Is Buying A Water Ionizer Worth It? 

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 26, 2016 9:00 am

Buying a water ionizer is a fairly major purchase for most people.  Although the cost-per-glass comes in at around a tiny 6 cents, the initial cost is significant enough for you to need a bit of reassurance that you really need this in your life.

Investing in your health is the greatest investment you can make.
Investing in your health is the greatest investment you can make.

Without wanting to sound trite, your health is something that you’re unlikely to regret investing in.  Ionized alkaline water is feted the world over by people who have experienced the benefits of drinking it, and their testimonials make persuasive reading.

“Since drinking Tyent Water™, we have had no allergies, no colds, and everybody has more energy. Pretty amazing!”  

~ Dr.Christopher Fiordaliso

 How Ionized

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Alkaline Water and Your Colon

Posted by: William Poole On May 9, 2016 5:57 pm

Let’s talk about your colon. Not exactly a sexy topic, but it is an important one nonetheless.

Alkaline water is a street sweeper for the colon.
Alkaline water is a street sweeper for the colon.

The colon plays an important role in digestion and a healthy, hydrated colon is important to the health of all humans. Alkaline water is the perfect fluid to help cleanse this organ.

What is the Colon and What Does it do in the Body?

The colon, or large intestine, is the final stage of the digestive tract. It is here that water and salt are absorbed from food and waste is stored for excretion. Basically, the colon is a filtration center for the body that mostly screens waste from water and useful salts.…

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STOP! Don’t Eat Anymore Fruits or Vegetables Until You Read This

Posted by: William Poole On April 29, 2016 9:00 am

The organic craze of the last decade was largely a rebuttal against the unsavory yet common practices of modern industrial farming. In order to maximize yield and to protect crops from pests, farms have taken to spraying their fruits and vegetables with pesticides.

Tractor spraying wheat field

Pesticides are poisons meant to kill living things and when we eat food from the grocery store, the surfaces are inevitably covered in harmful chemicals. That’s why it is important to wash all fruits and vegetables in turbo alkaline water before consumption.

Pesticides and Our Food

Pesticide Application

In theory, pesticides are supposed to be good things because they create more fruits and vegetables for humans to eat. They are also ideally not harmful to humans and only …

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The Flint Water Crisis – Art Imitates Life

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 26, 2016 9:00 am

Where life goes, Hollywood follows.  And so during the same week that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder vowed to drink Flint water both at home and at work for 30 days to give reassurance that it’s safe to consume, a film is being fast tracked through the erm…pipeline.

“Can we get Costner to play Snyder? Tell him it’s another film about water.”

Inspired by Time Magazine’s February cover story “The Toxic Tap,” producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron have optioned the rights and will make the film for Sony Pictures Television.

Another Town in Crisis

The news cannot really come as much solace to the people of Flint, where up to 12,000 children have been exposed to elevated levels of …

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3 Summer Skin Preps Using Your Water Ionizer and Tyent’s Secret Weapon

Posted by: William Poole On April 23, 2016 9:00 am

Summer can be especially hard on skin. People spend more time in the sun, at the beach, and in the pool, and although these are fun activities, they can be cause skin to become dry, or prone to breakouts.

people laying on sand at beach

This summer, use a Tyent water ionizer and Tyent’s “Secret Weapon” to keep your skin happy and healthy all season long.

  1. Use Acidic Level 4.5 Water as a Toner

applying cosmetic cream

Maintaining the proper pH balance of the skin is very important for a healthy complexion, and washing your face with the level 4.5 acidic water from a Tyent water ionizer helps to do just that. Acidic water doesn’t strip the skin of vital moisture or throw off the pH level of the …

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5 Things To NEVER Drink While Trying To Lose Weight

Posted by: William Poole On April 14, 2016 7:35 am

When it comes to dieting, the popular saying “you are what you eat” may not be comprehensive. It would be more accurate to say “you are what you eat and drink.” That’s because drinking the right things is just as important as eating healthy when you are trying to lose weight.

And drink...
And drink…

The main problem with high calorie beverages is the empty calories that they contribute to your diet. They usually contain little, if any nutritional value and don’t do anything to quell hunger pangs.

Basically, when dieting, a calorie is a calorie no matter if you have to chew it or not. Here are five things you should never drink if you are trying to lose …

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Is Bruni the Next Flint? The Town in Texas with Arsenic in the Water.

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 12, 2016 9:00 am

The residents of Bruni, less than 50 miles east of the Mexican border, know exactly how the people of Flint, Michigan feel.

Would you let your child drink this?
Would you let your child drink this?

Another Flint?

Flint, of course, is infamous for the town’s water supply becoming toxic with dangerously high levels of lead.  Bruni’s horror?  Turn on a tap and rife in the cloudy, unappetizing water is arsenic.  Linked to increased risk of developmental and intellectual issues in children, cancer and lung problems; in 2001, the EPA decided that the acceptable level of arsenic in drinking water should be lowered from 50 ppb (parts per billion) to 10 pbb.

This is the root cause of the controversy in Bruni.  During 2014 – 2015,  …

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Got Hard Water? Get What You Need for Your Water Ionizer

Posted by: William Poole On April 9, 2016 9:03 am

Two of the most influential words in the history of American advertising are “got milk?” Along with the milk mustache, the “got milk?” campaign ran for over two decades and is credited with generating a great increase in milk sales.

Forget the milk mustache, put on your alkaline water mustache!
Forget the milk mustache, put on your alkaline water mustache!

Although the campaign is dead, its legacy lingers on. But today, Tyent USA wants you to ask a slightly different question, “got hard water?”

The Hard Water Epidemic

Hard water is an excessively common problem in the United States. According to ExtoxNet, over 85% of the country is affected by hard water which is water that has a high mineral content. These minerals include magnesium and calcium from limestone …

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3 Unbelievable Benefits of Hydrogen Water

Posted by: William Poole On March 26, 2016 9:00 am

The island nation of Japan has one of the highest life expectancy ratings in the world. On average, the Japanese live five years longer than their American counterparts. Now, why is that?

Japanese sushi set

1Z0-061Japanese cuisine receives a lot of the credit for the high life expectancy in Japan and for good reason. Compared to the “Western Diet,” the average Japanese diet consists of less total calories and less artery clogging saturated fat. But, is diet the sole reason for Japanese longevity or could hydrogen-rich alkaline water also play a role?

Hydrogen-Rich Alkaline Water in Japan

Quite simply, hydrogen water is water that has a higher percentage of hydrogen than tap water. Hydrogen water, also known as alkaline water, …

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Five Reasons to Never Drink Unfiltered Water

Posted by: William Poole On March 25, 2016 9:00 am

Plumbing is one of the great innovations of modern society and a sufficient public water supply should not be taken for granted. However, most water that flows from the tap in the USA is not safe for long-term consumption because of the chemicals and hard metals it contains.

Think about where your tap water comes from...
Think about where your tap water comes from…

As such, tap water should always be filtered through a water ionizer before it is consumed and Tyent alkaline water ionizers are the perfect appliance to filter and alkalize your tap water.

Five Reasons to NEVER Drink Unfiltered Water

  1. Water Treatment Is Not Sufficient

The same practices that were used to treat public water decades ago are still in use today. Basically, water …

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