Comparing Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water to Bottled Water, Part 1 (Revised)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 19, 2015 7:14 pm

There seems to be a lot of confusion and curiosity about ionized alkaline water these days.  Some people aren’t sure what it is.  Some want to know what it does, while others want to know if it is any better than plain old tap or bottled water.

We're here to remove the confusion about ionized water
We’re here to remove the confusion about ionized water

At Tyent, we want to answer those questions and more including the difference between ionized alkaline water and the tap or bottled water that most people drink every day. 

The question most asked is: 

Is Tyent Alkaline Water Really any Better than Bottled Water…and Why?

Unless you are buying your water or own a water purifier, you are most likely drinking water that

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Why Drink Nasty Ol’ Tap Water When You Can Drink Tyent Water that is Actually Good for Your Body? (New + Improved)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 15, 2015 5:50 pm

It’s no secret that the water running from your tap at home has so many chemicals in it that a chemist might stumble over pronouncing them all.  


With all due respect to those hard-working people at public water-treatment facilities who do their best to ensure the water that flows into your house is the cleanest it can be, there is only so much they can do.  

We have a saying in the South to describe efforts that will end in futility no matter how noble the cause.  It is, “You are whipping a dead horse.”  This statement is not only a clever analogy; it is pretty accurate when it comes to cleaning up tap water in most

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Tyent Answers Your Questions Regarding Ionized Alkaline Water (Version 2)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 14, 2015 7:34 pm

It is mid-week and the questions we receive here at Tyent show no signs of slowing down; if anything, they are speeding up. Every day, more people are realizing there is a healthy alternative to the chemical-laden tap water they are drinking at home.

Tyent Water can bring you peace of mind.
Tyent Water can bring you peace of mind.

 With literally hundreds of chemicals in heavy doses existing in the water at home, it is no wonder that cleaner, safer water is on the minds of many.

While no commercial water ionizer can remove all those chemicals, Tyent’s ionized alkaline water machines have been tested at a State Approved water-testing laboratory and proved to reduce the presence of scores of those chemicals to below acceptable

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Tyent Answers Worldwide Questions About Ionized Alkaline Water (Updated)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 13, 2015 5:19 pm

It’s time to answer your questions again. First up: Is Ionized Alkaline Water Pseudoscience?

Foretelling future from crystal ball
Science supports the benefits of Tyent Water. No crystal ball needed.

Pseudoscience is also referred to as fringe or alternative science. However, let’s get the definition from a dictionary. 

PseudoscienceN. (soo’-doe-siens) a collection of briefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

A few sciences or practices that are considered pseudoscience are UFOlogists, Big Foot hunters, Parapsychologists and others.  Basically, it is believing in something that has yet to be proven scientifically.

Ionized alkaline water is hydrogen rich and that’s a proven fact.  Hydrogen water, also known as alkaline water, is created through a process of electrolysis that …

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It’s Back to Answering Questions at the Tyent Alkaline Water Company (Revised)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 12, 2015 6:03 pm

With only five days to go before the weekend it’s time to start answering questions from around the globe about ionized alkaline water from Tyent. 

The first question up involves pets…well, dogs to be specific.

Let's discuss the doggone truth about pets and alkaline water.
Let’s discuss the doggone truth about canines and alkaline water.

Is Ionized Alkaline Water Good for Dogs?

Yes.  Allow me to elaborate.  Tyent ionized alkaline water doesn’t contain any added chemicals to make it alkaline.  It is also extremely filtered.  In addition, the ionization process involves exposing the water to a series of positive and negative electrical charges which is also chemical free.  This process is known as electrolysis.

Ionization creates ultra-hydrating water.  Dogs are especially vulnerable to heat strokes on very hot days

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The Tyent Water Ionizer Company Keeps Rolling on with Questions and Answers (New and Improved)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 8, 2015 6:41 pm

The “never ending list of questions”… never ends. Seriously though, I very much enjoy reading the vast variety of questions that come across my desk each day here at Tyent.  I also enjoy answering them.

Where,who,when,how,why,what,questions and researching concept.

It is important and rewarding to impart accurate information in order for people to reach their own conclusions about ionized alkaline water.

Today holds more interesting queries and it’s time to get started responding. This first question is one that I haven’t heard before. 

Does Tyent Water Boost Your Energy?

We’ll just let these happy Tyent Customers answer this one…

Next question.

Is Ionized Alkaline Water for Real?

Absolutely, ionized alkaline water is for real.  It is real by the very fact that …

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How is Alkaline Water Good for the Earth? Tyent Offers Answers to Questions! (Version 2)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 7, 2015 7:29 pm

Consumers are beginning to realize just how damaging those billions of discarded plastic water bottles are to our little planet. With air pollution from manufacturing, water pollution from littering, and a nightmarish mountain of plastic bottles choking the landfills, bottled plastic water (as I call it) is bad for everybody.

Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.
Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

In addition to the undeniable harmful effects to the world, there is the expense of buying bottled water.  The average price of a 20-ouncer is about a buck and a half. Compare that to Tyent Water, which comes in at about 6 cents a glass.

I have heard some people remark that distilled water is cheap and …

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Ionized Alkaline Water Can Help the Earth and Your Wallet (Updated)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 6, 2015 6:28 pm

In a world where clean drinking water is becoming scarcer, people want healthy alternatives to chemical-filled tap water and expensive bottled water (that may not be any better or cleaner than the water in their pipes at home).

Stop wasting your money on bottled water.
Stop wasting your money on bottled water.

In addition, bottled water has so many negatives attached to it that people are realizing there must be a better way — and there is.  Ionized alkaline water from Tyent is the healthy alternative to tap and bottled water.  Let’s begin with the negatives of bottled plastic water.

What’s So Bad About Bottled Water?

Below are some negative effects of plastic bottled water on your body, your planet and your wallet.  

  • The air pollution created
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Ionized Alkaline Water and Hangovers (Revised)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 31, 2014 5:59 am

Ever wonder if alkaline water is good for hangovers? Well, the answer is yes, alkaline water is actually great for hangovers.  I’ve always heard that after a night of heavy imbibing you sometimes wake up (or come-to) with a pounding headache and insatiable thirst.  Drinking ionized alkaline water from Tyent can help!  

Time for some Tyent Water.
Time for some Tyent Water.

Dehydration is at the root of the hangover and the thirst.  The alcohol absorbs the body’s water causing that deep, body thirst and can also lead to headaches.  Ionized alkaline water allows for faster gastric emptying, which in turn hydrates you faster. That means ionized water can hydrate the body much more effectively than regular water, juice, or sodas ever

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The Pure Truth About Tyent Ionized Water (New + Improved)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 30, 2014 6:09 pm

Every day, people are asking questions about ionized alkaline water, wondering what it is and what all the buzz is about.

Everyone's talking about the benefits of ionized water.
Everyone’s talking about the benefits of ionized water.

The buzz is about great water.  Tyent Water is cleaner, tastes better, has been filtered and ionized; it’s now rich in antioxidants and chock full of necessary minerals. 

I would say there is no comparison between ionized alkaline water and regular water but there most definitely is, and people should know the difference.

Regular, or tap water, is just that — regular water.  Also known as city water, it is the water that flows from your faucet at home and is provided by your municipality.  It is laden with dangerous

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