Hydrogen Water and Anti-Aging

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 5, 2019 7:45 pm

For too long, “looking good” has been a euphemism for “looking young.” The ultimate beauty prize has been to look younger than our years, and there’s a billion-dollar industry out there to prove it.

What’s much more realistic is not “turning back the clock” – but slowing down the way that the natural aging process and the environment can take their toll on your skin.

Fortunately, there’s a simple anti-aging solution out there that we’d love to share with you below!

hydrogen water
Can drinking hydrogen water help reduce wrinkles AND keep you feeling great?

How to Look Great at Any Age

Looking great at whatever age we happen to be is a more achievable goal than trying to look a …

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Hydrogen Water and Increased Energy

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 1, 2019 8:40 pm

When people talk about the benefits they notice after starting to drink hydrogen water from a water ionizer on a regular basis, one of the first things they mention is increased energy.

Below – we’ll tap into:

Does Hydrogen Water Give You More Energy?
How Does Hydrogen Water Give You Energy?
Is Hydrogen Water Better Than Energy Drinks?
Where Can I Get Hydrogen Water to Boost My Energy?

hydrogen water
Ready for some Xtreme hydrogen water energy?

Boost Your Energy with Hydrogen Water!

There is a tangible reason for this, which we’ll come to, but it’s worth flagging up what a life-changer this is. Who couldn’t use more energy!?

Does Hydrogen Water Give You More Energy?

water ionizer
The ALL NEW Tyent Alkaline H2
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Can Hydrogen Water Help Soothe My Heartburn?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 28, 2019 5:38 pm

Heartburn can be extremely painful and is quite common – with an estimate of more than 60 million Americans experiencing symptoms of heartburn at least once a month.

To get an idea of what heartburn is and how you can help soothe the symptoms, we’ll walk you through:

What is Heartburn?
What is the Difference Between Heartburn and Acid Reflux?
What Are Some Common Symptoms of Heartburn?
What Causes Heartburn?
What Are Some Natural Ways to Help Soothe Heartburn?
How Does Hydrogen Water Help Soothe Heartburn?

hydrogen water
Can hydrogen water help alleviate the pain of heartburn?

What is Heartburn?

Heartburn happens when stomach acid passes through the digestive system, specifically in your esophagus.

Sometimes mistaken for heart attack pain, it feels …

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Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Explained

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 22, 2019 9:03 pm

You’ve heard about the incredible power of molecular hydrogen – now you can experience the Xtreme version!

Ready to be wowed? It gets better…

What is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost?
Why is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Better?
Is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Good for Me?
Why Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Matters
Where Can I Get Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost?

molecular hydrogen

What is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost?

The more we learn about the science behind the power of molecular hydrogen, the better we can harness it.

That’s exactly what we’ve done with our newest innovations in engineering – Tyent’s ACE-13 Turbo and the UCE-11 Turbo Water Ionizers.

These ionizers both feature state-of-the-art enhancements – including Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost technology – …

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Hydrogen Water and Inflammation

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 18, 2019 5:21 pm

Millions of people suffer from inflammation and the numbers are set to rise over the next three decades, with The World Health Organization (WHO) citing chronic inflammatory diseases as being among the most significant and prolific causes of death in the world.

We’re here to walk you through…

What is Inflammation?
What are the Symptoms of Inflammation?
What Causes Inflammation?
When is Inflammation Good?
When is Inflammation Bad?
How to Reduce Inflammation
Can Hydrogen Water Help Reduce Inflammation?

Can hydrogen water help sufferers of chronic inflammation?

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a process in which the white blood cells and substances your body produces protects you from tissue damage and infection from viruses and bacteria.

It’s also a protective reaction …

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Hydrogen Water and Anxiety

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 15, 2019 7:34 pm

Whether it’s a sign of the times or not…anxiety is on the rise, affecting 40 million Americans each year.

However – some people may not know that they can get help with dealing with their symptoms of anxiety by turning to hydrogen water from a water ionizer.

How awesome is that!? You’re about to find out how as we answer…

What is Anxiety?
What Causes Anxiety?
Can Hydrogen Water Really Help with Anxiety?

Research indicates that drinking ionized hydrogen water could help with anxiety.

What is Anxiety?

It’s known as your body’s natural response to stress…a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to come.

Last year, there was a 40 percent increase in people feeling more anxious than they …

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Everything You Need to Know About Molecular Hydrogen Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 9, 2019 7:21 pm

Hydrogen is the buzzword on everyone’s lips when it comes to health and well-being. But, have you heard of molecular hydrogen?

Below, we’ll break down exactly what it is: from its astonishing health benefits and how you can drink delicious molecular hydrogen water every day!

What is Molecular Hydrogen?
What Are the Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen?
Is Ionized Water the Same as Molecular Hydrogen Water?
Is Consuming Hydrogen Water Safe?
How Can I Drink Alkaline Hydrogen Water?

molecular hydrogen water
What Does Hydrogen Water Do?

What is Molecular Hydrogen?

Molecular hydrogen has the chemical formula H2 – and is composed of two bonded hydrogen atoms and is the smallest molecule in existence.

The molecule’s minute size enables molecular hydrogen to be dispersed …

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Hydrogen Water and Allergies

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 4, 2019 8:10 pm

Allergies – or as some argue, the diagnosis of allergies – are on the rise. Studies show that 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children in the United States have allergies.

Recently, we’ve received a ton of inquiries about allergies and if you can help treat allergies by drinking ionized hydrogen water. So, we’re here to walk you through:

What Are Allergies?
What Are Some Symptoms of Allergies?
What Causes Allergies?
What Role Does Histamine Play in Allergies?
Can Hydrogen Water Help Treat Allergies?
Where Can I Find a Sale on Hydrogen Water Ionizers?

Could hydrogen water help alleviate your allergies?

What are Allergies?

Allergies are hypersensitive responses from your immune system to certain substances that your body …

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Hydrogen Water and Brain Health

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 9, 2019 4:28 pm

Our brains are composed of 73% water, which is why it’s vital for brain health to be properly hydrated.

Hydrogen water is an awesome way of making sure that we stay properly hydrated, but why is it so different from regular water and moreover, how does it benefit our health?

What is Hydrogen Water?
Why Does the Brain Need Water?
Why is Hydrogen Water Better for Brain Health?
Is Hydrogen Water Good for Health?
Can I Get Hydrogen Water from a Water Ionizer?

hydrogen water
It’s a no-brainer! Hydrogen-rich alkaline water from a water ionizer is brilliant for brain health.

What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water is also called ionized alkaline water.

The process of ionization enables hydrogen gas to dissolve into …

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How To Debloat For Spring In 5 Quick And Easy Ways [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 18, 2019 2:00 pm

Be more confident this spring with these tips on how to debloat.

In this article:

  1. What Is Bloat?
  2. 5 Tips on How to Debloat Fast

How to Debloat | 5 Tips How to Beat the Bloat and Be Body Ready This Spring

Click here to jump to the infographic.

What Is Bloat?

Portrait of the young beautiful smiling woman outdoors enjoying summer sun. Photo with instagram style filters | How To Debloat For Spring In Quick And Easy Ways
What is bloat? Tyent alkaline water is a sundress’ best friend.

When gases get trapped inside the body, they can become points of great discomfort. That’s the feeling of being bloated.

It occurs when there’s a buildup of gas in the digestive tract. When we eat, food moves through the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine or colon.

On the journey, the muscles and bacteria break down food …

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