The Lack of PFAS Regulation – A Nationwide Problem

Every day, third-generation dairy farmer Art Schaap milks his 1,800 cows at his farm in Clovis, New Mexico. But not one drop of the 15,000 gallons he produces reaches any customers. Every gallon is dumped, every single day, due to PFAS contamination.

Here’s why that’s important:

What is PFAS Contamination?
How Dangerous is PFAS?
What is the Government Doing About PFAS Regulation?
Is PFAS in Drinking Water Around the World?
Can Water Ionizers Make My Water Safer to Drink?
Toxic PFAS – 16 million Americans at risk.

What is PFAS Contamination?

PFAS is an acronym that refers to per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances.

They are man-made chemicals that are widely used for their properties, such as being resistant to heat, …

Antioxidants and Free Radicals: What You Need to Know

Free Radicals might sound like the kind of band name you and your buddy, that guy with the keyboard and the bad perm, might have chosen back in the 80’s.  

Wanted: Easy-going electron with calming influence to tame unstable Free Radical.

It’s true to say that free radicals sound a lot cooler than they really are. Existing virtually everywhere in the modern world, free radicals are impossible to avoid.  To labor the 80’s band theme again, like an aging rock star who has lived a wild and toxic life on the road: free radicals are unstable, slightly unhinged molecules trying to hook up with a nice, calming electron to stabilize them and settle down with.

Oxidative Damage

But it doesn’t

What Is Acidic Water?

What is acidic water? Is it good for drinking? Is it safe for the body? Read on for the ultimate low-down on low-pH water!


What Is Acidic Water

What Is Acidic Water?

What Are the Uses of Acidic Water?

When Is Acidic Water Suitable for Drinking?

Who Has Access to Acidic Water?

How Do I Know If I Have Acidic Tap Water?

Why Should I Care About the Kind of Water I Drink & Use?

Where Should I Go to Get My Tap Water Tested for Acidity & Alkalinity?

What Is Acidic Water? Your Questions Answered


What Is Acidic Water?

Let’s recap on pH values and why they matter. The acidity or alkalinity of a substance is measured on a pH scale, between …

Why You Should Add Alkaline Vegetables to Your Diet

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share her tips for Why You Should Add Alkaline Vegetables to Your Diet.  Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation.  


Why You Should Add Alkaline Vegetables to Your Diet


Alkaline vegetables are those that have a pH level above 7, which makes them slightly alkaline
in nature. These vegetables can have a number of benefits for our health, including improved
digestion, reduced inflammation, and increased energy levels.


One of the primary benefits of alkaline vegetables is that they can help …

Is Bruni the Next Flint? The Town in Texas with Arsenic in the Water.

The residents of Bruni, less than 50 miles east of the Mexican border, know exactly how the people of Flint, Michigan feel.

Would you let your child drink this?
Would you let your child drink this?

Another Flint?

Flint, of course, is infamous for the town’s water supply becoming toxic with dangerously high levels of lead.  Bruni’s horror?  Turn on a tap and rife in the cloudy, unappetizing water is arsenic.  Linked to increased risk of developmental and intellectual issues in children, cancer and lung problems; in 2001, the EPA decided that the acceptable level of arsenic in drinking water should be lowered from 50 ppb (parts per billion) to 10 pbb.

This is the root cause of the controversy in Bruni.  During 2014 – 2015,  …

Will Air and Water Borne BPA Change the FDA’s Tune?

It’s almost funny.  The FDA is militant about not allowing perfectly edible and delicious unpasteurized Camembert and many other legendary cheeses into the country, but it is far more laid back when it comes to the controversial chemical BPA – linked to low birth weight and certain types of cancer.

More dangerous than carcinogens in your bottled water?

According to the FDA, unlike a decent wheel of Brie de Meaux, BPA is “probably alright in very small doses.”  We’re paraphrasing here, by the way, but you get the gist.

Narrow Sighted?

“Probably alright in very small doses” is fine when you’re talking about certain things.  Cleaning your teeth with the kids’ toothpaste for a day because you’ve run out?

Is Chlorine Safe For Babies?

Chlorine makes drinking water safe and pool water clean, but is it safe enough for babies and young children? Read on to know more.

RELATED: Rid Yourself Of Cancer-Causing Chlorine With A Sleek Tyent Shower Filter

In this article:

  1. What Is Chlorine?
  2. Where Does Chlorine Come From?
  3. How Are We Exposed to Chlorine?
  4. Who Is Sensitive to the Effects of Chlorine?
  5. Why Is Chlorine Dangerous to Children’s Health?
  6. What Are the Health Risks of Chlorine for Babies?
  7. How Can We Combat Sensitivity to Chlorine?
  8. When Should I Consult My Doctor About My Child’s Chlorine Exposure?

To Drink or Not to Drink: Is Chlorine Safe for Babies?

What Is Chlorine?

Chlorine, a nonmetallic element, is one of the basic building blocks …

Update Your Workspace and Feel Better (LIFE-CHANGING)

Your workspace can make you feel stronger, calmer and more in control. Update your workspace and feel better right away.

How do you make your workspace work for you? Follow our tips on workspace wellbeing and start working smarter!

Update Your Workspace and Feel Better



1. Green Working: COVID made homeworking commonplace. Millions of people now work from home as a permanent fixture, while others have returned to the office. Wherever you work, make it as leafy as possible! The benefits of having plants in your workspace are so profound, that if you do NOTHING else, introduce a plant or two near your desk. Update your workspace and feel better – here’s why green is good: 

  • Plants mop up toxins in the air

Soda is a Big Problem in “The Town Without Water”

For residents of San Cristóbal de las Casas, a southeastern state of Chiapas in Mexico, soda isn’t an occasional drink; soda is their main source of hydration!

Kids need to drink water – not soda.
Credit: Toxic-Free Future

Soda Linked to Diabetes?

Due to decreasing rainfall, poor local infrastructure and (crucially) a huge Coca-Cola plant on the outskirts of San Cristóbal de las Casas that has a license to draw thousands of gallons of water every day from the local water reserves, locals end up drinking soda instead of water.

The presence and effect of the Coca-Cola plant is the subject of heated and emotional debate, but what’s also startling is how a daily diet that consists mainly of …

5 Types Of Water Filtration Systems

Are you getting a new water filtration system? Here are some of the pros and cons of the different water filtration systems in the market today.

RELATED: 13 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Drink Tap Water

Water Filtration System | Pros and Cons of the 5 Types

1. Water Ionizer Filtration System

A water ionizer is a water filtration system that raises the pH level of your water through electrolysis. It purifies your tap water and then separates the water into one acidic stream and one alkaline stream as the water that passes through it.

This is among the best water filtration systems to use because it offers an array of health benefits. By dividing the water into alkaline and …