Immune System Support with Hydrogen Water

Posted by: On September 25, 2020 12:00 pm

Has there ever been a more important time to boost your immune system? In the age of COVID-19, one of the most vital lines of defense we can cultivate is a resilient immune response.


How Hydrogen-Rich Alkaline Water Supports Your Immune System


Building a Healthy Immune System

Exercising and eating a wide range of simple, fresh, plant-based foods is an awesome start. But there’s one easy tweak that you can make to really encourage a robust immune system – switch the water you drink to hydrogen-rich alkaline water.

Put simply, sip for sip, no water contains more elements to support good health and a strong immune system than hydrogen water. Alkaline hydrogen water from a water ionizer is filtered for safety and contains:

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Water Ionizers and Hair Health

Posted by: On September 16, 2020 12:00 pm

Did summer leave your tresses a little parched? Wondering how you can get your hair looking its best again without resorting to a cabinet full of expensive products that don’t deliver on their promises?


Water Ionizers and Hair Health


A Water Ionizer Helps Your Hair to Shine!

We hear you. But guess what? A water ionizer doesn’t just help you to get the most out of your fitness routine and enjoy a whole slew of health benefits, it can even help to get your crowning glory looking its best.

For example, the Tyent ACE-13 water ionizer has 3 Alkaline and 3 Acidic Levels – as well as Turbo Modes. After you’ve shampooed, try giving your hair a rinse with acidic water on …

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4 Genius Brain Health Hacks

Posted by: On August 26, 2020 12:00 pm

Brain health is crucial, and yet most of us are probably guilty of taking our brains for granted.

As soon as you stop to think about the thousands of incredible feats that our brains help us to achieve every hour of every day, you start to appreciate how brilliant our brains really are – and how we should try to take good care of them.

With that in mind, we’ve nailed down the four most genius, failsafe ways to give your brain some health-focused TLC!


4 Genius Brain-Health Hacks


1. Feed Your Brain

If you only eat junk food, or sugary, fat-laden or chemical-laced processed foods, then over time, some aspects of your health will likely be affected. Your brain is not …

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8 Benefits of Beneficial Minerals

Posted by: On August 12, 2020 12:00 pm

It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of minerals in a healthy, balanced diet. In terms of nutrition, minerals are vital chemical elements essential for organ function and life itself.


8 Benefits of Beneficial Minerals


Lots of foods are particularly rich in minerals. Want to boost your mineral intake? Try these:

  • Leafy greens
  • Legumes
  • Beans
  • Seeds
  • Whole grains
  • Seafood
  • Avocado
  • Nuts
  • Mushrooms

Mineral Rich Water From a Water Ionizer

However, if you really want to max out on minerals and enjoy the reassuring knowledge that you’re getting a slew of all the essential elements that will help your body to thrive, you need to drink alkaline water from a water ionizer.

Water ionizers transform your source water into the most delicious, mineral-rich

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15 Reasons Why You Need Antioxidants

Posted by: On July 31, 2020 12:00 pm

We know that antioxidants are good for us, but why exactly? Check out our top 15 reasons for making sure that you’re getting enough awesome antioxidants in your life!


15 Reasons Why You Need Antioxidants


1. Free radicals corrupt healthy cells and damage them. Antioxidants act as protectors; neutralizing the harmful effect of free radicals attacking your cells.

2. Antioxidants can put the brakes on the oxidation of skin cells, helping your complexion to appear more youthful, with plumped-up dewiness.

3. Free radicals can disrupt immune cells and impair a healthy immune response. The result? You feel exhausted and depleted of energy. Antioxidants go a long way to counter this.

4. A Urinary Tract Infection can usher in oxidative stressantioxidants can help

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What Are the 7 Types of Poop?

Posted by: On June 26, 2020 12:00 pm

We’re aware of some of the visual signs of how we’re doing, health-wise: our skin, eyes, tongue and fingernails are often barometers of wellbeing that we can see and assess, albeit with a layman’s eye.

But what about our poop? Measured according to the Bristol Stool Scale, our poop tells us how our digestive system is doing, whether we’re properly hydrated, and all manner of other things.

So, what is your poop trying to tell you?


7 Types of Poop and What They Mean


1. Pellets

If your poop takes the form of small, separate pellets, then drink more water – it’s a sign of dehydration.

2. Solid, sausage shape but with lumps

Another sign of being dehydrated, and possibly lacking in essential …

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10 Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water

Posted by: On April 13, 2020 12:00 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is BACK AGAIN to discuss the top 10 health benefits of drinking enough water.


Drinking water is key to living a healthier, happier and leaner life. Getting enough water each day has enormous health benefits that affect every area of our health and mental well-being.  Adequate hydration is essential for your body to function at all, let alone optimally.

Just a few facts on drinking water:

  • We are almost 70% water, our blood is 90% water and a startling 90% of brain weight is water.
  • Water is essential for kidney function and other bodily functions.
  • Water is required for every single process in the human body.

Unfortunately, many people are not drinking enough water and are …

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8 Easy Ways to Prevent Dehydration

Posted by: On March 25, 2020 12:02 pm

We know that dehydration is bad for health but what steps can we take to prevent it?

There are quite a few ways to ensure that you don’t become dehydrated – check out our top eight:


8 Easy Ways to Prevent Dehydration

1. Dehydration occurs when your body has lost more water than it has consumed. To put things right – or rather to stop it from happening in the first place – make sure you drink enough water. That means around 7 to 9 8oz glasses of water, or around two liters, every day.

2. Know your body and be mindful of how you’re feeling. If you’re developing a headache, feeling grouchy or finding it hard to focus on a task, then …

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5 Reasons Why Drinking Water May Help You Lose Weight

Posted by: On February 27, 2020 12:58 am

Dr. Lori Shemek is BACK AGAIN to discuss her top 5 reasons why drinking water may help you lose weight!



1.  Water Helps Metabolize Fat

Without drinking water, the body is challenged to properly metabolize fat and stored glycogen or carbohydrates. This process is called ‘Lipolysis’ and needs water for the first step called ‘Hydrolysis.’ Animal studies have shown that drinking water increases this fat burn process.

2.  Drinking Water Helps Suppress Appetite

Drinking water can help stave off those pesky urges to snack and help stop mealtime overeating.  In fact, research shows that people who drink two glasses of water immediately before a meal eat 22% less than those who don’t drink any water.



3.  Blame

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Top 5 Tips To Beat Fatigue

Posted by: On January 24, 2020 2:24 am

Dr. Lori Shemek is BACK AGAIN to discuss her top 5 tips to help beat fatigue!

dr. lori shemek

Feeling rundown, old or tired?  Chances are your fatigue points to your habits or routines that are promoting lack of energy.

Many people are challenged every day with low energy and unfortunately, opt for short-term artificial energy boosters such as sugar or caffeine.

You don’t have to live tired and unmotivated. With just a few simple changes, you will have the energy to meet the day’s demands. Activity and nutrition are an important part of putting more energy into your daily life.

Check out these 5 healthy changes to create more energy each day!

1. Drink Plenty of Water 

A lack of adequate hydration …

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