Life Ionizer Review and Alternatives [2024]

drinking water

Life Ionizer is a brand that promises premium alkaline water quality. However, before purchasing anything from this company, customers should be well informed about whether their claims are accurate.

With the evolution of technology, changes in consumer needs, and some of the controversies surrounding water ionizers by Life Ionizer, a careful evaluation of the brand’s offerings is necessary. Let’s discover the truth about Life Ionizer’s products and explore its safer alternatives in this Life Ionizer review.


What is Life Ionizer?

Life Ionizer is a water ionizer brand. The manufacturer claims that Life Ionizer’s products feature innovative technology to filtrate contaminated water into clean drinking water with higher alkalinity.

What is less known is the controversy surrounding its brand name changes. Originally, they launched as Earth Trade Water and later rebranded to Alkafresh before adopting the current name. This frequent name change and use of other deceptive marketing strategies has raised concerns about their transparency and stability. We discuss the controversies later in this guide to help potential users get a clearer picture of Life Ionizer.

Understanding the implications of their strategies and evaluating their product quality is essential to determining whether they’re the right choice or if it’s safer to go with an alternative.


What to Know Before Buying a Life Ionizer Machine

Before buying a Life Ionizer product, these are the critical factors you should know:

1. Worst BBB Rating in the Industry

Life Ionizer, formerly Earth Trade Water and Alkafresh, has a low reputation, including a previous F rating from the BBB

The low rating reflects the complaints about false advertisement, improper customer service, and deceptive efforts. 

Their rebranding through name changes hasn’t resolved these problems and has contributed to many unsatisfied customers.

2. False Hydrogen Level Claims

Life Ionizer regularly emphasizes high molecular hydrogen levels of Life ionizers; however, these are misleading claims. 

Testing has revealed that the brand manipulates results using excessive water, resulting in false hydrogen level measurements. 

According to the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation, these practices undermine the validity of such claims and cast doubt on the effectiveness and quality of the products.

3. Super Thin Grid, Mesh Plates

Life Ionizer’s grid and mesh plates are thin which can cause problems with effectiveness and durability. 

The thinness contributes to reduced ionization and a shorter lifespan. 

This flaw may affect the machine’s overall performance, potentially leading to a more frequent need for repairs, replacements, and additional costs.

4. Deceptive Payment Plan Contract

Life Ionizer’s payment plan contracts have a no-return policy upon signed agreement. This strict policy traps buyers into keeping a product they may not be entirely satisfied with.

With this in mind, buyers should carefully read and understand the purchasing policies before a final decision.

5. Hardly Any Dealers Sell Their Machines

This brand has a notorious reputation for undercutting dealers.

They often sell directly to customers at lower prices and bypass their dealers, reducing dealer support, availability, and distribution of their products. 

Also, Life Ionizer has been associated with, a site that looks independent but is used to market Life Ionizer as the superior water ionizer manufacturer. 

This undermines their credibility and reveals their misleading and deceptive marketing strategies.


Life Ionizer Review 

Though they claim to offer state-of-the-art technology and exceptional water ionization devices, a closer inspection reveals less desirable aspects of their products and major drawbacks.


Life Ionizer products are focused on water treatment and the range includes:

  • Whole-home filtration systems
  • Alkaline water ionizers
  • Water filters 


Potential Life Ionizer buyers should research the basic specifications and features they are paying for. Here are some possible benefits:

  • Adjustable alkaline levels: Their ionizer enables setting the desired alkalinity level. This is a standard feature that’s available in most water ionizers.
  • Several filtration stages: Some Life Ionizer machines have multiple filtration stages to extract specific impurities like chlorine and heavy metals from contaminated water. However, this feature is already seen in other water purification machines.
  • Compact design: The brand’s ionizers fit on most kitchen countertops. This isn’t groundbreaking or unique to this brand; it’s a common practice to ensure these machines can be used in smaller spaces.
  • Digital features: Life Ionizer water purification machines feature digital interfaces that reveal details like the water’s pH levels and other operational settings. This is not an exclusive feature of this brand; other water purification machines have it, too. 


Despite Life Ionizer’s claims of their ionizer machines’ greatness for water purification, some drawbacks raise concerns about their reliability, quality, and performance. 

These are the main reasons why consumers should think twice before investing in their products:

  • Misleading claims: Life Ionizer is known to manipulate test results using large amounts of water to increase the hydrogen readings. The Molecular Hydrogen Foundation has debunked their claims about high molecular hydrogen levels. 
  • Poor reputation: Life Ionizer, previously known as Earth Trade Water and Alkafresh, has damaged its reputation due to numerous complaints about unethical practices and false advertising. They hold one of the worst BBB ratings and have tried to sidestep these problems through deceptive rebranding tactics.
  • Infective UV lighting: Life Ionizer’s UV technology is ineffective and more of a marketing gimmick than an effective feature. Namely, the small bulb doesn’t provide the needed exposure time to ensure proper sterilization and may need replacement.
  • Thin grid and mesh plates: The grid and mesh plates are thin. As such, they’re likely to wear out quicker, making the machine less effective, reliable, and long-lasting. 
  • No respect for dealers: They tend to undercut dealers on price which has caused many dealers to avoid collaborating with the brand. Life Ionizer’s products are not as available through traditional retailers as they once were. As a result, customers’ access to Life ionizers and proper support and service is limited.
  • Strict payment contracts: The payment plan contracts of this brand are limiting and don’t offer return options once the agreement is signed. If customers are unsatisfied with a Life Ionizer product, they can’t return it. 

Life Ionizer Pricing 

Life Ionizer machines can get expensive, with the alkaline water Life ionizers being priced between $1,500 and $3,500. The final price depends on the model and properties. 

The whole home systems and water filters cost much more than alternatives by other brands. The former ranges between $3,000 and $6,000 and the latter can cost anywhere from $200 to $800.

Potential buyers should consider whether the value, effectiveness, and quality justify the high costs of Life Ionizer products, especially if the concerns about the brand are taken into account.

Life Ionizer Customer Reviews 

Life Ionizer customer feedback is mixed. Many users have expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of the machines and customer service.

For instance, one customer left a review stating that although the company accepted her payment, the product never showed up. She spoke to several people from the company who told her they’d send a similar product since the one she ordered was out of stock, but she didn’t receive that either. She’s been waiting for two months and has started to believe that this company is a scam. 

Another customer said that the product he ordered arrived quickly, but the countertop faucet attachment was damaged in shipping. 


Life Ionizer Alternatives 

Given the controversies surrounding Life Ionizer’s practices, products, and customer service, finding alternatives is vital. 

Many premium water ionization and filtration machines offer stellar customer service and better value for money. 

These are some of the stronger Life Ionizer alternatives worth buying:

1. Tyent Water Ionizers

tyent logo

Tyent Water Ionizers are trusted water ionizer manufacturers. They combine innovative technologies and superior design to meet customers’ needs for water purification and sustainability. 

Their products feature XTREME Molecular Hydrogen Boost, Hybrid Medical-Grade Titanium Plates dipped in platinum, and premium Dual .01 Micron Filtration used in kidney dialysis. 

Their ionizers offer features like Automatic Self-Cleaning, Remote Control, and Flood Prevention Sensors. They’re convenient for households and businesses, boast an easy installation, and deliver exceptional results with each filtration. 

Each purchase comes with a lifetime warranty and ISO 14001 and 9001 certifications, attesting to a continuous commitment to the highest quality and customer satisfaction. Thanks to the well-established distribution network and good collaboration with retailers, Tyent’s products are available globally.

The therapeutic levels of hydrogen in the water filtered in a Tyent ionizer are believed to provide amazing benefits such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, better athletic performance, and cellular protection.

Tyent Water Ionizers


  • UCE-13 Plus “Matte Black” Limited Edition 
  • UCE-13 Plus “Antique Bronze”
  • UCE-13 Plus “Satin Silver”
  • ACE 13 Xtreme Ionizer 
  • H2 Hybrid Ionizer 
  • Edge 9 Turbo Ionizer 

Enjoy the highest hydration levels with Tyent water ionizers. They purify water from toxins and enrich it with therapeutic levels of molecular hydrogen, providing great health advantages. 

Explore Tyent water ionizers now to reap the benefits of water purification starting today!

2. AlkaViva

AlkaViva logo

AlkaViva water ionizers provide water purification systems with up to nine plates, but their potency is lower than that of alternatives. 

The lower plate count reduces the machine’s capacity to produce therapeutic levels of molecular hydrogen, a major health benefit.

The single ultrafilter is claimed to eliminate 99.9% of pollutants; however, it’s still less than the percentage of multi-stage filtration systems.

Most of their products come with a 3-year warranty compared to other options like Tyent Water Ionizers that offer a lifetime warranty, potentially reducing customer satisfaction.

Products & pricing 

  • Delphi H2 Undersink Water Ionizer:$3,494.99
  • Vesta H2 Alkaline Water Ionizer-Countertop:$3,194.00
  • Athena H2 Water Ionizer:$2,594.99
  • Melody II Water Ionizer-Countertop:$1,7994.99


  • Don’t produce therapeutic levels of molecular hydrogen due to small plates 
  • The filtration system may not be as powerful as alternative multi-stage systems 
  • Alkaviva only offers a limited 3-year warranty for some of their products
  • They lack premium features like strong power output, customization, enhanced cleaning, etc. 

3. Enagic Water (Kangen Water)

Enagic Water

Enagic’s Kangen water ionizers have outdated technology from 1999 and still are not very affordable. They work on transformer power supply and there’s no option to set the needed power for the desired mineral content of the water. 

They cannot produce therapeutic levels of molecular hydrogen due to insufficient plates. These ionizers have a single 20-micron carbon filter. 

Enagic machines require chemicals like sodium hypochlorite and sodium chloride for the electrolysis. The installation may be more complex due to the need for chemicals. 

Products & pricing 

  • LeveLuk K8 Water Ionizer:$3000-$5000, depending on retailer 
  • LeveLuk SD 501 Water Ionizer:$3900-$5000, depending on retailer 
  • LeveLuk SD 501 Platinum Water Ionizer:$4000-$5000, depending on the retailer
  • LeveLuk JrIV Water Ionizer:$2980-$3,280, depending on the retailer 
  • LeveLuk R Water Ionizer:$1,980-2,280, depending on the retailer 


  • Relies on outdated technology
  • Lacks innovative features 
  • Small plate size and number
  • Only one filter 
  • Requires the use of sodium chloride and sodium hypochlorite
  • Limited 3- to 5-year warranty (a mandatory professional cleaning in the first year to keep the warranty) 
  • High prices don’t correspond with the real value of the machines (the money goes to MLM commissions)
  • Replacement costs for parts and filters add to the overall expense


More About Life Ionizer Water

Hydrogen-rich water from Life Ionizer machines is deemed the healthiest because of the brand’s innovative approach to water ionization. 

This Life Ionizer review shows that the brand uses foul business practices and their products’ quality and effectiveness are highly questionable. 

What is the difference between Life Ionizer and Kangen?

Life Ionizer and Kangen differ in technology and ionization. 

The former uses more advanced filters and several plates to maximize the levels of molecular hydrogen. 

The latter uses less advanced technology, fewer plates, and requires the addition of chemicals. Kangen’s prices are unjustifiably high due to MLM commissions whereas Life Ionizer doesn’t rely on this type of marketing.

What is the best water ionizer? 

The best machine for hydrogen-rich water depends on the budget, preferred features, and health goals.

Water ionizer experts recommend choosing ionizers with high levels of plates, sufficient power output, and innovative filtration systems capable of removing most toxins. 

Compared to Life Ionizer and other brands, Tyent ionizers stand out because of their impressive performance, excellent durability, and premium features that guarantee therapeutic levels of hydrogen.

What is the difference between a water filter and a water ionizer?

Water filters eliminate contaminants like heavy metals, bacteria, and chlorine. On the other hand, ionizers filter water and change its pH levels via electrolysis.

This divides the water into alkaline and acidic streams. The former is abundant in molecular hydrogen which is believed to possess certain health benefits. 

Unlike Life Ionizer’s machines that claim advanced filtration and ionization, other ionizers like Tyent’s are more comprehensive and reliable, with a long list of innovative features for wholesome water treatment. 

What is the process of the water ionizer?

This process includes water filtration to eliminate contaminants. Then, the water goes through electrolysis by passing through the plates with an electric current.

This divides the water into two streams, i.e. alkaline and acidic. Alkaline water contains molecular hydrogen and hydroxyl ions and is praised for its antioxidant properties. Acidic water may be used for disinfection and cleaning. 

To determine how efficient a water ionizer is, it’s essential to consider the power through the number of plates and their size.


The Bottom Line: Life Ionizer vs Tyent 

Tyent water ionizers stand out because of their unmatched efficiency and advanced technology. 

While our Life Ionizer review shows they use older technology and deceptive marketing, Tyent offers exceptional features like multi-level filtration, medical-grade plates, and XTREME molecular hydrogen boost.

The brand is dedicated to innovation in water purification and provides top-notch customer service. 

With Tyent products, you get durable and efficient water ionizers created for straightforward installation and customer-friendly policies such as a free trial period of 75 days and a lifetime warranty.

Discover the benefits of Tyent’s state-of-the-art water ionizers today!


Tyent USA 

Before deciding on the most affordable life water ionizer for your home or business, consider where you will place it, how you plan to use it, and your budget. And, consider the controversies surrounding this brand.

Tyent’s wide array of quality and innovative water ionizers are easy to install and come with a 75-day trial period and a lifetime guarantee on the exclusive systems. Tyent machines are designed with sustainability in mind and possess the power and multi-filtration systems needed to produce oxygen-rich water with therapeutic hydrogen levels.

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