Water Ionizers and Medication

Posted by: William Poole On February 27, 2016 9:00 am


“Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing?” ~ As You Like It, 4.1

The Bard of Avon would've loved alkaline water.
The Bard of Avon would’ve loved alkaline water.

Shakespeare wondered if it was possible and now the idiom “too much of a good thing” has taken a universal meaning. We are left to wonder, can too much of a good thing become detrimental?

Tyent alkaline water is undoubtedly a good thing. Water ionizers provide delicious alkaline water that has many detoxifying benefits for the human body.  However, there are two times when alkaline water may not be an appropriate choice.

Alkaline Water and Medication

Prescription Medication in Orange Pill Bottles

Modern medicine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind and it saves millions of lives …

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Flint’s Crisis Is America’s Problem

Posted by: Rhona Reid On February 16, 2016 9:00 am

On January 5, 2016, at the same time as issuing an apology for the decisions that had led to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder declared a state of emergency.

Toxic Water Is Not limited To Flint
Toxic Water Is Not limited To Flint

Tip Of The Iceberg

The horror of just how many children have been affected by lead poisoning in Flint continues to unfold, and the inevitable lawsuits are coming in. But to understand the true extent of the problem, it’s necessary to cast a wider net than just over the beleaguered largest city of Genesee County.

“Lead in Flint is the tip of the iceberg. Flint is a teachable moment for America.” ~Dr. Richard J. Jackson, former director of the

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5 Unique Ways To Preserve Your Memory (Hint: Don’t Forget the Alkaline Water)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 26, 2016 9:00 am

Failing to remember things is one of those afflictions that is often joked about, but for the person who struggles to keep track of where, when and who, it isn’t always a laughing matter.

“I forgot where I put the list of all of the reasons I have to stop making lists.”

Work can be affected, arrangements are fraught with the possibility of being misremembered, and you end up with so many lists that you need a separate filing system to keep track of them all!

What many people don’t know is that there are powerful ways to boost your memory. If you’ve left your ‘phone at the office one too many times, or forgotten to post that vital …

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Can Alkaline Water Help Manage Diabetes?

Posted by: admin On September 5, 2015 2:00 pm

Diabetes is a troublesome affliction that is a growing health problem in the United States.


Unhealthy diets and a lack of physical activity are major reasons for the increasing number of Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes diagnoses. Recently, I had a first-hand experience with the disease when my best friend Bryan was diagnosed.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependence) is common in children as the result of a pancreas that doesn’t produce enough insulin. Type 2 arises later in life and is a condition in which the body does not use insulin as effectively as it should.

The Effects of Insulin


Insulin is a natural hormone that allows the body to use the sugars that we eat as …

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Rid Yourself of Cancer-Causing Chlorine with a Sleek Tyent Shower Filter

Posted by: admin On August 3, 2015 2:27 am

I started swimming competitively when I was eight years old. Sure enough, every swimming season my skin would become flaky and my hair, which is naturally blonde, would take on an embarrassing green tint. Underwaterswimmer

These symptoms were caused by overexposure to chlorine and startlingly,  the same chlorine that sterilizes swimming pools is present in shower water. Here is the scary truth about chlorine and The Tyent Water Ionizer Company’s solution.

Water Ionizers Remove Chlorine from Drinking Water but…

My tap water is full of harmful chlorine which is why my family uses a Tyent alkaline water ionizer for our drinking water, http://tyentusa.com/alkaline-water-benefits-uses-studies. However, did you know that showers expose humans to the most chlorine? In fact, Science News published …

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How Tyent Alkaline Water Works For Professional Athletes, Updated

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 14, 2015 4:35 pm

At Tyent USA, we have a lot we could brag about as far as achievements go and the growing list of happy customers we are amassing, but that’s not our style.  We prefer to let others do the boasting while we keep working to get better at what we do.

Your horn is always louder when someone else honks it.
Your horn is always louder when someone else honks it.

Last year was a great year for us and this year is starting off even better. We were awarded Best Ionizer for 2014 and now, Ionizer of the Year for 2015, both, major accomplishments in the ionized alkaline water business. Every day more and more people are discovering the multitude of health benefits that drinking Tyent Water provides

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While You Compare Alkaline Water Purifiers, Remember Tyent Won Ionizer Of The Year…Again (Version 2.0)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 13, 2015 7:37 pm

Granted, there are a lot of companies nowadays in the alkaline water business.  It is big business and a very competitive one at that.  Some companies are pretty good while others are not so good.  So how does one discern which is which when all are going to tell you they are a good company?  The answer, of course, is by comparing them to each other.

The Advantages To Owning a Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water Purifier Are Many
The Advantages to Owning a Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water Purifier are Many

By comparing companies and their respective products, we can gain insight as to what type water purifiers they sell, their degree of quality, and how they stack up against other reputable companies. Under Testimonials is another great place to learn more

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Your Health…What’s it Really Worth?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 10, 2015 4:43 pm

Few things are sweeter than having a bit of money saved up for a rainy day. Yes, there are many ways a little extra money can be spent of course, but have you considered investing that money into a product that will pay you and your family healthy dividends for a lifetime?  Perhaps you haven’t, but you may want to consider it.

April showers bring may flowers but also an incredible opportunity to enjoy better health.
April showers bring may flowers but also an incredible opportunity to enjoy better health.

I’m talking about investing in an ionized alkaline water purifier from Tyent for your home or place of business. The advantages to your health from drinking ionized alkaline water are undeniable and supportable.  Just drinking water that is much cleaner than you are

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Reduce the Amount of Chemicals in Your Water with Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water (Back by Popular Demand)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 9, 2015 5:16 pm

I have been writing this blog for the Tyent Alkaline Water Company for over a year now and honestly, for the first few weeks I was literally dreaming about alkaline water. 

Portrait of a sleeping man

And while I have learned a great deal about water, ionized water, ionized alkaline water, acidic water, yada, yada, yada, I just watched an impressive Tyent video and learned some things I did not know.  

That surprised me because I felt I pretty much knew all there was to know about varying types of water and the machines that produce it. 

The Video 

The video I watched (below) compared a Tyent alkaline water ionizer to the king of the hill, Kangen machine. Kangen was the first company I’d

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There Are Good Reasons Why People Love, Love, Love Their Tyent Water Ionizers (Revised)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 6, 2015 4:43 pm

There are many companies out there in the alkaline water business…some are better than others. If you are considering an ionized alkaline water purifier for your home or office, consider this; there is only one company in this business today that can truthfully say, “We make the best water ionizer in the business”, and it’s The Tyent Alkaline Water Company. 

What separates Tyent from the rest of the field you may ask?  Quality.  Quality, backed by the best warranty you’ll find on an alkaline water ionizer and a commitment to maintain that quality.  Tyent’s warranty is a no-fine-print Lifetime Warranty. 

We want you to be happy with your purchase. We want you to love your water ionizer 

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