Real Talk on Why Hydration ACTUALLY Matters

Summer is in full swing! This time of year usually calls for more activities outdoors. Typical summertime fun includes hanging out at the beach or pool, gardening, grilling or simply going for leisurely strolls. All of these activities usually go hand in hand with some amount of sweating. Summer is an especially tough time for folks who have to work outdoors.

It’s so important to stay hydrated during any time of year, but it’s especially important in the summertime when temperatures are soaring. Dehydration can even be downright dangerous!

Hydration Actually Matters
Hydration Actually Matters


The Dangers of Not Being Fully Hydrated

Dehydration occurs when you lose more fluid than you take in, and your body doesn’t have enough water …

How to Maintain a Healthy Body

Maintain a healthy body and mind with these practical tips.

RELATED: Everything You Need To Know About Healthy Eating

In this article:

  1. Eat Well
  2. Perform Daily Exercise
  3. Get More Sleep
  4. Do the Things You Enjoy
  5. Stay Hydrated
  6. Listen to Your Body
  7. Socialize
  8. Stop Smoking
  9. Protect Your Skin from UV Rays

Keeping a Healthy Body | Simple Tips to Follow

1. Eat Well

Girl dietary food table | How to Maintain a Healthy Body

Healthy eating starts with a diet that contains a good balance of nutrients your body needs, such as protein, carbs, and fiber. Each person’s calorie intake depends on their age.

Here is a list of the recommended daily calorie intake according to age based on the USDA:

  • 2-8 years: 1,000-1,400
  • 9-13 years: 1,400-1,600 (girls) and 1,600-2,000 (boys)
  • 14-30

Only Tyent’s Water Ionizers Filter Beyond Industry Standards

Lots of homes (maybe even yours) use a water purifier nowadays. But just how effective is it, and just how bad is our tap water to begin with?


Recently, the New York Times issued a startling report on the state of our nation’s water supply.

According to the Times,

since 2004 the water provided to more than 49 million Americans has contained illegal levels of chemicals like arsenic, not to mention the same bacteria often found in sewers.

I don’t know about you, but that number seems way too high. Knowing that my parents, my kids and my little Boston Terrier Scooter are possibly drinking lead every day worries me just a little bit. 

Luckily for Scooter, there’s

25 Healthiest Foods To Eat

Incorporate these delicious and healthy foods in your diet to boost your immune system, build lean muscle mass, and shed off unwanted body fat.

RELATED: What You Need To Know About The Alkaline Diet

In this article:

  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Dairy Products
  4. Meat and Fish

Top 25 Healthy Foods to Include in Your Diet Program


1. Avocados

Rich, creamy avocados are one of the top healthy foods for replacing simple carbohydrates. The healthy fats in these cheap, healthy foods serve as a sustainable source of energy to help you start and end the day like a champ.

How to eat: You can eat them fresh or pulse these super healthy foods into a creamy, delicious shake.

2. Bananas

Bananas are …

Top Water Ionizer System for Weight Loss

We all want to be fit and healthy.  However, carrying a few extra pounds can sap our energy and zap our motivation.

Top Water Ionizer
Water ionizers can help you to get fit and drop excess weight!

While curves are definitely cool, being significantly overweight can start to impact negatively on your health and perhaps begin to affect your confidence.  

Water Ionizers and Weight Loss

If you think that you’d be happier and healthier if you were a few pounds lighter, then alongside the tried-and-tested dream team of eating well and getting enough exercise, investing in a water ionizer is one of the best ways of boosting your weight-loss efforts.

We all know that drinking water is essential for our health, but …

Flint’s Crisis Is America’s Problem

On January 5, 2016, at the same time as issuing an apology for the decisions that had led to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder declared a state of emergency.

Toxic Water Is Not limited To Flint
Toxic Water Is Not limited To Flint

Tip Of The Iceberg

The horror of just how many children have been affected by lead poisoning in Flint continues to unfold, and the inevitable lawsuits are coming in. But to understand the true extent of the problem, it’s necessary to cast a wider net than just over the beleaguered largest city of Genesee County.

“Lead in Flint is the tip of the iceberg. Flint is a teachable moment for America.” ~Dr. Richard J. Jackson, former director of the

The Top 5 Reasons Alkaline Water Is Better For You

There are a ton of people out there on one side or the other of the alkaline water debate. Whatever your stance, the research that has been done looks pretty promising. This –along with millions of testimonials– shows that a higher pH of water benefits people’s health in a lot of ways. What are some of these benefits? Here are five of the reasons why alkaline water is better for you.


5. It Keeps People More Hydrated
Alkaline water keeps athletes and those with extremely active lifestyles hydrated for much longer. This is because it keeps the kidneys from shedding water so quickly. Alkaline water is said to act like an anti-diuretic, keeping the fluid in your system longer, which …

The Lack of PFAS Regulation – A Nationwide Problem

Every day, third-generation dairy farmer Art Schaap milks his 1,800 cows at his farm in Clovis, New Mexico. But not one drop of the 15,000 gallons he produces reaches any customers. Every gallon is dumped, every single day, due to PFAS contamination.

Here’s why that’s important:

What is PFAS Contamination?
How Dangerous is PFAS?
What is the Government Doing About PFAS Regulation?
Is PFAS in Drinking Water Around the World?
Can Water Ionizers Make My Water Safer to Drink?
Toxic PFAS – 16 million Americans at risk.

What is PFAS Contamination?

PFAS is an acronym that refers to per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances.

They are man-made chemicals that are widely used for their properties, such as being resistant to heat, …

Antioxidants and Free Radicals: What You Need to Know

Free Radicals might sound like the kind of band name you and your buddy, that guy with the keyboard and the bad perm, might have chosen back in the 80’s.  

Wanted: Easy-going electron with calming influence to tame unstable Free Radical.

It’s true to say that free radicals sound a lot cooler than they really are. Existing virtually everywhere in the modern world, free radicals are impossible to avoid.  To labor the 80’s band theme again, like an aging rock star who has lived a wild and toxic life on the road: free radicals are unstable, slightly unhinged molecules trying to hook up with a nice, calming electron to stabilize them and settle down with.

Oxidative Damage

But it doesn’t

What Is Acidic Water?

What is acidic water? Is it good for drinking? Is it safe for the body? Read on for the ultimate low-down on low-pH water!


What Is Acidic Water

What Is Acidic Water?

What Are the Uses of Acidic Water?

When Is Acidic Water Suitable for Drinking?

Who Has Access to Acidic Water?

How Do I Know If I Have Acidic Tap Water?

Why Should I Care About the Kind of Water I Drink & Use?

Where Should I Go to Get My Tap Water Tested for Acidity & Alkalinity?

What Is Acidic Water? Your Questions Answered


What Is Acidic Water?

Let’s recap on pH values and why they matter. The acidity or alkalinity of a substance is measured on a pH scale, between …