How Much Does a Water Ionizer Cost?

We want our families to be as healthy and safe as possible, but we also need to balance the monthly budget as well.

When we look at the cost of a water ionizer, and then compare it to the price of a bottle of water, all our good environmental intentions are at sudden risk of flying out of the window.

But here’s the thing: glass-by-glass, buying a water ionizer is the cheaper option in the longer term. You can even save money when you buy a water ionizer! Let’s look at how!

Eight Times Eight = Feeling Great!

We know that in order to maintain good health, we need to drink around eight x 8-ounce glasses of water every day – or approximately three or four 16-ounce bottles of water per day.

Let’s imagine a family of four people doing just that, therefore consuming roughly 2 gallons of drinking water per day. The cost of bottled water varies, but a quick check of several retail websites indicates that the average price of a 16.9-ounce bottle of water is around 50 cents per bottle.

We’re going to err on the side of minimizing cost, so let’s say that each person drinks three-and-a-half 16.9-ounce bottles of water each day. That’s $1.75 each, multiplied by four people, so $7 per day. Multiply that figure by 365 days in a year, and you have a total annual cost of $2555.

Drink fancy, artisan-style water and the cost soars even higher. But still, $2555 per year, to make sure that everyone in your family is drinking an adequate amount of clean, safe water?


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How a Water Ionizer Saves You Money

Now compare that to a Tyent Water Ionizer. Right now, you can buy our industry-leading ACE-13 water ionizer, at our current sale price, with the following cost and discount breakdown:

ACE-13 Water Ionizer $5995
Tyent Lifetime Warranty $1500
Tyent Ultra Filtration Upgrade $30
Tyent’s Ultimate Lifestyle Kit $60
Tyent’s Hybrid Plate Upgrade $225
Tyent’s pH Test Kit $12
Tyent TM-X Beauty Soap $25
H2 Energize Hydrogen Tablets $60
Total Value $7,907

Special offer for the entire package = $3,995

Tyent Water Ionizer Financing – Our Best-Ever Deal!

Can you believe this incredible saving? Your state-the-art water ionizer will last a lifetime and pay for itself by next autumn! We even offer our best financing package yet, with $0 down and low monthly payments.

Remember that a Tyent Water Ionizer plumbs directly into your existing water supply, so no more plastic bottles…just clean, safe delicious hydrogen-rich water at the push of a button!

Think you can’t afford a water ionizer? It’s time to think again!  Apply now for a risk-free quote!


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