So Long, Soda! Why a Water Ionizer is the Best Choice for Family Hydration

The extent to which soda poses a serious risk to the nation’s health continues to make headlines, and the wheels of change are turning at several levels.

Need a reason to ditch soda and switch to a water ionizer? Keep reading then!

Health Experts Slam Soda

We’re all drinking less of the sticky stuff, which is great.

But, there is also an impassioned plea to take the health risks seriously – in the form of a range of strategies and proposed public policies endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Heart Association.

With voter-backed new taxes being imposed on sugary soda and yet another damning report – this time focusing on the link between drinking soda and …

The Secret Toxins in Your Body

Have you applied lipstick, eaten canned food or drunk water or juice from a plastic bottle today? Maybe you’ve spritzed some cleaning products around your home or eaten pizza out of a box? Nope? Okay, how about walked on a carpet? Used a smartphone? Eaten ice cream from a tub? Slapped on sunscreen? Painted a wall?

If you’ve done any of these things, then the likelihood is that you’ve ingested PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), otherwise known as “forever chemicals”.


Secret toxins in your body



The Secret Toxins Hiding in Plain Sight

It doesn’t stop there. These highly dangerous chemicals are everywhere in modern life. No kidding. PFAS make things shiny, waterproof, non-stick, stronger, stain resistant and able to withstand corrosion. They …

Are There Forever Chemicals in Your Glass of Juice?

Coca-Cola and Simply Tropical fruit juice have been hit with a class action lawsuit after the “simply natural” drink was found to contain levels of PFAS – “Forever Chemicals” – that exceed ‘safe’ limits hundreds of times over.

Incidentally, even mentioning ‘safe limits’ of PFAS – the collective name for around 12,000 chemicals linked to a number of serious health issues – is a contradiction of terms, after the EPA announced last year that no amount of PFAS is safe.


Are There Forever Chemicals in Your Glass of Juice



Forever Chemicals Under the Microscope

Back to Coca-Cola. Part of the legal case is the marketing emphasis on how pure the product is, leading customers to believe that they are drinking a safe, healthy product. What isn’t …

What is Alkaline Water from a Water Ionizer? (Version 2)

Of all the questions we get, the most frequently asked question is, “What is alkaline water?”  The answer is simple really.

Let’s talk about water ionizers.  Don’t worry — it’s not rocket science.

Alkaline Water in a Nutshell

Alkaline water is water with a pH value of above 7.  The letters pH stand for the Potential for Hydrogen.   PH is the measurement of alkalinity or acidity of a liquid.  The scale runs from zero to 14 with 7 being neutral.  That is to say, 7.0 is neither alkaline nor acidic, it is neutral.  Alkaline water is water that has a pH value of above 7.0 while a value below 7 is acidic. 

Now that I know

The Tap Water Database: Are You Ready For This?

Just how bad is America’s tap water right now?

Have things improved since the Flint water scandal and the ensuing country-wide outcry?

Is it safe to turn on your tap and drink the water yet?

tap water
How much do you trust YOUR tap water?

To learn more about the dangers of tap water…we’ll cover the following:

  1. Stringent Testing, Shocking Results
  2. What’s in the Water?
  3. FREE Water Report and Analysis
  4. A Water Ionizer Can Clean Up Your Water
  5. Learn More About Tyent Water Ionizers

The Dangers of Tap Water in America

Stringent Testing, Shocking Results

The EWG (Environmental Working Group) has been assiduously studying data from water samples collected across 50 states, between 2010 and 2015.

“When most Americans drink a glass

13 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Drink Tap Water

What makes tap water unsafe for drinking?

The Hidden Dangers of Tap Water

1. Arsenic

Arsenic is a natural metalloid chemical usually present in groundwater. It poses health problems when taken at some dangerous amounts.

This chemical is present in residential tap water through agricultural or industrial pollution or a private well.

Arsenic poisoning may lead to the following health issues:

  • partial paralysis
  • numbness in hands and feet
  • vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea
  • discoloration of the skin
  • blindness

Arsenic Poisoning Definition: also known as arsenicosis; a condition where an individual consumes a dangerous level of arsenic from drinking groundwater or tap water.

2. Chlorine

This is also another naturally-occurring chemical element that does not only kill bacteria and germs …

Five Tips to Get More Antioxidants in Your Body

Every day, you should consume antioxidants, those natural fighters of free radicals and disease, which we all could probably use more of.  Antioxidants protect your body’s cells from heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many other immune problems, so it’s a good idea to intentionally squeeze them into your diet (unlike soda or sodium!).

For some sneaky ways to get more antioxidants into your body and to maximize your health benefits from them, try these five antioxidant-rich tips.

Image credit:

  1. Brighter is better. At the grocery store, but can’t remember which foods have the most antioxidants? Go for the fruits and veggies with the brightest colors. Blueberries, watermelon, tomatoes, and corn are each vibrantly-hued foods that are full of antioxidants.

5 Hidden Health Dangers to Avoid

We like to take pride in providing our families with a healthy, happy environment to call “home” – but sometimes, the biggest health dangers are the ones that we can’t see.

health dangersHere are 5 hidden health dangers to avoid:

  • Storing food in plastic containers
  • Pesticides in fruits and veggies
  • Conventionally raised meats
  • Farm-raised fish
  • Using electronics before bed

These 5 hidden health dangers can threaten a healthy home – so let me explain below, while also providing you with tips on how to protect your home from these health dangers.

Storing Food in Plastic Containers

plastic containers

Remember when using a plastic container was an organized, economical and wise method to storing your food? Not any longer!

We now know that plastic …

Scary Stuff…3 Serious Reasons to Ditch the Diet Soda Today!

For most of us, it’s true to say that you’re never very far from a can of diet soda.  The soda can is so ubiquitous in our lives that we hardly notice it sitting on a co-worker’s desk, and we barely flinch when they’re thrust into our children’s hands at parties.  We have a vague idea that they’re not exactly great for our health, but they’re sugar-free, right?  So how bad can it be, exactly?  Let’s look the other way again.

It’s what they don’t list on the can that’s the problem.
It’s what they don’t list on the can that’s the problem.

Or not.  You see, diet soda is not good for your health.  Many argue that it doesn’t even occupy a neutral ground, that it’s actually harmful.  Let’s …

The Water in California: Is it Really a Cocktail of Carcinogens?

A new study done by the Environmental Working Group has revealed that the cocktail of toxins and contaminants in the Californian municipal water supply could contribute to 15,500 cases of cancer over the course of an average lifetime.

Read on to learn more about the water in California and what Californians should use to effectively filter their water:

  1. What’s in the Water in California?
  2. Is It Safe to Drink the Water in California?
  3. What’s the Best Type of Water Filter to Use?
  4. What Are Tyent Filters Capable Of?

the water in California
The water in California: just how big is the problem?

What’s in the Water in California?

With chemicals and radioactive particles including hexavalent chromium (the ‘Erin Brockovich’ chemical); uranium, radium, disinfectant …