What Are the Benefits of Hydrogen Water? [2024]

Pitcher of water

Since the discovery of the benefits of molecular hydrogen in the early 2000s, plenty of studies have demonstrated its positive effects on various diseases, including cancer and heart disease. 

Growing interest in the topic has fueled trends on social media platforms featuring the benefits of hydrogen water. But what exactly is it, and what does it contain?

Here’s everything you need to know about hydrogen water and some of its many benefits.


What Is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water, also referred to as hydrogen-infused or hydrogen-rich water, is regular water enhanced with extra hydrogen molecules (H2). Water molecules have two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule, hence its chemical name H2O. However, the body can’t absorb hydrogen in plain water because it’s bound to the oxygen molecule.

These colorless molecules are extremely small, so they can easily dissolve in water. The idea behind hydrogen water is that the extra hydrogen molecules added to water are “free,” making them more accessible to our cells so they can benefit from its antioxidant effects.

Brands typically sell hydrogen water packed in aluminum cans or pouches. Some brands sell dissolvable hydrogen tablets that you can add to your drink. There are also systems, like Tyent’s H2 Hybrid, that let you create your own hydrogen water in the comfort of your home.


Hydrogen Water Nutrition Information

Like plain water, molecular hydrogen water contains no calories, protein, carbohydrates, or fat. It may contain trace amounts of vitamins and minerals. Its contents depend on your water source, whether you make your own hydrogen water, or if you purchase yours from the market. 

Based on data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), drinking water may contain traces of the following minerals:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Fluoride

These minerals are essential for various bodily functions, such as bone health, muscle function, and nerve signaling. While the amounts in drinking water are typically small, they contribute to your overall intake of these nutrients.

When choosing hydrogen water, you can benefit from these trace minerals just as you would with regular water, but with the added potential benefits of molecular hydrogen, such as its antioxidant properties. 


Hydrogen Water Benefits

Molecular hydrogen’s small size, neutral charge, and low mass allow it to easily penetrate cellular membranes and perform its therapeutic antioxidant properties, which is responsible for the numerous health benefits of hydrogen water. 

Here are some benefits you can expect from drinking water rich in molecular hydrogen:

1. Boosts Your Energy

When you exercise hard, your body uses up oxygen quickly, producing lactic acid. This lactic acid build-up can cause a burning sensation in your muscles and make you feel fatigued, a condition called exercise-induced acidosis.One study found that drinking hydrogen water  before working out reduced fatigue and improved endurance. Similarly, a 2023 review and meta-analysis found that supplementing with hydrogen water alleviated fatigue in healthy adults.

face wash with water


2. Boasts Beauty Benefits 

While consuming hydrogen water is the primary way to reap all of its benefits, a few studies have also found benefits of hydrogen water on the skin. For instance, a small 2022 study observed anti-aging effects, such as reduced wrinkles and blotches and improved skin moisture and oiliness, after participants used hydrogen water-impregnated towels for 11 to 98 days.

Since reactive oxygen species are involved in chronic inflammatory diseases like psoriasis, one study examined hydrogen water’s effects. It found that bathing in hydrogen water for eight weeks reduced itchiness and improved disease severity in psoriasis patients.

Building on the potential health benefits of hydrogen water for conditions like psoriasis, what sets Tyent’s H2 Hybrid apart from the competition is its twin-cell hybrid technology, offering the versatility to choose between alkaline, hydrogen, neutral, acid water, or even create alkaline molecular hydrogen water

This means that whether you’re seeking relief from inflammatory skin conditions, like those shown to improve with hydrogen water, or simply want to enhance your overall wellness, the H2 Hybrid provides a customized solution. This flexibility allows you to customize your water for various purposes, such as drinking, cooking, cleaning, and even facial care! Try the H2 Hybrid to fully enjoy the benefits of hydrogen water.

3. Improves Gum Health

The mouth is home to billions of bacteria. However, bacteria buildup can lead to problems, like gum disease. One study found that hydrogen water has antibacterial properties and greatly reduced bacterial count from plaque samples in individuals with chronic gum disease. 

Meanwhile, a similar study found that hydrogen-rich water effectively reduced inflammatory reaction, oxidative stress, and bacterial growth in people with the disease.

Hydrogen rich water effectively inhibits the inflammatory reaction, oxidative stress level, and bacterial growth in patients with periodontal disease.

4. Defends Against Free Radicals

Free radicals are unstable, highly reactive molecules produced by natural processes in the body, such as metabolism, exercise, and energy generation. You can also get free radicals from external sources like foods that lack nutrition, radiation, pollution, toxins, and chemicals. These unstable molecules can harm cells and are linked to diseases and premature aging.

Hydrogen molecules selectively scavenge free radicals, protecting cells against oxidative stress. This condition occurs when there are too many free radicals and insufficient antioxidants to eliminate them. 

One study found that drinking hydrogen water for two months increased antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects among soccer players, aside from increasing the richness and diversity of their gut flora. 

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5. Improves Metabolic Health 

Metabolic syndrome includes conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, and insulin resistance. Having these conditions can increase your risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Inflammation and oxidative stress contribute to these conditions. Hydrogen water, with its antioxidant properties, may help prevent them.

In a 2020 randomized controlled trial, high-concentration, hydrogen-rich water treatment reduced blood sugar and cholesterol levels, improved inflammation markers, and slightly reduced weight in people with metabolic syndrome.

Getting more hydrogen molecules in your drink ensures you get the most benefits. However, many home ionizers claim to infuse high concentrations of molecular hydrogen despite having only 7 to 9 plates.

Tyent’s Hybrid H2 ionizer stands out with more plates and advanced technology, producing higher levels of therapeutic hydrogen. It offers the highest levels of molecular hydrogen in the industry, up to 1.8 ppm, with an oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of up to -1150. Lower ORP readings mean more potent antioxidant properties, ensuring that you get maximum antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Learn more about Tyent’s Hybrid H2 here.

6. Reduces Inflammation 

When free radicals damage proteins, lipids, and DNA, the damaged cells release signals that attract immune cells to the site of injury, initiating inflammation. The immune cells also produce additional free radicals, creating a cycle of inflammation and oxidative stress.

A 2020 randomized, double-blind, controlled trial found that those who drank 1.5 liters of hydrogen water per day for four weeks showed reduced inflammatory responses and greater antioxidant capacity than those who drank plain water. The study demonstrated hydrogen water’s ability to modulate the body’s immune response and reduce overall inflammation.

Since chronic inflammation is associated with various diseases, reducing inflammation can help prevent these conditions.

7. Improves Athletic Performance 

A randomized, double-anonymized, placebo-controlled trial found that hydrogen-rich water treatment significantly increased blood alkalinity in physically active males. 

 Having hydrogen water readily available allows you to reduce muscle fatigue and enhance recovery not just after workouts, but also after a long day of work. This makes it a convenient option for staying refreshed and energized throughout your day.

8. Improves Liver Function

Hydrogen water was also found to help protect against liver injury thanks to its role in reducing oxidative stress and modulating the inflammatory response. It also improved liver function among those with liver diseases and helped treat complications of cirrhosis.

9. Supports Mental Health 

Aside from its physical benefits, medically reviewed studies also found several benefits of hydrogen water on people’s mental functions. Neuroinflammation is linked to fatigue, mood disturbances, sleep problems, and anxiety. Hydrogen water can boost mood, focus, concentration, and memory by reducing oxidative stress.  

One study found that after four weeks of consuming hydrogen water, adult volunteers experienced improved anxiety and mood levels. Researchers believe this is because hydrogen water crosses the blood-brain barrier, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the central nervous system thereby helping control negative emotions. Additionally, a 2016 study showed that drinking hydrogen-rich water reduced depressive-like behavior in mice.


Negative Side Effects of Hydrogen Water 

Experts believe that hydrogen water is safe and doesn’t carry risks. In addition, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers hydrogen water to be a food additive when added to drinking water and other beverages. The agency considers them generally recognized as safe (GRAS) as long as the molecules don’t make up more than 2.14% of the drink.

Tips for Drinking Hydrogen Water 

Feel free to enjoy hydrogen water just as you would regular water—drink it anytime and aim for multiple glasses throughout the day.  However, to fully enjoy all of its benefits, here are some helpful tips:

  • Hydrogen is a small molecule, so store it in glass or aluminum containers instead of plastic to retain the hydrogen in your drink.
  • Drink hydrogen water within a few hours after making it or opening the container (for purchased ones).
  • Don’t boil hydrogen water since this will cause the hydrogen molecules to evaporate. 
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to light and heat. This can accelerate the dissipation of the molecules.
  • Drink hydrogen water on an empty stomach or at least 30 minutes before a meal to increase its chance of being absorbed.

Enjoy the convenience of having hydrogen water anytime with Tyent’s H2 Hybrid. For those who don’t want to worry about storage or spending too much on store-bought options, Tyent’s system is perfect. 


More on Hydrogen Water Benefits 

Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about hydrogen water. 

How long does hydrogen water last?

It takes about six to eight hours before hydrogen water loses its charge. However, it’s best not to let hydrogen water sit too long. Instead, it’s recommended that you finish it as soon as possible after opening or creating it. 

How do I make hydrogen water?

You can make hydrogen water by using a water ionizer system like Tyent’s H2 Hybrid. All it takes is a press of a button to transform your source water into hydrogen-rich alkaline water. This is done through a process called electrolysis, where an electric current is to split water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules. 

Is hydrogen water good for the brain? 

Yes, hydrogen water is good for the brain. Hydrogen water can cross the blood-brain barrier and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain. Drinking hydrogen water was also found to improve cognitive functions like concentration and focus, memory, and attention. 

Studies show that supplementing with H2 water benefits those with neurological conditions, such as brain injury, stroke, and Parkinson’s disease.

What are the benefits of hydrogen water on the face?

Hydrogen water can reduce blotches and wrinkles when applied to the face. Bathing in hydrogen-rich water can also reduce inflammation in people with inflammatory skin disorders like psoriasis.


Choose the Best Hydrogen Water Machine by Tyent 

Hydrogen water offers numerous benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving skin and gum health, and boosting metabolic and mental functions. Its antioxidant properties help combat oxidative stress, contributing to overall well-being.

With just a touch of a button, Tyent’s Hybrid H2 water ionizer lets you easily create this healthy drink at home, providing a convenient way to enjoy the many health benefits of hydrogen water. 

Tyent’s advanced technology boasts a unique twin-cell system and solid/mesh hybrid medical-grade titanium plates, letting you enjoy higher levels of molecular hydrogen, ensuring maximum health benefits with every glass.

Discover the benefits of Tyent hydrogen water for yourself—check Tyent’s Hybrid H2 water ionizer today!

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