What Is the Safest Bottled Water? [2025]

Key Takeaways:

  • Bottled water is no safer than tap water—in fact, some bottled water is just tap water.
  • Studies show that most bottled water contains chemicals and microplastics.
  • Frequent recalls suggest quality control issues with bottled water, and studies have found bottled water is often contaminated.
  • Many types of bottled water brands are also acidic and/or lack essential minerals.
  • Some bottled water brands contain harmful additives.
  • Tyent Portable Hydrogen Water Bottle is the best way to stay hydrated on the go, offering the health benefits of hydrogen-infused water along with advanced filtration capabilities.
  • A Tyent ionizer is a superior alternative to bottled water, providing water free from over 200 pollutants while delivering the benefits of both alkaline and hydrogen-rich water.

The Experts Talk Healthy Alkaline Water


The Doctor is in!

Female Doctor  After all the research I have had to do concerning ionized alkaline water, I must confess that I am a big believer in alkaline water in general and Tyent Water in particular. I often draw on testimonials from everyday people touting the healings and noticeable improvements in their health as a direct result of drinking alkaline water.

For today’s testimonials however, I’m drawing from medical professionals (not that they aren’t everyday people) who are experts in the field of good health and are strong supporters of ionized alkaline water.

I would like to begin with Dr. William Kelley. Doctor Kelley reportedly cured his own pancreatic cancer and prior to his death, was a leading authority

The Benefits of Eating Alkaline Vegetables

Many people want to optimize their health but have trouble with where to begin. If you remember back to your science class, you may have studied the difference between alkaline and acidic body. These two principles are key factors in the health of our bodies.

We now know that an acidic body leads to more disease and overall poor health and an alkaline body helps to optimize health. Why is it important that we have a more alkaline body than an acidic body?


Dr. Lori Shemek Alkaline Vegetables


Two important concepts regarding this question and how healthy we ultimately are.

An Acidic Body

A pH level measures how acid or alkaline something is. A pH of 0 is totally acidic, while a pH …

8 Ways Your Drinking Water May Be Killing You

Water: refreshing, hydrating…deadly?

water ionizer
Think you’re washing away those toxins from your produce? It might be time to get a water ionizer…

Sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but it’s time to make some tough, but necessary, choices about the water you drink. The stuff that comes out of your taps – or even out of a bottle – might contain a few unwelcome elements and some that are positively deadly.

Here are 8 ways that your drinking water may be killing you:

1) Pesticides and Herbicides I

Designed to withstand attacks from insects and weeds, these powerful chemical formulations won’t just rinse away with a splash under the tap.

However, check out this amazing video showing …

Are You Drinking Plastic Chemicals From Your Plastic Bottled Water? (Plastics Series: Part I)

The issue of what’s in the water we drink – and more worryingly – what shouldn’t be in it, has never been more pressing.  

What exactly are we drinking?

Nationwide scandals attached to the potential dangers of drinking tap water have prompted millions of Americans to ask the question, “what exactly are we drinking?”

Many have stopped trusting the municipal water supply altogether.  An obvious alternative? Bottled water.  Well, sure.  It’s convenient and available virtually everywhere.  Plus, it’s in a sealed, factory-produced bottle.  It’s clean and good for us, right?  Well, not always.  In fact the EWG has recently published a report on exactly why we should look very closely at the risks of drinking bottled water.  

  1.  What’s in

Potential Effects of Microplastic Exposure on Tap Water

Fancy a side order of microplastic particles with that glass of tap water? If you choose to drink water from the faucet, then you might not get a choice.


Potential Effects of Microplastic Exposure on Tap Water


What are microplastics?

Are microplastics found in tap water?

Can microplastics be removed from tap water?

Are microplastics dangerous to health?

Can a water ionizer help to reduce the number of microplastics I drink?

What are microplastics?

Microplastics is a word that commonly refers to plastic contamination in the form of minute particles.

Microplastics are rife in bottled water and are also coursing through the municipal water in virtually every town and city in the US.

“We knew that this plastic is coming back to us through our food

Why You Should Drink Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water & Eat High Alkaline Foods (Version 2)

Breathing not withstanding, food and water are the two basic necessities of life.  Go without eating food and you can live around 21 days or so, but stop drinking water and you won’t live long enough to die from starvation.

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley

Food and water not only sustain us, but the quality of that food and water has a direct impact on our health.  Millions of people around the world die each year from the lack of a proper diet and clean water.

What Should Know About Water Ionizers and pH Levels

A pH level above 7 is alkaline, while a pH below 7 is acidic.  …

Alkaline Water and Your Colon

Let’s talk about your colon. Not exactly a sexy topic, but it is an important one nonetheless.

Alkaline water is a street sweeper for the colon.
Alkaline water is a street sweeper for the colon.

The colon plays an important role in digestion and a healthy, hydrated colon is important to the health of all humans. Alkaline water is the perfect fluid to help cleanse this organ.

What is the Colon and What Does it do in the Body?

The colon, or large intestine, is the final stage of the digestive tract. It is here that water and salt are absorbed from food and waste is stored for excretion. Basically, the colon is a filtration center for the body that mostly screens waste from water and useful salts.…

RO Water System: Everything You Need to Know [2025]

As of 2023, more than 90% of Americans say they filter their drinking water at home, a rising trend. When asked why they chose to start filtering their water, 31% said it’s because they believe it to be healthier, while 52% said it’s because they want to be more environmentally friendly. However, if they are choosing to filter through a reverse osmosis (RO) water system, their assumptions may not be correct.

RO water systems may not be the clean water solution that they’re often billed as. In this article, we’ll unpack how RO water systems work, why they can actually harm your health and the environment, and better alternatives, like hydrogen water.


What is an RO Water System?

9 Best Water Ionizers: 2024 Review

Not sure which type of water is best for your health? With so many options like distilled water, alkaline water, and hydrogen water, it can be a bit confusing. If you want the best health benefits from your daily drinking water, consider getting a water ionizer for your home. 

Having a water ionizer at home means you and your family will always have access to clean, high-quality water. It’s not just for drinking and health benefits; it also has settings for cleaning and sterilizing household items. 

The health benefits of ionized water and alkaline water are simply undeniable. In fact, many celebrities and professional athletes drink alkaline water to stay in shape, look their best, and perform at their