Is a Water Ionizer Really Much Better Than My Well Water?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 20, 2017 12:00 pm

We all know that there are serious problems with America’s water pipelines and infrastructure from coast to coast, so well water must be a better option, right?

What ends up in here is pretty horrifying.
Well, What’s the Truth?

Well water gives an impression of natural purity, untainted by miles of aging, contaminated pipework.  After all, people have drunk well water for hundreds of years.  Lots of us have grandparents who drank water from their own wells, and they all lived to a good old age, right?  Aside from that, some people don’t have a choice – not everyone is joined up to a municipal water source.

Times have Changed

True, but things are different now.  Fracking, construction and …

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2 Things I Hate About My Water Ionizer

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 18, 2017 7:00 am

Love isn’t – despite hundreds of songs and films suggesting otherwise – unconditional.  The flip side of real-life love is hate, a strong word, but who hasn’t been tempted to use it every now and again?  You can love someone, but still hate the fact that they stack the dishes in the sink instead of straight into the dishwasher.  You can adore your soulmate beyond reason, but still hate their “signature” risotto.

Love you, hate this.

So yes, love and hate can co-exist in an everyday way, without drama.  And it’s against this backdrop that I can breathe a sigh of relief and finally get it out there.

There are 2 things that I (used to) hate about my water …

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Is a Water Ionizer Much Better than a Water Purifying Pitcher?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 13, 2017 12:00 pm

There’s a lot of competition for your money when it comes to different ways of drinking clean, safe water.  Many people are unsure about how clean their regular tap water is.  Understandably, they search for an alternative.

This can’t compare to a Tyent ionizer.

Water ionizers might cost more than water pitchers, but does the performance even compare?

Well, let’s see.  A water-purifying pitcher is often better than nothing, but honestly?  It’s a little like comparing a bicycle with a Ferrari.  But why?

  1. How Clean is Your Water?

A top-of-the-range water purifier is capable of slightly improving the quality of your source water and removing some unwanted elements.  However, it’s more likely that the less sophisticated filters (that need to …

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Christmas in July Water Ionizer Sale

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 10, 2017 7:00 am

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire… Hang on.  That’s not right.  It’s not Christmas.  Is it?  Well, of course not, but that doesn’t stop us feeling pretty festive!  Join us as we count down to our fabulous Christmas in July Water Ionizer Sale!

Merry Christmas?  Did I miss something?
The Best Christmas Sale Ever – in July!

That’s right – alongside plans to hit the beach and slap on the sunscreen, you can pick up a Christmas bargain in our jaw-dropping sale!

The Tyent Water Ionizer Christmas in July sale is something pretty special.  We have incredible deals on our water ionizer range with genuine bargains to make this summer your best yet!

What Can a Water Ionizer do
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Don’t Buy a Water Ionizer…

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 6, 2017 12:00 pm

…until you read this!

Why not?  I mean, what could go wrong?  Well, like most products these days, there are definitely water ionizers that you should avoid!

Read our checklist before buying!

A water ionizer is a fairly significant purchase for most households, and it’s worth spending a little time making sure you get the right one.  So what are the five key points that you must consider before handing over your credit card?

  1. Where is the Water Ionizer Made?

This matters so much.  Cheap exports from China and Taiwan are slipping past border controls with fake “lead free” certification stickers on the boxes.  Buy from a reputable, traceable company and don’t get blindsided by “bargains” that might put …

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Yannick Bisson’s Longevity Secret

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 4, 2017 7:00 am

After three decades in the public eye, most of you will recognize Yannick Bisson as an enormously popular A-list television and film actor, with an impressive body of work.  Star of the popular and successful Murdoch Mysteries, now heading into its eleventh season; Bisson is right at the top of his professional game.

A-lister and all-round good guy, Yannick Bisson.
That’s What Friends are For!

Cutting his acting teeth in the 1984 movie Hockey Night and Learning the Ropes on Canadian television, Yannick shot to big-league fame in the series High Tide, co-starring his friend and fellow Tyent Water fan, none other than Rick Springfield!

In fact, it was Rick who introduced Yannick to Tyent Water, when …

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Best Energy Drink Ever!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 27, 2017 7:00 am

The dangers of so-called ‘energy drinks’ are becoming well known.   But what’s the alternative for anyone who needs an extra shot of energy now and then?

Feel like this, naturally.
Shocking New Evidence

Experts have been warning the public about commercially available sugar and caffeine cocktails for years.  Recently, a study by Dr. Emily Fletcher, deputy pharmacy flight commander at Travis Air Force Base in California, hit the headlines.

Health Warning

The research, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, warns that consuming just one serving of commercial energy soda can be enough to harm your body.   Using electrocardiogram, researchers found that a single 32 oz can of energy soda was capable of causing profound changes in …

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5 Hidden Talents of Rick Springfield You May Not Know

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 22, 2017 12:00 pm

Currently somewhere on the road as part of his 2017 tour, Rick Springfield enjoys global fame as a much-lauded and loved singer/songwriter.  But there’s even more to the Grammy Award-winning Australian than his feted music.   

The original Renaissance Man?
Rick Springfield’s Hidden Talents!

While Rick treads the path of the troubadour and shares his towering musical talent with the world, we’re taking a look behind the legend at the 5 Hidden Talents of Rick Springfield.

  1. Coolest Dad in Town. “My dad’s Rick Springfield,” is a pretty awesome line to be able to throw down.  His sons Liam and Joshua have been enjoying that one for years, growing up in Malibu with Rick and their mom, Barbara.
  2. Great Husband! Talking
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5 Summer Weight Loss Tips – Get Fit Fast!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 15, 2017 12:00 pm

Like many of us, are you hoping to shift those last few stubborn pounds before summer?  Yes? Would you like the bad news first?  Sure, let’s get it out of the way.  Well, there’s only a couple of weeks left.  The good news?  We’re here to help – and fast!

Has summer arrived too early again this year?
Get Fit, Fabulous and Hydrated!

Check out our five-point plan to feeling and looking fabulous by the time that summer officially begins!

  1. Eat Clean. That means eating fresh, whole foods and cutting out anything processed or laden with added fats, sugar and salt.  Many people find that by eating a wholefood diet, they shed weight without counting a single calorie!
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The Only Water Ionizer Buying Guide You’ll Ever Need

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 13, 2017 7:00 am

Great – you’ve decided to jump in and make the best possible decision for your health and family.  You’re going to buy a water ionizer!  So, where to start?  As ever, we’re here to help.

Couple choosing a Tyent water ionizer
Choosing a Tyent Ionizer is a great decision!
What to Consider Before You Buy 
  1. Hydrogen. You need to find a water ionizer that naturally adds precious hydrogen to the ionized water.  Some don’t and it really matters.  Tyent Water is brimming with natural hydrogen, minerals and antioxidants in every single glass.
  1. Filters. We all know that America’s water network is in a pretty desperate state, or heading that way.  With an estimated repair bill of around $1 trillion, don’t hold your breath for
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