9 Reasons Why Processed Meat Is Bad For Your Health

What is processed meat and how badly does it affect your overall health?

9 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Processed Meat

Processed Meat Definition: It’s any type of meat that went through preservation methods such as curing, smoking, and salting. This includes meat that contains loads of preservatives and chemicals.

Processed Meat List

Bacon | Reasons Why Processed Meat Is Bad For Your Health
Processed bacon

What is considered processed meat? Before discussing the bad effects of processed meat, it’s best to know what items fall under this category.

That way, you’ll know what food choices you need to avoid. In fact, you might see a few of your all-time favorites on this list.

  • Bacon
  • Beef jerky
  • Canned meat
  • Cured ham
  • Hotdogs
  • Pepperoni
  • Salami
  • Sausages
  • Smoked meat

1. Puts You at

5 Ways to Stay Away from Carcinogens

It’s possible to reduce your risk of cancer by avoiding known carcinogens and taking preventative steps to protect yourself and the ones you love.


5 tips to stay away from carcinogens


1. Don’t smoke or use chewing tobacco. Smoking is linked to several deadly cancers, including:

  • Lungs
  • Mouth
  • Bladder
  • Kidneys
  • Cervix


2. Eat well. You already know that you need to be eating fresh fruit and vegetables every day, but make sure that you also include whole foods, grains, olive oil, nuts and seeds. Cut right down on red meat, refined, processed foods and anything with added sugar.

Another tip – use Turbo Water from your Tyent water ionizer to remove herbicides and pesticides that tap water doesn’t shift.


“At least 40 known carcinogens

When It Comes To Product Quality, Warranty And Customer Service, The Tyent Alkaline Water Ionizer Company Has Much To Offer You (New And Improved!)

If you’re looking for the best water ionizer machine for home use, here are the things you need to know.

RELATED: 101 Reasons to Love Tyent Water Ionizers, Part 4: Awards, Reviews and A+ Customer Service

In this article:

  1. Why Do You Need to Switch to Drinking Alkaline Water?
  2. Why Do You Need a Water Ionizer at Home?
  3. What Features Should You Look for in a Water Ionizer Machine?
  4. How to Choose a Company You Can Trust
  5. Tyent Water Ionizer Machine Is Your Best Option
  6. You Have to Look Below the Surface and Beyond the Sales Pitch
  7. Customer Service

Water Ionizer Machine | What You Need to Know

Water Ionizer Machine Definition: A water ionizer machine is a home device …

Calcium Benefits: Alkaline Water is a Great Resource!

Learn what calcium and alkaline water can do to your body as you read below.

RELATED: 13 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Drink Tap Water

In this article:

  1. An Introduction to Calcium
  2. What is Calcium?
  3. Calcium Benefits
  4. What Is Hypocalcemia?
  5. Symptoms of Hypocalcemia
  6. What Is Alkaline Water?
  7. Benefits of Alkaline Water
  8. Health Benefits of Calcium in Alkaline Water
  9. Calcium Requirements and Threats of Too Little Calcium
  10. Water Ionizers: Calcium, Antioxidants and More!

What You Should Know About Calcium and Its Benefits

An Introduction to Calcium

food with high calcium content | Calcium Benefits: Alkaline Water is a Great Resource!

Elemental calcium is an important mineral for human health and must be obtained through the foods we eat and the beverages we drink since our body doesn’t make calcium on its own. Dairy products and leafy

13 Healthy Juice Recipes You Should Try

Add flavor to your diet this year with 13  of our best healthy juice recipes!

RELATED: Alkaline Water Ionizer Recipes to Soothe a Sore Throat

Healthy Juice Recipes to Complement Your Diet

Healthy Juice: A juice that contains the essential vitamins and minerals required for good health and proper nutrition.

1. Carrot-Orange Juice

Orange carrot juice | Healthy Juice Recipes You Should Try
This juice recipe is a good source of vitamins C and K. It contains beta-carotene, which helps improve skin problems like rashes and psoriasis.

It may also ward off various eye disorders, such as muscular degeneration, cataracts, and blindness.

What You Need:

  • 3 peeled carrots (medium)
  • 2 peeled oranges (medium)
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon chia seeds


Juice the carrots, and then the oranges. If using the chia …

101 Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers: Health Benefits And More

With the health benefits from the Tyent water ionizer, you won’t have to worry about your health plans being updated. Find out why here!

RELATED: Water Ionizer Health: 5 Ways to Support a Healthy Mind and Body

In this article:

Part 1:

Is Faucet Water Safe to Drink? What to Know About Tap Water [2025]

Key Takeaways:

  • Drinking faucet water directly from the tap can pose health risks.
  • The EPA monitors only 90 contaminants, while over 320 may be present in water supplies.
  • Drinking contaminated faucet water can lead to severe health issues, including nervous system and organ damage.
  • Testing your water and installing a filtration system tailored to your needs are the most effective ways to improve water safety.
  • Filtering your faucet water with a Tyent water ionizer not only makes it safer to drink, but transforms it into alkaline hydrogen water for added health benefits.

Nothing beats the convenience of faucet water. With one turn of the tap, you’ve got quality H20 for brushing your teeth, doing the dishes, and so much more.

15 Most Nutritious Foods to Add to Your Diet

Add these nutritious foods to your diet and kickstart a healthy lifestyle.

RELATED: 25 Healthiest Foods To Eat

In this article:

  1. Fruits
  2. Meat
  3. Veggies
  4. Seafood

Nutritious Foods | What You Need in Your Diet


1. Strawberries

Strawberries fruit delicious food | Most Nutritious Foods to Add to Your Diet

Strawberries are packed with manganese which fights free radicals, fiber which boosts digestive function, and vitamin C which supports iron absorption, immune system, and collagen formation. The fruit is also low in calories and carbs, so it does not contribute to weight gain.

2. Bananas

Fruit grocery Bananas market | Most Nutritious Foods to Add to Your Diet

Bananas are one of the richest sources of potassium. This micromineral helps stabilize blood pressure and improve cardiovascular, muscle, and bone health.

The fruit is also rich in vitamin B6 that is known to help enhance mood, reduce

High Alkaline Foods To Add To Your Diet

Add these alkaline foods to your diet to keep your body’s pH balance in check.

RELATED: What You Need To Know About The Alkaline Diet

15 High Alkaline Foods You Should Include in Your Diet

Alkaline Foods Definition: Alkaline foods are various types of foods high in alkaline levels, which you can add to your diet.

1. Beet Greens

Beet on a table | High Alkaline Foods To Add To Your Diet
Beet greens may not be the usual green food in your diet, but they have an alkalinity score of -16.7 (based on the potential renal acid load). This veggie also has a bitter quality that can help stimulate bile production for better digestion of fats.

You can add beet greens as an ingredient to your green smoothie or stir-fries. It’s …

7 Best Lead Water Filters [2024]

Access to clean, safe drinking water is essential for every household, yet lead contamination remains a significant concern in many areas. In fact, over 186 million Americans unknowingly ingested water with high levels of lead between 2018 and 2020. 

Lead exposure can have severe health effects, particularly on children and pregnant women, by impacting brain development and causing other long-term health issues. Keeping lead out of your drinking water is vital for your family’s health.

A lead water filter is one of the best ways to ensure your water is free from harmful metals and chemicals. This guide will cover everything you need to know about lead water filters, including how they work, their benefits, and what to look for