How I Naturally Boosted My Immune System

Like millions of other people, when COVID-19 first hit the headlines and our communities, I wondered if my immune system was boosted enough to deal with this new threat to health. If not, what could I do to improve my immune system naturally?

How I NATURALLY Boosted My Immune System


Three Simple Ways to Get Your Immune System Naturally Boosted

As health theories swirled and mask-wearing appeared everywhere, I did my research. I realized that the fastest and surest way to make sure that my immune system was naturally boosted was to make these three simple things part of my life:

  • Fresh, nutritious food
  • Exercise every day
  • Drink hydrogen water

Discovering a New Normal

Flash forward to now, and here’s the scoop: when the threat of COVID-19 retreated and the world started to get back to normal, I didn’t. At least I didn’t go back to my old normal. I had my new normal and a strong immune system which meant I felt better than at any time before during my adult life.

Easy Tweaks, Big Results

So how did I do it? I made tweaks, rather than seismic shifts. A few examples:

  • I added fresh fruit and a handful of nuts and seeds to my breakfast yogurt in the summer, and to my oatmeal in the winter. I made sure that I ate fresh salad, steamed vegetables and whole grains. I made it work for me: for example, I discovered that although I’ve never loved broccoli, it tastes fabulous seared in sesame oil and served almost raw.
  • Keen to avoid contaminants and waterborne toxins, I ditched tap and bottled water and drank ONLY Tyent alkaline water. I already knew how wonderful it tasted – my parents have been drinking it for years – and I also knew that it’s clean and safe to enjoy.
  • Most important for me, as I wanted to make sure my immune system was boosted naturally, Tyent Water contains therapeutic hydrogen molecules, antioxidants and essential minerals to support my immune system. Out of all the ways that I tried to build my immunity, this one was the easiest and most effective.
  • I’m not a huge lover of too much physical stuff, but I exercised 5 days out of 7. Sometimes I swam, sometimes I ran, sometimes I walked. But I did something.

How a Naturally Boosted Immune System Makes You Feel!

The result? I felt great. I feel great. My body feels in tune with itself and rewards me with tons more energy than I had before, and a sense of strength and wellbeing. I sleep better, my skin looks great, and I cannot remember when I last picked up as much as a cold.

When I set out to do this, I wasn’t sure how successful I’d be, but here I am. I boosted my immune system naturally, and I loved the journey. Reaching this point, my goal became a signpost along the way. There’s no way I’m stopping now – I’ve boosted my immune system and I reap the benefits every day!

Ready to Feel Fantastic?

Drinking Tyent hydrogen water is a gamechanger for anyone wanting to support a healthy immune system. Find out more by calling our team at 855-TYENT-US ()!


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