

5 Reasons to Love Tyent’s Ultra Filters

Safety First With a Water Ionizer

A water ionizer is a perfect solution. It’s plumbed into your water supply so that your tap water runs through the water ionizer unit, where it is filtered, ionized and infused with therapeutic molecular hydrogen.

Filtering out toxins and contaminants from tap water is a challenge for lesser machines. …

The Benefits of Eating Alkaline Vegetables

Many people want to optimize their health but have trouble with where to begin. If you remember back to your science class, you may have studied the difference between alkaline and acidic body. These two principles are key factors in the health of our bodies.

We now know that an acidic body leads to more disease and overall poor health and an alkaline body helps to optimize health. Why is it important that we have a more alkaline body than an acidic body?


Dr. Lori Shemek Alkaline Vegetables


Two important concepts regarding this question and how healthy we ultimately are.

An Acidic Body

A pH level measures how acid or alkaline something is. A pH of 0 is totally acidic, while a pH …

Hey Kids…You May Want to Put Down That Fruit Juice and Drink from a Water Ionizer Now

You’d be forgiven for thinking that giving kids fruit juice to drink is no bad thing. I mean…it’s helping them hit their “daily quota” of healthy stuff for the day and it is fruit…so it’s got to be good for kids, right?

Well…not anymore.

fruit juice
Breaking News: Fruit juice is NOT a healthy choice for kids.

You might have caught a recent news segment about something lurking around in a “healthy” bottle of fruit juice that’s actually WAY more harmful than all the sugar that the juice contains.

The Hidden Dangers of Fruit Juice

Independent watchdog Consumer Reports, spot-checked 45 different types of juice, including those targeted at kids.

The results are alarming!

The findings include these scary statistics:…

Alkaline Water Detox: How To Do It

Interested to know how you can achieve an alkaline water detox? Here are some simple tips to get it right.

RELATED: Why Alkaline Water Is Better For Hydration

How to Achieve Alkaline Water Detox in 11 Simple Steps

1. Follow a Well-Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet includes the right amounts of carbs, protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals. Eating the right diet every day minimizes toxin intake from the unhealthy foods you may consume.

Your food should include mostly organic items, such as the following:


  • vegetables
  • whole fruits
  • legumes
  • potatoes
  • whole grains


  • seafood
  • white meat poultry
  • milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • eggs

Healthy fats:

  • avocados
  • nuts
  • chia seeds
  • extra virgin olive oil

Vitamins and minerals:

  • mushrooms
  • almonds
  • green

Boost Your Immune System By Drinking Water

There are many ways water can positively affect the body’s immune system. We talk about them below.

RELATED: 8 Types Of Water To Drink 

In this article:

  1. Why Is Drinking Water Important?
  2. Benefits of Drinking Water
  3. Don’t Just Drink Tap Water. Drink an Immune System-Friendly Water.

How Drinking Water Can Boost Your Immune System

Why Is Drinking Water Important?

Having allergies and getting sick are unfortunate facts of life. Here in the busy and rowdy 21st century, we interact with a lot of people.

We shake hands, hug, touch handrails that others touch, share living spaces, use public transportation, breathe the same air — all exposing us to viral infections, diseases, and other health threats. A person could simply sneeze …