The Two Sides Of Tyent’s Water Ionizers (Version 2)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 17, 2014 6:52 pm

One of the many wonderful features and benefits of owning a water ionizer from Tyent is that you have access to both sides of this fantastic machine. 

Delicious drinking water and so much more…

A machine with two sides?” You may ask.  The answer is yes.  Tyent water ionizers have two sides to their personality.  While one side provides you and your family with the purest, mineral-rich ionized water with a high pH level (that’s good), the other side of this multi-functional machine is there to do the dirty work with strong acidic and astringent properties (that’s bad…for dirt and germs).

Why Have a Water Ionizer that Makes Acidic Water Too?

Excellent question.  The answer is, because …

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5+ Reasons to Drink Tyent Alkaline Water from a Water Ionizer (updated)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 15, 2014 6:35 pm

While the terms ionized alkaline water is becoming more widespread in the world, the definition or certainty about what that water actually is…is not so common. Today is a good day to learn some facts about alkaline water from a water ionizer and the benefits it offers over traditional tap water, bottled water, and just about every other type of water you can think of.

Settle in for a lesson on water ionizers.
Okay- in Layman’s Terms, What is Ionized Alkaline Water?

Let’s start with the basics about alkalinity and pH levels.  The pH level is the measure of the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution.  The pH scale runs from zero to 14 with 7 being neutral.  Alkaline

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The Tyent Alkaline Water Company’s 2 Top Models On Sale Now

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 14, 2014 6:39 pm


     An October Sell-abration is Going on Right Now! 


 Big star sale    The Tyent Alkaline Water Company is in the pure water business.  We strive each day to provide our customers with the best products at the best possible prices and with a level of customer service that is second to none, and we achieve our goal.


Tyent ionized alkaline water purifiers are among the best in the world and this week is the time to take advantage of some very special offers structured to save you a boatload of money while providing you with pure, healthy water.


Doctor Joe Fawcett (apropos name huh?) owns a Tyent machine.  Read what he said about his.




     Dr. Joe Fawcett


The Tyent machine

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Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water And Youthful Skin

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 8, 2014 5:22 pm


3 Ways Your Tyent Ionizer Supports Anti-Aging 



No going back sign    As we travel down Life’s Highway the years are our miles.  On the highway of life however, there are no u-turns.  As with any journey, the longer you drive, the more tired you become and it begins to show on us.

While we have to age, we don’t have to grow old.  A youthful spirit coupled with a good attitude can help tie the hands of time, allowing us to maintain a more youthful look. 

Nevertheless, there are physical forces at work on our bodies that even the brightest of personalities can’t stave off indefinitely.  As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and suppleness and becomes dryer.  Our face

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1 Very Happy Ionized Alkaline Water Drinker Raves About Tyent Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 7, 2014 5:36 pm


 1 Heartfelt Testimonial from One Happy Tyent Water Drinker



 Testimonial  One of the strongest marketing tools a company can have is happy customers.  Happy customers are so much more than just a positive spin on your product.  Any marketing or advertising firm can write up something about your product and spin it to sound as though this is what you are looking for!  It happens all the time.


I am one of those people that gets fired up when I read exactly what I want to hear about a product or service I am thinking of buying.  That’s my first reaction.  Right beneath that enthusiasm however, lays a skeptic.  So my second reaction always is to investigate

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The Tyent Water Ionizer Company’s 3 Steps To Improved Energy

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 2, 2014 6:18 pm


    3 Ways Ionized Alkaline Water Can Relieve Tiredness


 Very tired man

Tiredness n.  The temporary loss of strength and energy.  Weariness, fatigue.


How often we can all relate to that definition of tiredness these days.  It seems more and more we need more and more energy.  The daily grind of just living each day is enough to deplete our strength and stamina. 


Then, when you throw in the stress of working, raising a family or going to school with a heavy schedule or being an athlete, it is understandable how one’s energy can be quickly depleted.


In order to regain that loss, many people are looking for new ways to boost their energy.  High-energy drinks are all the rage right now. 

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Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water Machines VS Kangen

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 1, 2014 6:11 pm


Let’s Do Some Comparative Shopping of Water Ionizer Brands


Bottle on $$  It is no secret that bottled water is big business.  Each year, literally billions of dollars are spent by consumers the world over in search of a better alternative to tap water.   

You can’t blame people for wanting to drink water that doesn’t contain all the dangerous chemicals found in city water, however, with prices averaging around $1.45 per bottle, that can get pretty expensive over the long haul and then there are quality issues as well.  

Nearly 25% of all bottled water is merely glorified municipal water, which translates to tap water from another city that has been cleaned up by any number of processes.  Not good.  There are

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Alkaline Water & The Tyent Alkaline Water Company

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 29, 2014 6:07 pm



                  Alkaline Water, Good for You Good for the World




BANNER!    When it comes to water, you don’t have to know many of the particulars about it other than you cant’ live without it, but you should know more.


It used to be that water was just water.  Everyone pretty much drank the same water as everyone else, and that was the water that flowed from your tap.  How times have changed. 


Water shortages, drought, pollution, and a more health-conscious society, all have contributed to change the landscape of water consumption forever.  When I was growing up there was no such thing as bottled water unless it was seltzer water that tasted like Alka-Seltzer without the medicine

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Cola Sales On The Decline Alkaline Water On The Rise

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 26, 2014 6:36 pm


                                                          Soft Drink Sales Going Flat



The sale of those sugary colas that have for so long been a part of the Americana landscape are beginning to lose there fizz.


Recent studies and the data gathered from them, show a more health-conscious society buying less of those harmful sugar-laden drinks and instead, opting for healthier choices like alkaline water.


A demand for drinks with fewer calories coupled with a rejection of artificial sweeteners like diet sodas due to health concerns is helping to drive the change in consumer habits.  Sales of diet drinks are falling fast as well.


Amazingly, people are discovering that water is a nice alternative.  It contains no calories, has no artificial sweeteners or ingredients

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Three ways to Lose Weight With Alkaline Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 25, 2014 6:24 pm


           Proven Tips For Losing Weight With Alkaline Water


Head weight loss Dieting.  Trying to figure out which diet is best for you can be overwhelming to think about.

Some statistics show that at any given time there are as many as 100 million people on some kind of diet in America, while others statistics, such as the ones from Boston Medical Center, place that figure closer to 45 million people. 


 The one hundred million can be explained however, because many people often attempt dieting more than twice a year while some dieters make 3 to 4 attempts at losing weight during that period.


With nearly two-thirds of Americans deemed overweight or obese, it is little wonder that the business

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