Your Local Water Quality Affects Your Life (FREE Water Quality Report INSIDE)

What’s your local water quality like? Did you know that your water can have a direct effect on your health?

If you want to learn more about your local water quality and how it affects your life, then we’re here to help. We can start by offering you a FREE water quality report on your local water supply, and then following that up with solutions for any water contamination issues revealed by your report.


Your Local Water Quality Affects Your Life



What’s Your Water Quality REALLY Like?

Due to industrial practices, large-scale farming, aging and inadequate infrastructure, among myriad other reasons, most of the water that flows out of taps across the country is now contaminated in some way. Check out these statistics:

  • Almost

Alkaline Water and Antioxidants

Antioxidants are big news! Learn more about how antioxidants and alkaline water work together to help you achieve a healthier, stronger body!


Alkaline Water and Antioxidants


What Are Antioxidants?

Why You Need Alkaline Water

Who Is Dr. Alvin Stein?

Antioxidants and Their Benefits

What Alkaline Water and Antioxidants Do to Your Body

What Are Antioxidants?

We hear about antioxidants all the time. Most of us have got the general idea that antioxidants are good for us, but how much do you really know about these amazing molecules?

What are antioxidants and why do we need them in order to be healthy?

The basic definition is that antioxidants are molecules that prevent other molecules from oxidizing. They inhibit the process of oxidization – …

Tyent USA, Seriously Cleaning Up Tap Water


Some Serious Reasons to Drink Tyent Water



logo    Tyent Water.  To those in the know, those two words signify water that is cleaner than well water, purer than bottled water, and safer than tap water.

 In fact, Tyent Water is all those things and so much more.

It begins with our award-winning models of ionized alkaline water purifiers.  To get great water you need great filters.  Tyent filters are unmatched in the industry at removing or reducing the presence of dangerous and potentially harmful chemicals found in the water that flows from your faucet at home.

After filtering out the impurities, the water is then passed over our platinum dipped plates that create the ionization.

Some argue that

Is Dasani Water Safe To Drink? | Dasani Vs Alkaline Water

Have you ever considered what’s inside a Dasani water bottle? Learn how drinking Dasani water affects you, your family, and the environment.

RELATED: PFAS Water Contamination And What You Can Do

In this article:

  1. Dasani Water: A Popular Brand of Bottled Water
  2. Is It Really Pure, Still Water?
  3. What Makes Dasani Water Bad?
  4. What Should You Do?
  5. Water Ionizers: The Superior Choice

Dasani Water vs Alkaline Water: What Should You Drink?

Dasani Water: A Popular Brand of Bottled Water

Whether it’s at fairs, concerts, movie theaters, or street markets, there’s always one or two stalls selling Dasani water. So since it’s everywhere you go, you’d have no choice but to drink it, right?

If you’re like most Americans, then you …

Health Risks Of Heavy Metals In Water

Beware of the toxins and read on for a rundown of the health risks of heavy metals found in drinking water.

RELATED: Five Reasons To Never Drink Unfiltered Water

In this article:

  1. What Are Heavy Metals?
  2. Where Do Heavy Metals Come From?
  3. How Does Water Become Exposed to Heavy Metals?
  4. How Can I Test My Water for Toxicity?
  5. Why Are Heavy Metals in Water Dangerous to Our Health?
  6. What Are the Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity?
  7. Who Is More Susceptible to the Health Risks of Heavy Metals?
  8. When Should I Undergo a Heavy Metals Detox?

Running the Health Risks of Water Exposed to Toxic Heavy Metals

What Are Heavy Metals?

Heavy metals are natural compounds and formations contained in the …

Discover the Orb!

Fresh, clean laundry makes me happy.  Gathering it from the line outside, or pulling it from the dryer feels great.  I’ll happily outsource most household chores given half the chance, but the laundry I keep for myself.

An Orb-Round Good Guy!
An Orb-Round Good Guy!

Wash Day Blues?

So given this love affair with clean laundry, I was pretty horrified to realize that so many of the products we use to make our clothes and bedding feel wonderful are actually really, really bad for us.

This report shines an unflinching light on the less appealing side of all of those laundry ads. Formaldehyde, methanol and sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate are common ingredients, and chemicals that we should be trying to avoid at all costs, never mind …

10 Reasons Why Doctors Recommend Antioxidants!

Doctors recommend antioxidants, but what makes them so amazing? Why do dieticians and nutritionists love antioxidants so much?

We’ve got the facts about antioxidants, with 10 reasons why doctors recommend antioxidants and even better – the easiest way to add LOTS more of them to your diet!


10 Reasons Why Doctors Recommend Antioxidants


  • Antioxidants and Free Radical Takedown
  • Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress
  • Antioxidants and Anti-Aging
  • Antioxidants Can Help Prevent Age-Related Sight Loss
  • Antioxidants Support Your Heart
  • Antioxidants and Cognitive Ability
  • Antioxidants and Arthritis
  • Antioxidants and Immune Support
  • Antioxidants and Gut Health
  • Antioxidants and Liver Health


1. Antioxidants and Free Radical Takedown – Antioxidants help to defend your body against harmful free radicals – the unstable molecules that can seriously damage healthy cells …

Hydrogen Water and Inflammation

Millions of people suffer from inflammation and the numbers are set to rise over the next three decades, with The World Health Organization (WHO) citing chronic inflammatory diseases as being among the most significant and prolific causes of death in the world.

We’re here to walk you through…

What is Inflammation?
What are the Symptoms of Inflammation?
What Causes Inflammation?
When is Inflammation Good?
When is Inflammation Bad?
How to Reduce Inflammation
Can Hydrogen Water Help Reduce Inflammation?

Can hydrogen water help sufferers of chronic inflammation?

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a process in which the white blood cells and substances your body produces protects you from tissue damage and infection from viruses and bacteria.

It’s also a protective reaction …

Probiotics | 4 Health Benefits

Probiotics are a type of good bacteria that provide numerous health benefits. Let’s take a look at how and why they are good for you.

RELATED: Alkaline Water and Antioxidants

In this article:

  1. Not All Bacteria Are Bad
  2. Why Does the Gut Need Bacteria?
  3. What Are Probiotics and How Can They Improve Gut Flora?
  4. What Specific Benefits Can You Gain From Taking Probiotics?
  5. How Can You Start Taking Probiotics?

The 4 Health Benefits of Probiotics

Not All Bacteria Are Bad

Young woman perfect abdominals cooks | Health Benefits of Probiotics

What are probiotics? These are the type of good bacteria that provide numerous health benefits. They can be taken as supplements, and you can also get them from eating certain foods that have been prepared by bacterial fermentation (like some

BPA is a Much Bigger Problem Than Previously Thought – But a Water Ionizer Can Help

We’ve talked about BPA before.

Why is BPA a much bigger problem than we previously thought?

In recent years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has preferred a relatively nonchalant approach to the carcinogenic chemical that’s present in food containers and drink bottles across the country, declining to upgrade the risk in line with scientists’ concerns.

Caution Needed

Experts in the field have long felt the FDA’s position has jarred with the more cautionary scientific view.

“The stance the FDA’s had for a number of years is probably narrow-sighted.” – Christopher Kassotis, University of Missouri 

That cautious concern appears to have been vindicated by a significant report in The Lancet that the methodology used by regulators to quantify BPA is …