How Fresh Should Hydrogen Water Be?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 16, 2020 12:00 pm

Molecular hydrogen water tastes fantastic, energizes you from within, and delivers a slew of benefits. But once you’ve filled your glass, how long do those hydrogen bubbles stick around for? Let’s find out!


How Fresh Should Hydrogen Water Be


Is Fresh Hydrogen Water Best?

How Do I Get Fresh Hydrogen Water?

How Fresh Should Hydrogen Water Be?

How Long Does Hydrogen Last in Water?

Does Hydrogen Water Go Bad?

Is Fresh Hydrogen Water Best?

It sure is. Alkaline water fresh from your Tyent water ionizer contains thousands of microscopic bubbles of pure molecular hydrogen. Those bubbles don’t disperse immediately, but nothing beats freshly ionized water positively brimming with the power of molecular hydrogen!

How Do I Get Fresh Hydrogen Water?

Not from a bottle …

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Does Hydrogen Water Equal More Fun?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 9, 2020 12:00 pm


Does Hydrogen Water Equal More Fun


Okay, so here are two scenarios. First: it’s been a long day. You trudge through the door, kick off your shoes and drop into the nearest comfy chair. You snack on something unhealthy, drink a soda that gives you a brief buzzy high, swiftly followed by a heavy-eyed slump, then feel too tired to fix ‘proper’ food, so watch TV with a ready meal and traipse off to bed.

Scenario Two: It’s been a long day. You get home and the first thing you do? Grab a long glass of ionized water, because you know it’s the one thing that can revive you after a day like this one. You drink it and feel the tiny bubbles of

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Hydrogen Water: Health or Hype?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 12, 2020 12:00 pm

You’ve already heard about alkaline hydrogen water. You know that notoriously hard-to-please celebrities love it. You probably know that millions of people around the world are huge fans of the pH-balancing, hottest-way-to-hydrate alkaline water, but still. Is it all smoke and mirrors or does alkaline water deliver what it promises?

Which, to be honest, is a lot.


Hydrogen Water Health or Hype


The Hydrogen Water Sports Star Fan Club

Hydrogen water is credited with everything from boosting your energy – a long list of sports stars swear by its performance-enhancing potency – to fending off and neutralizing damaging free-radicals in the environment.

The theory – and, it seems, a decent share of the science – behind drinking alkaline hydrogen water, is that …

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What is Hydrogen Water?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 15, 2020 12:00 pm

We hear a lot about it, but what exactly is hydrogen water? Why is it so different from regular water, and why should you drink it?

First of all, molecular hydrogen (H2) – what is it? The smallest, lightest molecule in the known universe, is also the most abundant and is almost as old as the universe itself. It’s partly molecular hydrogen’s size that makes it so useful in terms of our health: small enough to cross the blood/brain barrier, it can literally get into the places that other elements can’t.

So molecular hydrogen in water: why do we need that and why do we keep hearing so much about it?

1000 + Clinical Trials


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21 Health Benefits of Hydrogen Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 13, 2020 12:00 pm

Need some fast facts about hydrogen water? We hear you! We’ve listed the top 21 health benefits of hydrogen water that you can start to enjoy once you install your Tyent water ionizer at home!

Let’s check them out!

21 health benefits of hydrogen water

1. Its unique chemical structure means that hydrogen water is more thirst-quenching than regular water. In fact, studies show that hydrogen water is up to 6 times more hydrating than regular water.

2. Hydrogen water is filtered for safety and peace of mind.

3. It gives you incredible energy, which is why hydrogen water can be found in the essential kitbags of [your favorite sports professionals!] link to recent blog.

4. Drinking hydrogen water can support vital healthy kidney function

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Hydrogen Water in 2020

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 3, 2020 5:42 pm

For many people, 2020 is the Big One. It’s the start of a new decade and all of those promises that we keep making to ourselves about being healthier? This is the year that we get it done.

hydrogen water
Make 2020 the year you discover The Hybrid Water Ionizer!

2020: The Year of the Hydrogen Water Ionizer

Maybe it’s the incoming new decade, but a growing consciousness about our health and the constant worry that tap water just isn’t good for us anymore, that’s prompted many people to make 2020 the year they buy a water ionizer.

There’s something a bit existential about the New Year. It prompts us to look back at what has passed, and then firmly look forward …

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Oral Care and Brushing Your Teeth with Hydrogen Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 11, 2019 9:01 pm

Whatever your age or style, practicing good oral care is one thing that most of us tend to strive for. Forget Botox injections or anti-aging fillers – clean, white teeth and healthy gums knock the years off like nothing else!

Below – we’ll dive into what good oral care looks like and what you can drink to give you a healthy, natural smile that shines bright:

What is Oral Care?
What Does Good Oral Care Look Like?
Why Should I Brush My Teeth with Hydrogen Water?

hydrogen water
Is Hydrogen Water fantastic for giving you a healthy, natural smile?

What is Oral Care?

It’s the practice of keeping your mouth clean and free of disease and other problems (such as bad breath) …

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Hydrogen Water and Eye Health

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 9, 2019 4:35 pm

Whether you’re short-sighted, long-sighted or have perfect vision, we all want problem-free, functioning eyes. Did you know that Hydrogen Water helps our eyes to stay healthy? Keep reading below to learn how!

hydrogen water
Hydrogen Water helps to keep your eyes healthy.

Antioxidants and Eye Health

As with everything, eating right is a big factor when it comes to our eyes. Antioxidant-rich foods containing vitamin C are particularly good for our eye health.

Were you ever told as a kid that carrots help you to see in the dark? It seems that our grandmothers’ saying is rooted in scientific fact!

Drinking freshly ionized Hydrogen Water directly from a water ionizer takes things to another level.

It means that you’re maximizing your intake …

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Hydrogen Water and Gut Health

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 2, 2019 6:38 pm

It’s not so long ago that even the medical community tended to think of the gut – your Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract – as being a relatively uncomplicated tube through which food passed.

In fact, the gut is mind-blowingly complex and its importance to our general health and well-being is hard to overestimate – so below we’ll cover:

What is the GI Tract?
Why is Gut Health Important?
How to Eat Your Way to a Healthy Gut
Does Hydrogen Water Help with Gut Health?

hydrogen water
Your GI Tract LOVES Hydrogen Water!

What is the GI Tract?

The GI tract is where food is broken down in the gut so that the nutrients your food contains become bioavailable and ready to be absorbed …

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Hydrogen Water Can Help Prevent and Reduce Hangovers

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 27, 2019 4:52 pm

We all know that the best way to avoid a hangover is to not drink alcohol in the first place. However, it’s the holiday season and the reality is that many people are tempted into drinking a little more of the hard stuff than usual.

hydrogen water
Hydrogen Water can fix your hangover before it even starts!

The Three Greatest Hangover-Busting Tips Ever!

But what about the morning after?

There’s so much to celebrate at this time of year and no one wants to miss a moment of the fun by suffering from the dreaded hangover!

We’ve rounded up the three all-time greatest tips to sensibly enjoying alcohol over the holidays while hopefully avoiding feeling full-on Grinch the following day!


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