Give Thanks for Alkaline Water!

After 65 days at sea, surrounded by salt water, without a drop of land or fresh water in sight, I bet the pilgrims could’ve used a tall glass of alkaline water. The hydrogen and antioxidant-rich alkaline water would’ve given them an ultra boost of hydration as they set foot in the New World.

Mayflower II

Unfortunately for the first pilgrims, alkaline water ionizers didn’t exist in 1620, but, thankfully, they do exist today. This Thanksgiving, as we consider the things that are most important to us, make sure to give thanks for alkaline water!

Alkaline Water Has Antioxidant Benefits

Water ionizers are wonderful machines that take normal tap water and turn it into delicious, healthy alkaline water. By siphoning water through …

Why You Should Drink Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water & Eat High Alkaline Foods (Version 2)

Breathing not withstanding, food and water are the two basic necessities of life.  Go without eating food and you can live around 21 days or so, but stop drinking water and you won’t live long enough to die from starvation.

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley

Food and water not only sustain us, but the quality of that food and water has a direct impact on our health.  Millions of people around the world die each year from the lack of a proper diet and clean water.

What Should Know About Water Ionizers and pH Levels

A pH level above 7 is alkaline, while a pH below 7 is acidic.  …

What Are the Benefits of Hydrogen Water? [2024]

Since the discovery of the benefits of molecular hydrogen in the early 2000s, plenty of studies have demonstrated its positive effects on various diseases, including cancer and heart disease. 

Growing interest in the topic has fueled trends on social media platforms featuring the benefits of hydrogen water. But what exactly is it, and what does it contain?

Here’s everything you need to know about hydrogen water and some of its many benefits.


What Is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water, also referred to as hydrogen-infused or hydrogen-rich water, is regular water enhanced with extra hydrogen molecules (H2). Water molecules have two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule, hence its chemical name H2O. However, the body can’t absorb hydrogen in

Avoid Toxins for Back to School!

Avoid Toxins for Back to School!

Avoid Toxins for Back to School -

By now, most of you have sent your children back to school. You’ve done all of your school shopping and bought new school bags and lunchboxes. However, did you know that many school supplies contain PVC, also known as vinyl plastic? Did you also know that PVC is the most toxic plastic for children’s health and the environment? The levels of phthalates found in certain children’s school supplies would be illegal if these products were toys!

The Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ) has created the sixth annual “Back to School Guide to PVC-Free School Supplies.” This guide lists the most common back-to-school supplies made out of PVC. We would like to share …

8 Ways Your Drinking Water May Be Killing You

Water: refreshing, hydrating…deadly?

water ionizer
Think you’re washing away those toxins from your produce? It might be time to get a water ionizer…

Sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but it’s time to make some tough, but necessary, choices about the water you drink. The stuff that comes out of your taps – or even out of a bottle – might contain a few unwelcome elements and some that are positively deadly.

Here are 8 ways that your drinking water may be killing you:

1) Pesticides and Herbicides I

Designed to withstand attacks from insects and weeds, these powerful chemical formulations won’t just rinse away with a splash under the tap.

However, check out this amazing video showing …

Are You Drinking Plastic Chemicals From Your Plastic Bottled Water? (Plastics Series: Part I)

The issue of what’s in the water we drink – and more worryingly – what shouldn’t be in it, has never been more pressing.  

What exactly are we drinking?

Nationwide scandals attached to the potential dangers of drinking tap water have prompted millions of Americans to ask the question, “what exactly are we drinking?”

Many have stopped trusting the municipal water supply altogether.  An obvious alternative? Bottled water.  Well, sure.  It’s convenient and available virtually everywhere.  Plus, it’s in a sealed, factory-produced bottle.  It’s clean and good for us, right?  Well, not always.  In fact the EWG has recently published a report on exactly why we should look very closely at the risks of drinking bottled water.  

  1.  What’s in

Potential Effects of Microplastic Exposure on Tap Water

Fancy a side order of microplastic particles with that glass of tap water? If you choose to drink water from the faucet, then you might not get a choice.


Potential Effects of Microplastic Exposure on Tap Water


What are microplastics?

Are microplastics found in tap water?

Can microplastics be removed from tap water?

Are microplastics dangerous to health?

Can a water ionizer help to reduce the number of microplastics I drink?

What are microplastics?

Microplastics is a word that commonly refers to plastic contamination in the form of minute particles.

Microplastics are rife in bottled water and are also coursing through the municipal water in virtually every town and city in the US.

“We knew that this plastic is coming back to us through our food

7 Best Hydrogen Water Bottles [2024 Reviews]

Are you looking to say goodbye to the microplastics in bottled water and hello to good quality water that actually hydrates you? With hydrogen water’s many health benefits, people want access to it on the go, whether commuting to the gym, work, school or on their next road trip. Hydrogen water bottles can make that happen!

Hydrogen in water is bound to oxygen and, therefore, not effectively absorbed. Infusing water with free hydrogen molecules allows the body to access them more easily. Therefore, hydrogen water can help to: 

  • Lessen oxidative stress
  • Increase energy
  • Curb fatigue
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve recovery

We want to share the benefits of hydrogen water bottles and the best ones on the market. Learn about potential downsides

Just What Else is in America’s Water? Another Horror Story Hits the Headlines

With the news that the federal state of emergency in Flint, Michigan had ended, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the horror stories about America’s water had started to abate.

America’s Water Crisis Just Got Worse.
America’s Water Crisis Just Got Worse.

6 Million Americans at Risk

However, just a few short days before the government started to shut up shop in Flint, a report was published on August 9, 2016, with the horrifying claim that the water supplied to 6 million American homes across 33 states was contaminated with excessive levels of industrial chemicals linked to cancer, hormone imbalances and other health issues.

The research, from Harvard, analyzed more than 36,000 samples, finding the highest levels of contamination, “were detected in watersheds near …

Alkaline Water and Your Colon

Let’s talk about your colon. Not exactly a sexy topic, but it is an important one nonetheless.

Alkaline water is a street sweeper for the colon.
Alkaline water is a street sweeper for the colon.

The colon plays an important role in digestion and a healthy, hydrated colon is important to the health of all humans. Alkaline water is the perfect fluid to help cleanse this organ.

What is the Colon and What Does it do in the Body?

The colon, or large intestine, is the final stage of the digestive tract. It is here that water and salt are absorbed from food and waste is stored for excretion. Basically, the colon is a filtration center for the body that mostly screens waste from water and useful salts.…