10 Notable Differences of Tyent’s Customer Service

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 24, 2020 12:00 pm

We pride ourselves on building the best water ionizers in the world. But for everyone at Tyent, our relationship with our customers, and the service we provide to them is just as important as the machine itself.

Honest, friendly and caring customer service is a rare thing these days, but it’s what you’ll find when you talk with any of the Tyent team.

Because it’s something that we value, we’ve put together a list of the 10 reasons that Tyent’s customer service is different. Want to learn more about our Secret Logic?


Tyent Customer Service


1. We don’t leave customer care to chance. We have a set of Core Values that informs every aspect of our service to our customers.


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What’s The Best Water Ionizer For You?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 22, 2020 12:00 pm

Remember those quizzes that you used to do in teen magazines as a kid? Via a series of incisive multiple-choice questions such as ‘do you prefer cookies or ice cream?’ – they would enlighten you as to the perfect boy/band/hairstyle/career for you.

Honestly? We were tempted to do this, but we’re not 13 years old anymore, and we’ve finally worked out which hairstyle suits us. So we’ve kept it simple. You know the kind of person you are, and we want to match you up with an awesome water ionizer!

Ever wondered which machine is the perfect one for you? Read on to find out!


What's the Best Water Ionizer for You


Haute Hybrid

Are you usually the first of your social group …

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7 Everyday Tips for Health and Happiness

Posted by: Dr. Lori Shemek On July 20, 2020 12:00 pm

Who doesn’t want to be happy?  We all do. However, getting there may be challenging for many who are unwittingly sabotaging their health and happiness intentions.

Knowing what to do is vital in every area that we want to improve. The actions we take, no matter how small, can have a powerful impact on our happiness meter.

Take a look at these 7 Health and Happiness Tips to get you there… with a smile on your face. 


7 Everyday Tips for Health and Happiness


Eat a Nutrient-Rich Diet

The types of foods you eat have a direct impact not only on your overall health but your mental well-being. Eating a diet that promotes the right neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine can be a game-changer …

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What’s Your Water Ionizer IQ?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 17, 2020 12:00 pm

An acronym for Intelligence Quotient, IQ is the most widely-used method of measuring intelligence, quantified as a number.

But what is intelligence? According to Professors Resing and Drenth, the co-authors of “What is Intelligence?” (2007):

“The whole of cognitive or intellectual abilities required to obtain knowledge, and to use that knowledge in a good way to solve problems that have a well-described goal and structure.”


What's Your Water Ionizer IQ?


Perhaps you know what your IQ is, or you’ve never felt the need to find out. 95% of us have an IQ between 70 and 130, with an average IQ sitting at 100. But here’s a thing: how high is your Water Ionizer IQ?

Chances are that you’ve never given this …

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Water Ionizers and Skin Health

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 15, 2020 12:00 pm

Hot weather can be tough on your skin. So can cold weather. Actually central heating, the sun, air conditioning and even stress are pretty challenging for your complexion as well. In other words, wherever you are, and whatever time of year it is, your skin needs some TLC.

So how can a water ionizer help to achieve your healthy skin goals? It does so in several ways!


Water Ionizers and Skin Health


Hydration Hydration Hydration

Every cell in your body needs water. When you don’t drink enough water, your skin – the largest organ in your body – soon gives the game away. A dry, dull appearance, fine lines and a feeling of tightness are all indicators that you need to drink …

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Water Ionizers and Sports Performance

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 10, 2020 12:00 pm

Countless sports enthusiasts and professionals rely on Tyent Water to boost their performance.

So how does that work?


Water Ionizers and Sports Performance


How a Water Ionizer Works

To find out, we need to examine the ionization process itself. A water ionizer is plumbed directly into your source water. At the push of a button, the water flows into the water ionizer unit, is filtered, and guided over electrically charged plates in the ionization chamber. Here, the water is subjected to positive and negative charges, which create two streams – acidic and alkaline water.

It is this process that infuses the water with thousands and thousands of tiny bubbles of dissolved, bio-available molecular hydrogen.

Maximum Energy From Within

This element is …

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CNET Features Tyent USA

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 8, 2020 12:00 pm

CNET is one of the most popular one-stop platforms for news, reviews, podcasts and more. Its trusted format and content make it an essential hub for anyone looking to stay ahead of the news curve, know when the next Big Thing is about to drop, and whether to spend your money or save it for a better deal.


CNet and Tyent USA


So what happened when CNET featured the Tyent UCE-9000?

The CNET Verdict?

Well you know, we don’t like to blow our own trumpet, but it’s safe to say that they loved it!

In fact, CNET went as far as saying that the UCE-9000 changes your concept of what running water is, and what we can now expect it to …

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Terry Fator and Alkaline Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 3, 2020 12:00 pm

It’s fair to say that even more than most of us, 2020 has been a tumultuous year for everyone’s favorite ventriloquist, Terry Fator. After an astonishingly successful 11-year tenure headlining at The Mirage on the Las Vegas Strip, the former America’s Got Talent winner is on the lookout for a new venue to continue performing to his tens of thousands of fans, who flock to see him.


Terry Fator and Alkaline Water


2020: Changes and Challenges

A little time away from his hectic performing schedule may be no bad thing – Fator had a period of debilitating illness back in February that led to tests for COVID-19, which were thankfully negative.

With resilience and verve throughout this tricky period, Fator has never stopped …

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10 Top Fitness Hacks

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 1, 2020 3:18 pm

Want to get fit fast? There’s a hack for that! Actually, there are 10 of them…check out our list!

Top 10 Fitness Hacks

1. Get Some Cool Gear

Really? Yes! It makes a difference to your workout, to wear gear that fits well and looks good. Would you go to the office wearing PJs? Wearing the right clothes for whatever activity you’re engaged with makes you feel good. Sure, you could do power yoga in an old tee shirt and saggy leggings, but exactly how good will that make you feel?

2. Take a Slice of Exercise

No time to get to the gym? Exercise in short, sharp bursts throughout the day. During the adverts on TV: 10 burpees, 10 sit-ups and 10 star …

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Low Carb Bread Recipe

Posted by: Dr. Lori Shemek On June 29, 2020 12:00 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is back with another delicious, healthy recipe!  Many people are choosing to reduce carbohydrates in their diet for health and weight reasons, yet still, that big elephant in the room remains… no more bread. This can be frustrating for many who adore bread. Have no fear, I have the delicious solution for you!


Dr Lori low carb bread


When we lower carbohydrates in our diet, we are doing an enormous benefit that we will experience not just in the present, but in the future as well. The average person ingests a whopping 300 grams of carbohydrates daily and it is leaving our global communities with a myriad of health conditions. In America, 78% of the population is either overweight …

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