What is Dead Water?

What is Dead Water

We can probably agree that ‘dead water’ sounds unappetizing, right? What is dead water and why should you avoid drinking it?

What’s So Great About Water? 

Let’s start with why water is so amazingly good for you. A compound of two vital elements – hydrogen and oxygen – water can exist in a gas, liquid or solid state, and is inseparable from life on Earth.  

As well as keeping you hydrated around the clock, water is essential to the survival of all species. Apart from the unbeatable sensation of how water slakes your thirst and refreshes your mind and body, it also contains minerals that are vital for a healthy, strong you, including: 

  • Magnesium 
  • Potassium 
  • Calcium 
  • Sodium  
  • Iron  
  • Zinc 

So that’s ‘normal’ water. Now, back to dead water. 


Why Would You Drink Dead Water? 

Dead water is water that has had all those amazing minerals removed. It is still liquid, but it no longer contains the key trace elements that make water uniquely vital to good health 

Why would anyone choose to drink dead water? In fact, why is dead water even a thing 

Here’s the reason. Sometimes, people have little to no choice about the water they drink. In war zones; post-natural disaster, military personnel out in the field and countless other situations where there is no usable water infrastructure, people still need to drink water to live. In those circumstances, reverse osmosis water systems are frequently employed. 


What is Dead Water? 

Reverse Osmosis, Some Bottled Water and Distilled Water is Dead Water!

Those reverse osmosis water systems are fantastic for transforming dirty, brackish or contaminated water into potable water. Clean water is produced by using considerable pressure to force the available water across and through a fine membrane. This process is very efficient, removing contaminants and organic matter. The resulting water is clean, so, what’s the problem? 

Dead Water

Dead Water Can Be Harmful to Your Health 

The danger arises as a result of the efficiency of the process. The same technology that removes all contaminants also removes the vital minerals that your body needs to be healthy. It cannot differentiate between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ elements in the water, so reverse osmosis removes them all. The result is ‘dead water.’ 

You can drink dead water for a limited period of time without experiencing ill effects. However, even the World Health Organization counsels against drinking dead water on a long-term basis, as you would be starving your body of the water-borne minerals it needs.  

There’s another problem with dead water. The lack of minerality makes it inherently unstable. Once inside your body, RO water will try to stabilize itself by absorbing any available minerals in your body. What’s a great source of easily available minerals? Your bones and teeth, both of which are primary targets for dead water.  


Dead Water Doesn’t Even Hydrate Properly 

Dead water still quenches your thirst, right? Not in the same way as regular water. One point that many people make when they drink dead water is that it doesn’t seem to hydrate properly. There are good reasons for this: the electrolytes removed from reverse osmosis and distilled water are the ones that regulate hydration and ensure that the right things are delivered to the right parts of your body. That’s why you still feel thirsty after drinking ‘dead’ water. 


Distilled Water is Also Dead Water 

Reverse osmosis water and distilled water are the most common types of dead water. Both are great in an emergency but are unsuitable for daily drinking. 


The Best Water for a Healthy Life! 

A Tyent Water Ionizer removes contaminants from your source water while leaving the minerals intact and bioavailable. All the good stuff, none of the bad! Nothing beats our technology for safe, clean delicious water for the whole family. Want to learn more? Call up our friendly team today! 


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