Half of All Americans Have Radiation in Their Water

According to this report published in January by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), 173 million people – around half of all Americans – have been exposed to radiation in their drinking water.  That means an increase in the possibility of developing certain types of cancer and can also have a detrimental effect on fetal development.  

Radioactive elements enter our groundwater…and stay there.
The “Erin Brockovich” Chemical

By studying 50,000 water systems countrywide, the EWG found that millions of people across 50 states are drinking water that contains radioactive contaminants; including the most commonly-occurring radioactive element, radium.

In Texas – one of the worst affected states – up to 80% of homes are supplied with water containing potentially dangerous levels of

Doctors’ Analysis of Water Ionizers

Doctors’ Analysis of Water Ionizers
Tyent Water Ionizers get rave reviews from many in the medical community. Wondering whether drinking water from a water ionizer can have an effect on your health? Let’s see what some doctors have to say.

Does your doctor recommend Tyent Water too?
Does your doctor recommend using a water ionizer too?

Partners in Hope

Meet Doctor Francisco Contreras, a Medical Doctor who has partnered with Tyent to provide alkaline water to his patients at The Oasis of Hope Cancer Center. 

If anyone knows whether water from a Tyent water ionizer can benefit health, it is Doctor Contreras. 

Francisco-Contreras-MD1-2“We at the Oasis of Hope Hospital have a Tyent USA water ionizer in our dining room for all of our patients so

101 Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers, Part 7: Doctors, Wellness Centers, And Tyent Water

When it comes to water ionizers, people in the medical industry recommend Tyent ionizers for its effectivity and track record.

Doctors Recommend Tyent Water Ionizers for Wellness


What Doctors and Wellness Centers Say About Tyent’s Water Filter Machines

Do you know the other reasons to love Tyent water ionizers? Read Parts 1 to 5, and Part 6 here!

Doctors and medical professionals’ opinions hold weight for individuals seeking wellness. That’s why it’s important to know what water filtration system they’ll recommend.

It’s always reassuring to hear what the medical establishment has to say about Tyent water ionizers, and we greatly value the endorsements we get from doctors as well as medical professionals.

64. Dr. Francisco Contreras, MD

Dr. Francisco Contreras | Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers, Part 7: Doctors, Wellness Centers, And Tyent Water
Dr. …

Avoiding Bad Chemicals in Your Food and Beverages

If you’re like many of us, you pay attention to your health: You try to eat well, get some fresh air and exercise, avoid the extra-large coffees and fries, and be mindful of your alcohol intake. But you might be consuming some unhealthy and potentially harmful substances without even knowing it.

Every day, we consume processed foods and beverages that contain hidden ingredients with not-so-hidden negative consequences. Pay attention to the following bad chemicals in food, and avoid their unhealthy repercussions.

Instead of just obsessing about the no-no’s, we believe that having healthy alternatives is the best way to live an overall pro-health lifestyle. So we’ve provided alternatives to the downright scary stuff below.

1.    BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene). Food engineers …

Prepare To Be Shocked: A Look at North American Tap Water


If we asked for your thoughts on heavy metals, what’s the first thing that pops into your head? 

Rock music? Or toxic elements like lead? 

The heavy metals we’re interested in are the ones found in your tap water—not just lead, but also arsenic, cadmium, and a ton of other nasty elements that can endanger your health.

“Many cities around the country rely on pre-World War I-era water delivery systems and treatment technology.”

Tap Water’s Dirty Secret 


Not your cup of tea? Sewage accounts for 80% of water pollution in America.

Take arsenic, for example. According to research conducted by London’s Imperial College, long-term exposure to arsenic-contaminated drinking water leads to an increased risk of skin

Tyent Ionized Water and Pet Health



Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water…Good for You, Good for Them  


animal-pets    At Tyent USA, good health is our passion. We strive to develop high-quality water ionization systems that effectively deliver the purest, healthiest water you can drink with a plethora of health benefits. Moreover, we succeed. Our award-winning alkaline water machines are some of the finest available on the market today and consistently deliver pure, healthy water at the touch of a button.



Key pad      Tyent’s user friendly control panel allows you to choose the degree of alkalinity you desire.  For cleaning fruits and vegetables, along with household cleaning, you may want to use more acidic water. For drinking water, you may choose a more alkaline setting. Both are available

What You Need To Know About The Alkaline Diet

The alkaline diet has been gaining popularity, and to better understand this meal plan, there are essentials you need to know.

RELATED: Why Should You Wash Fresh Produce With Alkaline Water?

In this article:

  1. What Is an Alkaline Diet?
  2. What You Can Eat
  3. Food pH
  4. Changing pH Levels
  5. Is the Alkaline Diet Healthy?
  6. Studies and the Alkaline Diet and Alkaline Water

Everything You Must Know About the Alkaline Diet

What Is an Alkaline Diet?

The alkaline diet is also known as the alkaline acid diet or the alkaline ash diet. If you have an issue with acidic foods, the alkaline diet may help you with weight issues and medical problems such as cancer and arthritis.

While this is only a …

Doctors Love Alkaline Water!

Here is a collection of some of our favorite testimonials from doctors and medical professionals!

Doctors Love Alkaline Water - Dr. Nancy McClellan- tyentusa.com

Dr. Nancy McClellan  DC Dipl. Ac.

“One of the important features of drinking Tyent Water is the ORP quotient, that is the oxidation reduction potential and the power the water has to go into your body and neutralize free radicals. If people realize that free radicals attack:

1. Nerve tissue

2. Brain tissue

3. Cell walls

They might take ORP a little more seriously.

Tyent Water, along with all of its other benefits, neutralizes free radicals in a very effective manner.

The most important things we can do is to drink Tyent alkaline water because it flushes out the part of your body called the …

15 Science-Backed Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen

Hydrogen water is astounding doctors around the globe. Read on for the science-backed reasons why!

15 Science-Backed Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen


15 Science-Backed Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen


Hydrogen & pH Balance

  1. This fascinating study showed that hydrogen water has an alkalizing effect, potentially reducing the risk of metabolic acidosis in athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Hydrogen & DNA Damage

  1. This study showed that by scavenging hydroxyl radical formation, hydrogen provides protection against radiation-induced damage to DNA.

Hydrogen & Cancer

  1. Oxidative stress is linked to various forms of cancer and premature aging. This study shows molecular hydrogen’s protective qualities against oxidative stress-linked cancerous cells.

Hydrogen & Muscle Recovery

  1. This pilot study on the effect of hydrogen water on muscle fatigue demonstrates the science behind why top

The Experts Talk Healthy Alkaline Water


The Doctor is in!

Female Doctor  After all the research I have had to do concerning ionized alkaline water, I must confess that I am a big believer in alkaline water in general and Tyent Water in particular. I often draw on testimonials from everyday people touting the healings and noticeable improvements in their health as a direct result of drinking alkaline water.

For today’s testimonials however, I’m drawing from medical professionals (not that they aren’t everyday people) who are experts in the field of good health and are strong supporters of ionized alkaline water.

I would like to begin with Dr. William Kelley. Doctor Kelley reportedly cured his own pancreatic cancer and prior to his death, was a leading authority