7 Best RO Water Purifiers & Alternatives [2024]

water fountain

Many people believe reverse osmosis water systems are the best solution for clean and healthy water. After all, brands sell them with a promise of the removal of contaminants and clean H20.

In reality, these systems eliminate contaminants and essential minerals. The end product is technically clean water but far from nourishing. Even the World Health Organization warns against the long-term consumption of demineralized water.

For safer and healthier water, explore Tyent water ionizers. They’re the ideal alternative to reverse osmosis systems because they purify and remineralize water, giving the body the hydration and nutrients it needs to stay healthy and hydrated.


What is an RO Water Purifier?

The goal of reverse osmosis water purifiers is to eliminate contaminants from water to make it safe and clean. It’s a technology based on the osmosis process during which water molecules move through a semipermeable membrane. 

The water is pushed through the membrane using high pressure and the membrane traps contaminants, allowing only pure water to pass through. 

RO water purifiers work in stages and each one targets a different contaminant. However, these stages cannot differentiate between contaminants and minerals and strip away the naturally occurring minerals you need to stay healthy. 

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

Reverse osmosis is a water purification technology based on the osmosis process. It features a high-pressure pump and a semipermeable membrane to keep contaminants at bay. 

RO water filtration happens in several stages:

  1. Pre-filtration: Water goes through sediment and activated carbon filters. They remove larger particles and organic compounds. 
  2. High-pressure: The pump increases the water’s incoming pressure as it passes through the semi-permeable membrane. The pressure level depends on the water’s salinity.
  3. The semi-permeable membrane: Its tiny pores enable only water molecules to flow while blocking the contaminants.
  4. Post-filtration: Clean water goes through a post-filter and leftover odors and taste are removed.
  5. Storage: The filtered water is kept in the storage tank.


Things to Know Before Buying an RO Water Purifier  

Before buying a reverse osmosis system, there are major drawbacks that you should take into account first. From the removal of minerals to the reduced hydration, here are some of the main reasons to avoid drinking reverse osmosis water:

It Doesn’t Have Minerals

RO water purifiers strip water of magnesium and calcium, which isn’t good news since these minerals are vital for health. 

Demineralized water is pure, but lacks the nutrients that support optimal health and wellbeing. This doesn’t happen with Tyent ionizers, which purify and remineralize water.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Recommends Against It

The WHO stated concerns about the effects of long-term use of the demineralized water that RO systems produce. The organization notes that drinking water without nutrients may contribute to health problems with the cardiovascular system and lead to mineral deficiencies. 

That’s why if you do have an RO water purifier, it’s essential to also use Tyent ionizers to ensure that water’s mineral content is intact, following the recommendations outlined by the WHO.

It Takes a Long Time to Filter Water

The filtration process can be slow. Sometimes, it may take several hours. This significant filtration time may not be practical, especially in high-water-demand businesses or households. 

Contrary to this, Tyent’s ionizers are fast and efficient in delivering clean and ionized water. Their super-fast flow rate is 40 percent faster than any other ionizer on the market.

It’s Less Hydrating Than Hydrogen Water

RO water purifiers purify the water, but the water isn’t as hydrating as hydrogen-rich water is. 

Hydrogen water contains dissolved hydrogen molecules, allowing for higher hydration because the body’s cells absorb these molecules better.

Hydrogen-rich water has antioxidant properties. It increases hydration and energy levels and improves overall health. Tyent’s ionizers produce hydrogen-rich water and support overall health and wellbeing.


Best RO Water Purifiers 

Drinking demineralized water from RO water purifiers isn’t the healthiest and safest option due to the lack of vitamins and minerals that promote a healthier immune system. The best way to get clean and mineral-rich water is a premium water ionizer. 

Tyent’s advanced water ionizers provide the purest and healthiest ionized water possible with optimal levels of hydrogen and antioxidants. Their alkaline water machines have adjustable pH levels to ensure maximum use of the alkaline water throughout the day.

From cooking and cleaning to personal care, laundry, and pet nourishment, Tyent machines help you save money in the long run and ensure you feel and look awesome. 

However, if you’re still set on investing in an RO machine, here are some options:

1. Tyent Soft Water Buddy and RO Delivery Pump

soft water buddysoft water buddy2

The Tyent Soft Water Buddy and RO Delivery Pump are not reverse osmosis systems but are meticulously crafted components that improve their faults. 

The highly efficient remineralizing pre-filter can be used with an RO unit or a Tyent ionizer. It’s highly effective in pre-treating hard water before it reaches the main unit. It softens the water, protects the main filtration unit, and reduces scaling. It’s 50 percent Calcite and 50 percent Corosex.

Calcite is a crushed and screened white marble media that neutralizes acidic or low pH water to neutral and less corrosive effluent. The Corosex is a specially processed and hard, bead-like magnesia adapted for filters to neutralize acidity by increasing the pH value. This filter composition ensures healthy, nourishing, and hydrating water that helps you feel and look your best.

The RO Delivery Pump, suitable for reverse osmosis systems and Tyent ionizers, guarantees the effective delivery of filtered water. It will enhance the RO system water flow and maintain a steady pressure for better performance and efficiency. When used with an RO system and a Tyent ionizer, it maximizes the delivery of the purified water from the RO to the ionizer, ensuring optimal flow, pressure, and performance of both units.

Celebrities and professionals recognize Tyent’s unmatched dedication to superior water experience. Roger Daltrey from “The Who,” who has mild psoriasis, claims his wellbeing improved after he started using a Tyent water purifier. Dr. Francisco Contreras from the Oasis Hope Hospital praises the quality taste and ORP rating of Tyent ionizers.

Discover how Tyent’s products can improve your health and support your wellbeing!


  • Remineralizes water and improves its hydrogen levels 
  • Reduces corrosion by neutralizing low pH or acidic water 
  • Easily installed 
  • Easy maintenance 
  • The pump maximizes the water flow and pressure 
  • Betters the performance of reverse osmosis systems


  • Can take 5-7 days to arrive 
  • Business hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 6 pm EST


  • Soft Water Buddy is $54.95 
  • RO Delivery Pump is $120

2. AquaTru Classic Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier

AquaTru Classic Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier

The AquaTru Classic Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier is a countertop unit designed for under-sink installation. It features a 4-stage ultra reverse osmosis technology and meets NSF standards for water purification. 

Despite the included pre-installed filters and the minimal setup promised, many users have expressed frustration with this water filtration system. In addition to depleting water of essential minerals necessary for optimal health, there are technical issues too.

Customers complain about the design and functionality and report leaks from the poorly sealed connections and the odd design during which the water bubbles up against gravity after the filtration. The unit’s performance is often deemed poor as the unit stopped working only days after being purchased according to some customers. 

Pricing: In a range between $400 and $500; depending on the retailer and promotions


  • Includes the necessary accessories 
  • 4-stage filtration 
  • NSF-certified
  • Filters last between 6 months and 2 years


  • Potential leaking issues due to the poor design of the unit 
  • Unit may stop working after days or weeks after purchase 
  • Depletes the water of minerals 
  • Additional costs from repairs, replacements, and extra purchases are possible
  • Customer service may be slow and ineffective 
  • Refunds aren’t possible after the 30-day money-back guarantee

3. Waterdrop G3P800 Reverse Osmosis System

Waterdrop G3P800 Reverse Osmosis System

The Waterdrop G3P800 Reverse Osmosis System is a tankless unit for residential use. It’s certified to NSF/ANSI standards and claims to remove common contaminants from water. 

Despite being marketed as a premium water filtration option, customers say otherwise. They complain about the device’s design, such as the placement of the water input/output lines at the bottom causing air to get trapped during filter swaps. They claim it decreases the water pressure and flow rate, resulting in a wait time of up to 30 seconds for a glass of water. 

Many buyers think that the high price guarantees a smooth water filtration process. However, the reality is different. One user’s pump failed shortly after the warranty ended so he had to pay extra for a replacement. 

Pricing: Between $800 and $1,000; depends on retailer and promotions


  • Issues with air trapping after filter swaps 
  • Delays in water flow 
  • Reduced water pressure and substantial delay in water flow
  • Questionable reliability due to reports about pump failures and issues from the start 
  • High waste of water which leads to higher water bills 
  • Issues with customer support (long wait times, unhelpful resolutions, lack of follow-up, etc.)
  • Issues outside of the warranty period can get expensive if they require replacements

4. NU Aqua Platinum Series 100GPD 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System

NU Aqua Platinum Series 100GPD 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System

The NU Aqua Platinum Series 100GPD 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis unit is a five-stage under-sink model. The brand claims that its mission is to provide the highest quality and affordable filtration products for healthy and tasty water. However, this claim isn’t reflected in their products, at least in this product.

Many customers claim to have received a unit with missing gaskets, a broken main inlet that caused leaks, and a malfunctioning pump that released smoke. They had to spend more than the initial price to buy a replacement unit. 

Others report design flaws that could increase the risk of fire hazards, defective components, and a lack of available replacement parts. 

Pricing: Ranges between $200 and $300; depending on the retailer and current promotions.


  • A risk of receiving a unit with defective parts 
  • Potential design flaws
  • Additional costs for the replacement parts 
  • Complex installation that may require professional help 
  • Slow and unhelpful customer service 
  • Restocking fees and difficulty returning the product
  • Excessive water waste, significantly more than claimed 

5. APEC Top Tier 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System

APEC Top Tier 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System

The Apec Supreme Quality 50-gallon Reverse Osmosis System is claimed to be an affordable under-sink model for water purification.

However, upon closer inspection, it’s evident that this unit contributes to water waste, and has other significant drawbacks. Users frequently report issues with the installation and maintenance.

The installation may be far from simple as customers complain of issues like the need to drill countertop holes and buy extra components like an air gap faucet or a permeate pump to meet local plumbing codes. The potential maintenance issues may arise from damage caused by the leaks.

Pricing: Between $200 and $350, depending on the retailer and current promotions.


  • Some users report a high wastewater-to-filtered water ratio of 5:1
  • Complaints about unit leaks and potential damage or flooding 
  • The installation process may get complex and require additional components like an air gap faucet or a permeate pump or drilling countertop holes
  • Additional costs for professional help with the installation
  • Time-consuming troubleshooting process
  • Not designed for air gap faucets, which may be a requirement by plumbing codes in some states
  • Possible water pressure fluctuations, especially in homes with insufficient feed pressure

6. Express Water ROALKUV10M UV Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System

Express Water ROALKUV10M UV

The Express Water ROALKUV10M UV RO Water Filtration Unit has 11 stages of filtration and promises 99% removal of contaminants. It’s marketed as a premium choice for clean, contaminant-free water. The promises look ideal on paper; however, a lot is happening beyond these claims. 

Several customers report leaks from different parts, including the UV light and other connections, which may indicate issues with the assembly and elements. Other users complain of a low water pressure which reduces the overall water flow and the performance of some of their appliances.

Pricing: Between $250 and $350, depending on the retailer and current promotions.


  • Possible leaks from the unit
  • Reduced water pressure could affect appliances like ice makers 
  • Slow filtration rate and excessive water waste 
  • Possible defects with some parts of the unit
  • The remineralization filter isn’t as effective as promised 
  • Unresponsive customer support 
  • Increase in water bills due to the high water waste

7. Home Master TMHP HydroPerfection Reverse Osmosis System

Home Master TMHP HydroPerfection Reverse Osmosis System

The Home Master TMHP HydroPerfection RO System is a 9-stage filtration unit with a 2-pass alkaline remineralization, a 4.5-second fill rate, and a UV sterilizer. It’s one of the reverse osmosis systems that customers have high expectations for because of the higher price point and the premium performance features it’s marketed for. 

But, a closer look into the customer reviews reveals that the product may not live up to the hype. They mainly mention the difficult installation, leakage, and costly maintenance. Many customers also criticize the short lifespan of the filters which tend to fail after only several weeks or months of use, contrary to the manufacturer’s claims about a long-lasting filter life. 

Pricing: Within a range of $500 and $650; it depends on the retailer and promotions


  • The features don’t live up to the higher price point 
  • Criticized for poor build quality with thin and plastic parts 
  • Unresponsive customer support 
  • The installation process may be challenging, even for professional plumbers 
  • Problems with leakage within days or months after purchase 


Side Effects of Drinking RO Water 

RO units purify water by eliminating contaminants, but the side effects must not be neglected:

  • Lack of minerals: RO units strip water of calcium and magnesium needed for optimal health. This increases the risk of deficiencies, especially if these minerals aren’t acquired from other foods and drinks.
  • Disrupted pH balance: Filtration may lower the water’s pH and make it more acidic. Long-term consumption of acidic water may cause dental issues and affect the body’s pH balance.
  • Poor taste: RO water is said to taste bland as it’s stripped of minerals that make it flavorful. Poor taste can cause consumers to avoid drinking water and increase the risk of dehydration and other health problems.
  • Water waste: RO units produce water waste which may not be an option for people in places with low water supply or acceptable by people who live more sustainably. 
  • Long-term costs: In addition to the high upfront costs, RO units need regular filter replacements and maintenance, which can be quite expensive.


Consider the Best RO Water Purifier Alternative

Now that you understand some of the drawbacks of RO water purifiers, you may be looking for a better alternative. Tyent ionizers are an ideal option to consider as they’re designed to filter contaminated water to preserve its health benefits and optimal taste. 

They use electrolysis to divide the water into acidic and alkaline elements. This balances the water’s pH and restores beneficial minerals. If you’re still unable to choose between Tyent’s ionizers and RO purifiers, this is why the former is the ideal solution:

  1. Preserve magnesium and calcium and support good health. 
  2. Produce alkaline water that neutralizes acidity in the body which may reduce the risk of some health issues. 
  3. Ionization dissolves water molecules into smaller clusters which may improve hydration efficiency and optimize the nutrient absorption in the body. 
  4. Ionized water is believed to possess antioxidant characteristics that neutralize free radicals and lower oxidative stress. 
  5. They are eco-friendly because they don’t promote water waste.  
  6. They’re less demanding and don’t have the same filter replacement needs, reducing the overall costs and hassle. 
  7. The units are user-friendly with intuitive features and include all the necessary accessories. 


More About RO Water Purifiers

Still unsure about whether or not you should get an RO water purifier? Here are the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about RO water purifiers: 

Is it healthier to drink RO water?

While RO water does cut out some of the contaminants found in regular drinking water, this process also removes essential minerals. Long-term consumption of demineralized water may contribute to deficiencies and other health problems. 

What are the disadvantages of RO water?

RO water lacks essential minerals necessary for optimal health and well-being. The filtration process of RO units also contributes to water waste and high water bills. As such, they can get costly in the long run considering the need for ongoing maintenance, potential part replacements due to defects, and increased water bills. 

On the other hand, the water from Tyent ionizers contains all the necessary alkaline minerals to achieve pH balance in the body and enjoy a healthy metabolism. Tyent ionizers don’t contribute to water waste so you won’t need to worry about high water bills. 

What contaminants does reverse osmosis remove?

RO eliminates several contaminants in water. The most common ones are heavy metals like arsenic, mercury, and cadmium, microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, and chloramines, dissolved salts like minerals and salt, and inorganic compounds like fluoride, nitrites, and nitrates. 


The Bottom Line on RO Water Purifiers 

Reverse osmosis water systems may eliminate contaminants from water, but they also remove the minerals you need to stay healthy and hydrated. Thankfully, innovative products like Tyent’s Soft Water Buddy and RO Delivery Pump mitigate these drawbacks and improve filtration. 

Tyent water ionizers are the best solution for clean, alkaline, and mineral-rich water. Once you introduce them into your household or business, you no longer have to worry about the health of the water you’re drinking.

Explore Tyent’s comprehensive water filtration solutions for a healthy and sustainable water experience. 

See for yourself the benefits of Tyent’s solutions today! 

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